JOHN VON NEUMANN • Von Neumann was a child prodigy,is Budapest, Hungary. When only six years old he could divide eight-digit numbers in his head. He received his early education in Budapest, under the tutelage of M. Fekete, with whom he published his first paper at the age of 18. At the University of Budapest he studied Chemistry and received his diploma in 1925 in Chemical Engineering. He completed his doctoral degree in 1928. He quickly gained a reputation in set theory, algebra, and quantum mechanics.
VON NEUMAN CONTINUED… • Von Neumann's interest in computers differed from that of his friends by his quickly perceiving the application of computers to applied mathematics for specific problems, rather than their mere application to the development of tables. During the war, von Neumann's expertise in hydrodynamics, ballistics, meteorology, game theory, and statistics, was used in several projects. This work led him to consider the use of mechanical devices for computation, and although people thought that his first computer encounter was with the ENIAC, it was actually with Howard Aiken's Harvard Mark I (ASCC) calculator. • Von Neumann was an executive management consultant, serving on several national committees, applying his amazing ability to rapidly see through problems to their solutions.
THE EXPANSION OF MEMORY. • Firstly there are the two most important types of RAM; DRAM & SRAM. SRAM maintains its data as long as there is power and it doesn’t need to be refreshed and is more expensive than DRAM. DRAM needs to be refreshed constantly. • The way memory is packaged is in a SIMM (Single In-Line Memory Module), DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module), RIMM (Rambus In-Line Memory Module) or SODIMM ( Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module). • SIMMs increased to a 72 pin connector, DIMM is 168 pin, RIMM is these vary and use heat sinks and SODIMM is 72 or 144 pin and is laptop memory.
THE ROLE OF CACHE MEMORY AND THE EXPANSION OF MEMORY • Cache memory was made as the first attempt at using memories of different speeds. • Cache memory is expensive and restrictions in size. • It is of course expensive to expand your RAM, but it means that your computer will operate at faster speeds and the turnout of that alone is excellent.
ROM • ROM stands for Read Only Memory. The programs contained in ROM are small and cannot be changed • ROM is non-volatile, which means that it doesn’t need power to maintain its data. • The programs contained in ROM is the system BIOS.