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Climate Change: Responses. By Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Dhaka, Bangladesh 8-9 April 2008 Dhaka. Recognition of the Problem: Establishment of IPCC and INC.
Climate Change: Responses By Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Dhaka, Bangladesh 8-9 April 2008 Dhaka
Recognition of the Problem: Establishment of IPCC and INC Increasing scientific evidence coupled with growing public concern pushed climate change onto the higher political agenda in the mid-1980s; UN General Assembly adopted resolution 43/53 of 6 December 1988 on the “Protection of the Global Climate for Present and Future Generation of Mankind”; World Meteorological Organization (WMO) establish the IPCC; UN General Assembly established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for negotiating a framework convention on climate change in 1990;
Recognition of the Problem: IPCC FAR and UNFCCC The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published First Assessment Report (FAR) of IPCC in 1990; The INC adopted by consensus the UNFCCC on 9 May 1992. The convention was opened for signature at the UNCED; The convention enters into force after ratification by 58 Parities in 21 March 1994
Climate Convention: Ultimate Objective Stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such level should be achieved within a timeframe sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner
CLIMATE CHANGE including variability Human interference Exposure, Sensitivity Initial Impacts or Effects MITIGATION of climate change via GHG sources and sinks I M P A C T S V U L N E R A B I L I T I E S Autonomous Adjustments Planned ADAPTATION to the impacts and vulnerabilities Residual or Net Impacts Policy responses Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Source: IPCC
Climate Convention: Toward Kyoto Protocol 1995 : First Session of the Conference of the Parties COP1, Berlin, Germany. Established the Ad hoc Group on Berlin Mandate (AGBM) to carry out a process that would enable it to take appropriate action beyond the year 2000, including the strengthening of the commitments of the Annex I Parties through a protocol or other legal instrument. 1996 : Second Session of the Conference of the Parties COP2, Geneva, Switzerland Ministerial Declaration confirming the findings of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) and calling for “legally binding” commitments US announced its support for a legally binding protocol or other legal instrument
Climate Convention: Kyoto Protocol 1997 : Third Session of Conference of the Parties (COP), Kyoto, Japan Parties to the UNFCCC adopted the Kyoto Protocol (KP) with the unprecedented, legally enforced ambition of limiting and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions Average reduction target is 5.2 percent Three Flexible Mechanisms, Joint Implementation, Emission Trading, and Clean Development Mechanism 1998 : The Kyoto Protocol opened for signature at UN headquarters in New York. It has an equation of 55 countries and 55% emission of Annex I countries to enter into force.
Climate Convention: Kyoto Protocol To meet the commitment under UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol has devised three flexible mechanism for reducing greenhouse gases. The protocol has 28 articles, 3 of which will help annex I countries to meet their reduction commitment under UNFCCC. These are Joint Implementation (article 6), Clean Development Mechanism (article 12) and Emission Trading (article 17).
Climate Convention: Kyoto Protocol Article 6 : Annex I may transfer to, or acquire from, any other such party emission reduction unit (ERU). Article 12 : CDM shall have to assist parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development……..and to assist parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments. Article 17 : Annex-B parties may participate in emission trading to fulfil their commitments. This is a non-project based activity.
GWh Business as usual Must be < 15 GWh Project Time ProjectStart CDM Project Concept: Small Scale
Further Reference to Know More Website: www.unfccc.int www.ipcc.ch