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NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM National Kidney Program, 2013 The National Kidey Program waslaunchedin 2011 bytheProviders of NephrologyServices, theHungarian Society of Nephrology and thenon-govermentalpatientorganizationsinvolvedinnephrology. We planned to launch 11 items at the beginning of the year. Due to additional ideas and inquiries, we managed to accomplish a lot more. World Kidney Day Poster Competition at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts Long-term cooperation with the Madách Theatre Media Action Group – “Kidney News of the Year” Competition Closer cooperation with the diabetes association Facebook (social media) campaign In-person visits to the dialysis centers Presentation/lecture series in schools Transplant forums - road show across the country RenBikeTour Active participation in partners’ events
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM World Kidney Day – March 14, 2013 Flash mob at the Mammut Shopping Center performed by the members of Madách Theatre, followed by a welcome speech through loudspeakers. At the same time, a giant roll-down billboard was on display and flyers were distributed to the public, spreading the message of the World Kidney Day: Prevent kidney damage! Learn how to protect your kidneys.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM The exhibition of the works submitted to our Poster Competition was also opened on the World Kidney Day; the competition was a joint project of the National Kidney Program and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. The objective of the competition was to facilitate the creation of art that draws the public’s attention to the importance of kidney protection. The motto of the competition was the following: “Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are the originators of chronic kidney disease.” The exhibition of 20 posters were on display for a week and a half in the Mamut II. Shopping Center.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Additional events on the World Kidney Day– press conferences, forums for the general public, open days, health screenings, science sessions, photo exhibition – across the country: Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Makó, Székesfehérvár, Nagykanizsa, Sopron, Győr, Budapest (Zugló) and Tatabánya. Thank you for your active participation in these programs!
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Presentations in schools February 14: Dr. György Deák and Zsuzsa Szalamanov held a presentation for students majoring in graphic art at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. March 27: the Secondary & Vocational School for Siderurgy and Electricity of Sopron organized a project day for health protection. Zsuzsa Szalamanov held two presentations here. In May, the transplant photo exhibition was on display at the Cistercian Secondary School in Buda (former József Attila Secondary School). We held a presentation to 90 students, and the headmaster invited us to hold a presentation for the 11th graders every year from now on.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Informational presentation With the participation of Dr. Ádám Remport, we organized a presentation / training session about kidney disease for the members of the media action group on March 6. We would like to thank Dr. Remport for his participation and the Aesculap Academy for providing the location of this event.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Social Media / Facebook Social media is considered as an important communication channel in the program. NVP’s profile page has 808 likes It serves as an ongoing outlet for information sharing The post propagating the events of the World Kidney Day was viewed by 7844 users!
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Poster Exhibition at the Nephrology Days in Debrecen (DNN)At the end of May, the National Kidney Program was present with an info stand and an exhibition of posters about kidney protection at the Nephrology Days – this was the 18th occasion that this event was organized. Several media outlet reported about our presence (HAON, RadioFM95, DEHIR, Hajdupress). “I’m glad that the program’s exhibition, info stand and joint press conference was a success at DNN. Thank you for your prompt, accurate and efficient cooperation.” Dr. István Kárpáti Organizer of DNN
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM National Kidney Program booth at the Hegyvidék Health DayWe participated at the Egészséges Hegyvidék Program (Program for a Healthy Hegyvidék) on July 2. The social mission of this program includes the support of health preservation, advocating for a healthy lifestyle and dissaminating related information to the biggest audience possible, in addition to direct medical attendance and service.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Health Screening at the MadáchTheatreAs the latest element of the long-term cooperation of the Madách Theatre and the National Kidney Program, we organized an on-the-spot health screening for all employees of the theatre in mid-July. The main roles were played by needles, measurements and consultation on this day!
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Patient – physician forum within the framework of the Natl. Kidney ProgramOn June 16, 2013 a patient-physician forum was held at the B. Braun Aesculap Academy, where patients on dialysis shared their problems regarding treatment with the management of dialysis service providers, medical directors, attending physicians and health professionals.The forum’s atmosphere was constructive.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Visits to dialysis centersOur aides visited patients on dialysis by appointment. The objective of these visits wasthat patients eligible for organ transplant – but refusing it based on psychological reasons – get an opportunity to talk with a fellow patient who had a successful transplantation, ask questions and discuss any concerns. The visits were successful: one of the patients in Vác is going through the examinations required for being placed on the waiting list. Upcoming locations: Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Veszprém and Kecskemét
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM RenBikeTour 2013 The National Kidney Program supported and actively participated in the execution of the bike tour around the Lake Balaton for patients on dialysis: NVP helped organizers with reserving accommodation, taking care of supplies and communicating with the media.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Transplant forums – a road show across the countryThese forums aim at propagating live-donor transplants to patients on dialysis and their family members with this motto: “Only a woman can give birth to a child, but anyone can give the gift of life!” Locations and dates: Pécs, April 7 Vecsés, April 21 Szeged,April 28 Győr, September 29 Miskolc, October 20 More than 500 people attended the forums.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Special report on kidney issues in the periodical “Figyelő“The National Kidney Program regards the propagation of the cooperation / results of organ transplants, dialysis services and non-profit organizations in addition to advocating prevention and social awareness. Keeping these objectives in mind, we participated in the elaboration of the special edition of the periodical Figyelő (June 27 ed.) and sent copies to the decision makers of Hungarian health policies and professional healthcare providers.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Copy of the thank-you letter received from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister for sending the special edition of Figyelő.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Collaboration with the magazine “Kérdezze!” („Ask-it”)We signed an agreement with the magazine “Kérdezze!” issued by the National Association of Private Physicians and Pharmacists. Within the framework of this collaboration, there is a dedicated section on kidney disease in the online version of the magazine. The print edition is issued bi-monthly in 15000 copies; from time to time, an article on kidney disease is published here to raise awareness of the general public. The September print edition focused on kidney disease.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Várószoba.hu („waitingroom”) The medical division of Akadémiai Kiadó took over a patients’ community website a year and a half ago. The patients’ community portal called Várószoba.huoffered a presence to the National Kidney Program on the website, as well as sharing all future news and program information.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Promotion The much needed book Krónikus vesebetegek étrendje és életmódja („Lifestyle and dietinchronickidneydisease”) by Papp Rita -Zakar Gábor - Bordi Edithas been re-edited and re-published, providing dietary and lifestyle advice to patients living with chronic kidney disease. We promote this book through all possible channels.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Researchers’ Night – September 27, 2013 All fields of science were represented at the Researchers’ Night organized at different academic and university facilities with interesting programs: natural, technical, medical, agricultural, social sciences and arts. The Natl. Kidney Program participated with 3 presentations at the invitation of the SE (Semmelweis University). - Sándor Mihály: Organ donation in Hungary and the Eurotransplant – what’s in the transport bag? Dr. Orsolya Cseprekál: The telling urine sediment Dr. László Wagner: Born with two kidneys – living with one. The advantages of kidney transplantation. - Exhibition of kidney posters
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM • Professional events in autumn – Poster Exhibition • Congress of theHungarian Society of Nephrology(Oct 24 to 26) – Annual report and poster exhibition • Congress of theHungarian Society of Transplantation(Nov 21 to 23) • Poster Exhibition • World Diabetes Day and National Conference of Patients living with Diabetes (Nov24) – presentation introducing our program
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM World Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation – Oct. 12, 2013 The winner of the competition “Kidney News of the Year” was announced at the ceremony in Vajdahunyadvárban: Printed press: Erzsébet Fazekas for her article in the daily newspaper Népszabadság TV/Radio: ECHO TV, for its program titled “Az orvos válaszol” (“Ask the doctor”), a series that dedicated 6 one-hour episodes to kidney issues / kidney disease.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Nephrology specialists’ offices We received the feedback from nephrologists that there is a demand for patient information materials in their offices (NVP patient guide). There are approximately 60 offices in the country – this is an upcoming task for us in the future.
NATIONAL KIDNEY PROGRAM Summary The National Kidney Program offered a number of educational and social programs to promote knowledge about kidney disease among the general population and healthcare professionals. The program continues as there is still a lot to do: the „epidemic” of obesity, hypertension a major health problem in Hungary; the estimated number of patients at risk for CKD is about 600.000