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4 . Imagic Icons

4 . Imagic Icons. By Place of Articulation. 4 . Imagic Icons. (1) bilabial 雙唇音 : the two lips are brought together to create the obstruction. Bilabial consonants in Cantonese and Mandarin: [p] as in 巴、把、悲、比 ( C); 巴、把、悲、比 ( M) [p h ] as in 拋、跑、鋪、普 ( C); 拋、跑、鋪、普 ( M)

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4 . Imagic Icons

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  1. 4. Imagic Icons • By Place of Articulation

  2. 4. Imagic Icons • (1) bilabial 雙唇音: the two lips are brought together to create the obstruction. • Bilabial consonants in Cantonese and Mandarin: • [p] as in 巴、把、悲、比 (C); 巴、把、悲、比 (M) • [ph] as in 拋、跑、鋪、普 (C); 拋、跑、鋪、普 (M) • [m] as in 麻、馬、苗、秒 (C); 麻、馬、苗、秒 (M) • [w] as in 蛙、華、威、毀 (C).

  3. 4. Imagic Icons • (2) labio-dental 唇齒音: the obstruction of the air-stream is caused by the lower lip and the upper front teeth. • Labio-dental consonants in Cantonese and Mandarin: • [f] as in 科、火、灰、賄 (C); 飛、肥、沸、發 (M).

  4. 4. Imagic Icons • (3) dental-alveolar 舌尖音: the tip (or blade) of the tongue is brought into contact with the upper teeth or the upper teeth-ridge to create the obstruction. • Dental-alveolar consonants in Cantonese and Mandarin

  5. 4. Imagic Icons • Alveolars (舌尖音) • [t] as in 多、躲、低、抵 (C); 多、躲、低、抵 (M) • [th] as in 拖、妥、梯、體 (C); 拖、妥、梯、體 (M) • [n] as in 呢、你、奴、怒 (C); 呢、你、奴、怒 (M) • [l] as in 黎、禮、牢、老 (C); 黎、禮、牢、老 (M) • Dental Sibilants (舌尖前音) • [ts] as in 茲、子、嗟、姐 (C); 茲、子、災、早 (M) • [tsh] as in 雌、此、妻、齊 (C); 雌、此、粗、才 (M) • [s] as in 思、死、宵、小 (C); 思、死、四、酸 (M) • (4) Retroflex 卷舌音: The obstruction of the air-stream is caused by the underside of the tongue tip and the back of the alveolar ridge. • Retroflex in Mandarin • as in 中、張、照、知 (M) __ ‘zh’ in Pinyin • as in 車、春、穿、陳 (M) __ ‘ch’ in Pinyin • as in 詩、史、燒、少 (M) __ ‘sh’ in Pinyin

  6. 4. Imagic Icons • (5) Palatals 舌面音:The blade of the tongue is placed against the front part of the palate, and simultaneously the free front part of the tongue is raised towards the alveolar ridge. • Palatals in Mandarin: • as in 機、軍、肩、街 (M) __ ‘j’ in Pinyin • as in 群、妻、千、牆 (M) __ ‘q’ in Pinyin • as in 斜、徐、心、鞋 (M) __ ‘x’ in Pinyin • (6) Velars 舌根音 (舌面後音): The back of the tongue is raised so that it touches the soft palate (velum) to obstruct the air‑stream.

  7. 4. Imagic Icons • Velars in Cantonese and Mandarin: • [k] as in 基、紀、驕、矯 (C); 給、高、根、哥 (M) • [kh] as in 溪、啟、求、舅 (C); 科、楷、靠、狂 (M) • [x] as in 黑、好、海、厚 (M) • as in 牙、瓦、我、餓; 紅、張、明、朋 (C); 紅、張、明、朋 (M) • (7) Labiovelars 唇化舌根音: The velar sounds are articulated simultaneously with the bilabial sound [w]. • Labialized velars in Cantonese: • [kw] as in 瓜、寡、鍋、果 (C). • [kwh] as in 夸、跨、規、愧 (C). • (8)Glottals (Laryngeals) 喉音: The obstruction of the air-stream is caused by the vocal cords. • Glottal in Cantonese: • [h] as in 希、喜、虛、許 (C)

  8. 4. Imagic Icons • Consonants in Mandarin

  9. 4. Imagic Icons • Consonants in Cantonese

  10. 4. Imagic Icons • Tones in Mandarin • When pitch (音調, 音高) patterns are used to distinguish meaning, they are called tones • Pitch is determined by the rate of vibration of the vocal folds -- the frequency. • Four tones in Mandarin: (notation of tones: tone letters)

  11. 4. Imagic Icons • Tones in Cantonese • Nine tone categories • Category 1 (陰平): 55 私 [si55]、夫 [fu55] • Category 2 (陰上): 35 史 [si35]、苦 [fu35] • Category 3 (陰去): 33 試 [si33]、富 [fu33] • Category 4 (陽平): 21/11 時 [si21]、扶 [fu21] • Category 5 (陽上): 23/13 市 [si23]、婦 [fu23] • Category 6 (陽去): 22 是 [si22]、父 [fu22] • Category 7 [1] (上陰入/高入): 55 必 [pit55]、口+的 [tit55] • Category 8 [3] (下陰入/中入): 33 鱉 [pit33]、跌 [tit33] • Category 9 [6] (陽入/低入): 22 滅 [mit22]、迭 [tit22] • Six pitch patterns: • (1) high level: 55; (3) mid-level: 33; (6) low level: 22 • (2) high rising: 35; (5) low rising: 23; (4) low falling: 21 • (Visit Virtual Tutorial 香港話 > 香港話的音節結構 > 聲調)

  12. final initial medial nucleus ending 1 4 3 2 4. Imagic Icons • Syllabic Structure of Chinese • A syllable is a unit of pronunciation / Four positions in a Mandarin syllable • (1) Initial (聲母): the consonantal onset to the syllable. • (2) Medial (韻頭、介音): the glide (semi-vowel) after the initial. • (3) Nucleus (Main vowel) (韻腹、主要元音): the peak of the syllable. • (4) Ending (coda) (韻尾): the last sound (after the nucleus) of a syllable. • (2)+(3)+(4)= Final (韻母): The final is the syllable minus the initial and the tone.

  13. 4. Imagic Icons

  14. 4. Imagic Icons • Mandarin Initials • 《聲母詩》(in Pinyin) • 春日起每早, ch r q m z • 采桑惊啼鳥; c s j t n • 風過扑鼻香, f g p b x • 花開落, h k l • 知多少。 zh d sh • : The only Mandarin consonant that cannot occur at the initial position. • Cantonese Initials: (in IPA) • p 巴布白 ph普跑平 m 麻美物 f 飛夫發 • t 多帝獨 th拖體踢 n 泥女男 l 來魯歷 • ts 茲政接 tsh此吵床 s 詩消蝕 j 醫夜人 • k 改公革 kh溪求括 外岳瓦 h 希好去 • kw鬼過國 khw豁葵框 w 護毀壞 0 哀歐丫

  15. 4. Imagic Icons • Cantonese Initials (in IPA) • p ph m f • 巴[pa55] 趴[pha55] 媽[ma55] 花[fa55] • t th n l • 打[ta35] 他[tha55] 拿[na21] 喇[la23] • ts tsh s j • 渣[tsa55] 叉[tsha55] 沙[sa55] 也[ja13] • k kh h • 家[ka55] 卡[kha55] 牙[a21] 哈[ha55] • kw khw w • 瓜[kwa55] 夸[kwha55] 娃[wa55] • 0 • 阿[a33]

  16. 4. Imagic Icons • Finals in Cantonese (in IPA)

  17. 4. Imagic Icons • Finals in Cantonese (continued)

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