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Bessie Smith. Bessie Smith (April 15, 1894 – September 26, 1937) was an American blues singer.
Bessie Smith • Bessie Smith (April 15, 1894 – September 26, 1937) was an American blues singer. • Sometimes referred to as "The Empress of the Blues," Smith was the most popular female blues singer of the 1920s and 1930s. She is often regarded as one of the greatest singers of her era and, along with Louis Armstrong, a major influence on subsequent jazz vocalists. Anomenada “L’emperadriu del Blues”. Va ser la cantant de Blues més famosa durant els anys 20 i 30. Va ser una de les cantants més influents junt amb Louis Armstrong.
Bessie Smith began to sing around 1913. By 1920 Smith had established a reputation in the South and along the Eastern Seaboard. Throughout the 1920s Smith recorded with many of the great Jazz musicians of that era, including Fletcher Henderson, Coleman Hawkins, Don Redman and Louis Armstrong Career Bessie Smith començà la seva carrera al 1913. Durant els anys 20 va obtenir bona reputació al Sud i a la costa Est dels Estats Units. Durant una dècada va grabar discs amb grans músics del Jazz.
But by 1931 the Classic Blues style of Bessie Smith was out of style and the Depression had begun . Despite having no record company Bessie Smith was still very popular in the South death Al 1931 el Blues clàssic va passar de moda. Tot i així, Bessie Smith va ser molt popular al sud del país. Va morir el 26-09-1937 amb un greu accident de trànsit. On September 26, 1937, Smith was critically injured in a car accident while traveling along U.S. Route 61.