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updates. 26 LAV FEE board are ready 7 crates have arrived The TTC & Network fibers installation will finish soon 2 PC were mounted (in a temporary place) The network configuration will be completed next week The 3 additional TALK boards will be ready in two weeks
updates • 26 LAV FEE board are ready • 7 crates have arrived • The TTC & Network fibers installation will finish soon • 2 PC were mounted (in a temporary place) • The network configuration will be completed next week • The 3 additional TALK boards will be ready in two weeks • The CHEF board PCBs are in production
Addressing-1 • How to implement the “round robin” mechanism inside the TEL62? How many IPs for data readout we will have this year? • The data request to the SLM should be done at the EOB: is the system (in both side) ready? • The farm could produce, for each burst, a list of the PC actually working? How this list could be transferred and used by the TEL62?
Addressing-2 • Where the “eob summary” should go? In a special PC? Are they treated as standard event (with special trigger word) in a standard PC? Is it possible that the “detectors” participating to the “eob summary” are different with respect to the standard events (i.e. L0TP)? • Could be possible that special events go in special computers? (for instance: monitoring) How this influence the “round robin”?
Event Format • Where the event merging is done? A local PC? In the CC? • We need to order the events inside the burst? • Could the readout program produce a table with timestamp and offset, in order to help the ordering procedure? Other ways? • The format for the “special” (i.e. EOB) trigger will be the same as for standard trigger?
PC Farm • How the PC Farm reads the list of “active” detectors from the Run Control? • Is it possible to run a simple “light” version of the readout program, just to dump the contains of a single packet from a single detector (without event reconstruction, L1, etc etc)? Is it possible to implement a “standalone” mode? • The format of the output is already in the “final” version? • The PC Farm could produce a “eob summary”? Where this information should be stored? In the standard eob summary as additional detector? • Where the “local” switches will be placed?
Online Monitor (a.k.a Event Display) • Where the OM should run? One copy in each PC (or just one single OM)? On the Central Computer? • Which histograms we would like to have in the dry run? And in technical run? • What is present and what is missing in the present NA62 Framework? • Is there any structure to run different “decoding -reconstruction” according to the trigger word? • Is it possible to have additional detectors (L0TP) in the framework?
Service PCs & General • Where the CCPC server will be installed? By whom? Which is the home directory structure? • Where the TTC-Dim interface PC will be installed? Status of HW? SW? • Where the PC for EDA will be installed? • Which OS will be installed on PC farm and service pc? • Who follow the CDR? What are the differences between the present CDR and the NA48 CDR?
Documentation • TALK board? • LAV FEE? • Readout program? • Twiki?
Next meetings • 13 June: TEL62 & TALK firmware: status and interactions • 20 June: Run Control: what we have, what is missing, what we need for the dry run