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Introduction to MapReduce and Hadoop

Learn about Hadoop, a software platform for processing vast data amounts using MapReduce and HDFS. Discover its key features and how organizations like Amazon, Yahoo!, and Facebook utilize it. Explore examples of MapReduce applications and its scalability benefits.

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Introduction to MapReduce and Hadoop

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  1. Introduction to MapReduceand Hadoop Team: 3 MdLiakat AliAbdulazizAltowayanAndreeaCotoranuStephanie HaughtonGene LocklearLeslie Meadows

  2. Contents • Hadoop • MapReduce • Download Links • Install and Tutorials

  3. Software platform that lets one easily write and run applications that process vast amounts of data. It includes: • MapReduce – offline computing engine • HDFS – Hadoop distributed file system • HBase (pre-alpha) – online data access • Here's what makes it especially useful: • Scalable: It can reliably store and process petabytes. • Economical: It distributes the data and processing across clusters of commonly available computers (in thousands). • Efficient: By distributing the data, it can process it in parallel on the nodes where the data is located. • Reliable: It automatically maintains multiple copies of data and automatically redeploys computing tasks based on failures. What is Hadoop?

  4. Hadoop implements Google’s MapReduce, using HDFS • MapReduce divides applications into many small blocks of work. • HDFS creates multiple replicas of data blocks for reliability, placing them on compute nodes around the cluster. • MapReduce can then process the data where it is located. What does it do?

  5. A9.com – Amazon: To build Amazon's product search indices; process millions of sessions daily for analytics, using both the Java and streaming APIs; clusters vary from 1 to 100 nodes. • Yahoo! : More than 100,000 CPUs in ~20,000 computers running Hadoop; biggest cluster: 2000 nodes (2*4cpu boxes with 4TB disk each); used to support research for Ad Systems and Web Search • AOL : Used for a variety of things ranging from statistics generation to running advanced algorithms for doing behavioral analysis and targeting; cluster size is 50 machines, Intel Xeon, dual processors, dual core, each with 16GB Ram and 800 GB hard-disk giving us a total of 37 TB HDFS capacity. • Facebook: To store copies of internal log and dimension data sources and use it as a source for reporting/analytics and machine learning; 320 machine cluster with 2,560 cores and about 1.3 PB raw storage; • FOX Interactive Media : 3 X 20 machine cluster (8 cores/machine, 2TB/machine storage) ; 10 machine cluster (8 cores/machine, 1TB/machine storage); Used for log analysis, data mining and machine learning • University of Nebraska Lincoln: one medium-sized Hadoop cluster (200TB) to store and serve physics data; Example Applications and Organizations using Hadoop

  6. More Hadoop Applications • Adknowledge - to build the recommender system for behavioral targeting, plus other clickstream analytics; clusters vary from 50 to 200 nodes, mostly on EC2. • Contextweb - to store ad serving log and use it as a source for Ad optimizations/ Analytics/reporting/machine learning; 23 machine cluster with 184 cores and about 35TB raw storage. Each (commodity) node has 8 cores, 8GB RAM and 1.7 TB of storage. • Cornell University Web Lab: Generating web graphs on 100 nodes (dual 2.4GHz Xeon Processor, 2 GB RAM, 72GB Hard Drive) • NetSeer - Up to 1000 instances on Amazon EC2 ; Data storage in Amazon S3; Used for crawling, processing, serving and log analysis • The New York Times : Large scale image conversions ; EC2 to run hadoop on a large virtual cluster • Powerset / Microsoft - Natural Language Search; up to 400 instances on Amazon EC2 ; data storage in Amazon S3

  7. • MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. • MapReduceprogram is composed of • Map() procedure(method) that performs filtering and sorting, and • Reduce() method that performs a summary operation (such as counting the number of students in each queue, yielding name frequencies).  What is MapReduce?

  8. • Pioneered by Google • – Processes 20 PB of data per day • Sort/merge based distributed computing • Initially, it was intended for their internal search/indexing application, but now used extensively by more organizations • • Popularized by open-source Hadoop project • – Used by Yahoo!, Facebook, Amazon, … What is MapReduce?

  9. What is MapReduce used for? • At Google: – Index building for Google Search – Article clustering for Google News – Statistical machine translation • At Yahoo!: – Index building for Yahoo! Search – Spam detection for Yahoo! Mail • At Facebook: – Data mining – Ad optimization – Spam detection • In research: – Analyzing Wikipedia conflicts (PARC) – Natural language processing (CMU) – Bioinformatics (Maryland) – Particle physics (Nebraska) – Ocean climate simulation (Washington)

  10. MapReduce Goals 1. Scalability to large data volumes: – Scan 100 TB on 1 node @ 50 MB/s = 24 days – Scan on 1000-node cluster = 35 minutes 2. Cost-efficiency: – Commodity nodes (cheap, but unreliable) – Commodity network – Automatic fault-tolerance (fewer admins) – Easy to use (fewer programmers)

  11. Hadoop Components • • Distributed file system (DFS) • The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system designed to run on commodity hardware. It has many similarities with existing distributed file systems. However, the differences from other distributed file systems are significant. • highly fault-tolerant and is designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. • provides high throughput access to application data and is suitable for applications that have large data sets. • part of the Apache Hadoop Core project. The project URL is http://hadoop.apache.org/core/.

  12. • Files split into 128MB blocks • Blocks replicated across several datanodes (usually 3) • Namenode stores metadata (file names, locations, etc) • Optimized for large files, sequential reads • Files are append-only Hadoop Distributed File System

  13. Hadoop Components • MapReduce framework – Executes user jobs specified as “map” and “reduce” functions – Manages work distribution & fault-tolerance

  14. MapReduce Programming Model

  15. Example: Word Count

  16. Word Count Execution

  17. An Optimization: The Combiner

  18. Word Count with Combiner

  19. Sample applications: Search

  20. Sample applications: Sort

  21. Apache HBase • HBase is an open source, non-relational, distributed database modeled after Google's BigTable and written in Java. • It is developed as part of Apache Software Foundation's Apache Hadoop project and runs on top of HDFS •  it provides a fault-tolerant way of storing large quantities of sparse data (small amounts of information caught within a large collection of empty or unimportant data) • Hbaseis now serving several data-driven websites, including Facebook's Messaging Platform.

  22. Get Started with Hadoop Installation Download links Sandbox How to Download and Install Tutorials http://hortonworks.com/

  23. Hadoop- Download Running Hadoop on Ubuntu Linux (Single-Node Cluster) http://www.michael-noll.com/tutorials/running-hadoop-on-ubuntu-linux-single-node-cluster/  http://www.michael-noll.com/tutorials/writing-an-hadoop-mapreduce-program-in-python/ Sandbox http://hortonworks.com/products/hortonworks-sandbox/#install Some other links: http://hadoop-skills.com/setup-hadoop/ https://hadoop.apache.org/

  24. Sandbox • The easiest way to get started with Enterprise Hadoop • Sandbox is a personal, portable Hadoop environment , comes with a dozen interactive Hadoop tutorials that will guide through the basics of Hadoop. • Includes the Hortonworks Data Platform in an easy to use form. We can add our own datasets, and connect it to our existing tools and applications. • We can test new functionality with the Sandbox before we put it into production. Simply, easily and safely.

  25. Install any one of the following on your host machine : • VirtualBox • VMware Fusion • Hyper-V • Oracle VirtualBox • Version 4.2 or later (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) • Hortonworks Sandbox virtual appliance for VirtualBox • Download the correct virtual appliance file for your environment • http://hortonworks.com/products/hortonworks-sandbox/#install Download and Install

  26. CPU - A 64-bit machine with a multi-core CPU that supports virtualization. • BIOS - Has been enabled for virtualization support • RAM - At least 4 GB of RAM • Browsers - Chrome 25+, IE 9+ (Sandbox will not run on IE 10), Safari 6+ • Complete Installation guide can be found at: • http://hortonworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Import_on_Vbox_7_20_2015.pdf Download and Install

  27. Cloudera Hadoop VM setuphortonworks hadoop installation Thank You

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