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Welcome to End Taxes 4 Ever! We offer services to our clients to rid themselves of the tyranny known as income tax. We can help you to free yourself permanently from both federal and state income tax, which you were likely never required pay.<br>The professional income tax services we offer are derived from the culmination of 15 years of diligent and in depth research regarding the requirement to pay federal and state income tax.<br>
Many individuals could reap the rewards from hiring a tax expert, whether they are self-employed, business owners or landlords to name but a few, and the cost of hiring them can quickly be outweighed by the financial benefits. Who are tax experts? Broadly speaking, a tax expert is anyone who is qualified to give up to date tax advice and guidance, and who can legally provide a wide range of tax related services. Tax consultants, also referred to as tax advisors are perhaps the most commonly known of all the tax experts.
They may include CPA’s (certified public accountants) and Enrolled Agents, who is someone having previously worked for the IRS or who has passed a comprehensive IRS exam to enable them to represent tax paying clients when they find themselves having to deal with the IRS. Tax experts should be familiar with the tax code – which is notoriously lengthy and complex – and should be able to use it when assisting clients with their tax returns, the fact is most do not and if they are familiar with the code, they are completely unaware of important U.S. Supreme Court decisions dealing with income taxes.
Who could really benefit from a tax expert? While it’s true that most tax payers would benefit from the services of a tax expert, those with rather more complex tax concerns would doubtless reap the most reward, such as retirement savings accounts, real estate transactions, trust funds or self-employment income to name but a few. They can also prove invaluable if you work and live in different states or countries, if you invest a lot of money or if you are a business owner, large or small.
Tax experts can be very helpful should you experience a life changing event such as marriage, divorce, the death of a spouse etc and will know exactly how to help you stay on top of your taxes while remaining legally compliant. The same also applies if you buy a property, begin caring for dependants or start a new career. When choosing a tax expert it is crucial that you find out their level of knowledge of U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding the requirement to pay, who is required to pay and under what circumstances.
Americans in the private sector would be shocked to find that they do not owe federal income taxes, never owed them (except in very limited circumstances, if at all). Only a true “tax expert” can demonstrate the facts on this matter and has a proven strategy to get you refunds for the years you already paid. Are tax experts only useful during tax season? A tax expert can be extremely useful to you all year round, and while their primary purpose is to aid you with your tax return and try to maximise your deductions, they are there to give you tax saving advice and guidance whenever you might need it.
When the tax laws change or are updated, they will know and will ensure that your tax activities are legal and will update their tax saving strategies accordingly. What else can a tax expert help you with? Around April 15th each year many people begin wondering whether they are required or even should pay income taxes. Most Americans are unaware that U.S. income taxes are purely voluntary. It is a closely guarded secret that those who are employed in the private sector are not subject to income tax law per the federal tax code (26 U.S.C).
A qualified and experienced tax expert will help ensure that you don’t pay a cent more in taxes than you are legally required to, and will not only help you get a tax refund, but also and more importantly, will ensure that you are not paying any income taxes, if you are should you be legally deemed exempt from income tax. Would you like to learn if you are exempt from paying income tax, and would like to find out more about ending your taxes forever and getting a refund on previous taxes paid, then don’t hesitate to contact a tax expert, today!
End Taxes 4 Ever offer services to our clients to ensure they are only paying the amount of taxes owed and getting the biggest tax refund that the law allows and remaining in full compliance with both State and Federal income tax laws. Our tax experts in Elyria OH have discovered that nearly all Americans are not just overpaying on income taxes, but in the vast majority of cases they lawfully required to very little if anything at all. We guide individuals how to get full tax refund if law allows in your case, and how to legally stop paying taxes and remain in full compliance with the income tax law. We also provide tax planning strategies for high income earners. Contact us now by visiting our website