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Building Sapienza web site. Comitato editoriale web Institutional Website Editorial Board. Presidente: Mario Morcellini Direttore amministrativo o suo delegato: Carlo Musto D’Amore Delegato del Comitato InfoSapienza: Paolo Renzi Ufficio stampa e comunicazione: Alessandra Barberis
Comitato editoriale webInstitutional Website Editorial Board Presidente: Mario Morcellini Direttore amministrativo o suo delegato: Carlo Musto D’Amore Delegato del Comitato InfoSapienza: Paolo Renzi Ufficio stampa e comunicazione: Alessandra Barberis Ripartizione Relazioni Internazionali: Antonella Cammisa Ufficio cerimoniale: Danny Cinalli Ripartizione Studenti: Emi Cipriano Ufficio valorizzazione ricerca scientifica: Sabrina Luccarini Ripartizione Personale: Augusto Pantaleoni Area InfoSapienza – Webmaster: Riccardo Tacconi Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico: Daniela Vingiani D.R. 507 23.10.2009 Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 2
Main results • Guidelines about the new home page layout (it/eng) • Guidelines about the structure of the new navigation menus (it/eng) • Guidelines about the coordination between central web site and web pages of faculties and departments • Final proposal Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 4
Methods and tools • Cooperative work (wiki) • Working groups • home page it/eng • navigation menu it/eng • coordination central site/peripheric web pages • maintenance of the existing site it/eng • Periodical meetings Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 5
Working steps (1) • Step 1:benchmarking (Italian and international university web sites) using a survey form • Step 2:classification of different existing patterns about: • home page • navigation menu • coordination central site/peripheral structures web pages • Step 3: interaction with ICT Division (InfoSapienza) for technological aspects (Cms) Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 6
Working steps (2) • Step 4: analysis of best practices existing among national and international web sites VS current Sapienza web site (design, layout, menus structure, information architecture) • Step 5: editing of specific guidelines and delivery of a final proposal Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 7
Home page (1) Goals: • To increase communicative power and emotional impact • To reduce cognitive complexity • To comply with the generalist connotation of our university(in the meaning of presence of a variety of disciplines, taught and researched) Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 9
Home page (2) Choices: • Prevalence of images and graphics, reduction of the text component • Whole Screen Horizontally Extended lay out • Vertically Fixed lay out(to avoid the so called “below the line”) • Explicit navigation map Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 10
The Navigation menu • Goal: to take into accountthe different audiences that interact with the web site • Proposal: tobuild navigation paths both for target users and for functions Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 12
Work on the correlation between Central site and Peripheral sites (faculties, departments, etc)
Central site and peripheral sites • Analysis: a specific survey showed a great deal of heterogeneity in content, style, and function. Very often the contents do not respond to dictates (Italian law expressly specify the compulsory contents of the PA web sites). • Goals: to avoid compartmentalization, topromote correlation between sites and to build consistent navigation paths Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 14
Central site and peripheral sites: final proposal (1) To build a ready format for the new sites of faculties that must contain: • a CMS system with a pre - designed layout (but with customizable elements) • Course catalogue • Correlation between courses and professors • Information about exams Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 15
Central site and peripheral sites: final proposal (2) In addition to the above mentioned elements other functions could be added to manage: • News • Lessons timetable • Thesis assignment • External training • Etc. Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 16
How to proceed: final operational proposal The Web Editorial Board: • has indicated the Cineca (an interuniversity consortium) as the most appropriate technical partner to carry out the project • has suggested to proceed with an internal call to search for professional resources in order to create a coordinated working group • has asked to identify one or more mother toungue editors / translators for deployment and update of the English version of the web site Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 18
Partnership with Cineca and implementation of the new web portal
Cineca methodology (1) In order to achieve the best user experience and to meet the strategic, communication and service objectives, Cineca has developed a methodology called UXlab, consisting of: User-Centered Design (UCD) participatory planning Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 20
Cineca methodology (2) This approach consists of: Involvement of stakeholders and key users specific interviews and user research activities The main phases of this methodology are: understanding and specifying the context of use clarifying both the users and the organizational requirements producing solutions evaluating the designed solutions Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 21
Earlier versions of www.uniroma1.it 2001 1998 2006 2003 2006 Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 22
2011: www.uniroma1.it 2006 Building new Sapienza web site Pagina 23