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6 Compelling reasons why you need English learning

There has been a reasonable increase in desire to learn the u201cEnglishu201d language among many over the past few years. However,although they manage to put themselves into the list of so called u201cEnglish learnersu201d, they are still trying to figure out the exact reasons behind them putting so much effort. Maybe we can be of some help to these learners by giving them some insights as to why they need or why English learning is so important.

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6 Compelling reasons why you need English learning

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  1. 6 Compelling reasons whyyou need English learning

  2. INTRODUCTION Therehasbeenareasonableincreaseindesiretolearnthe “English”languageamongmanyoverthepastfewyears. However,althoughtheymanagetoputthemselvesintothelist ofsocalled“Englishlearners”,theyarestilltryingtofigureout theexactreasonsbehindthemputtingsomucheffort.Maybe wecanbeofsomehelptotheselearnersbygivingthemsome insights as to why they need or why English learning is so important.Here theyare…

  3. 01 It is a universal or globallanguage English happens to be the most widely spoken language acrosstheglobe.Nodoubt,itisalsoequallyoneofthemost difficult languages to master. In spite of this, it is the commonlyusedlanguageamongforeignspeakerstoremove communication barriers. Hence, making it a number one universallanguage.

  4. 02 Gateway to more jobopportunities Manylargeormultinationalcompaniesaroundtheworldwant their employees to speak and communicate in English. In addition, English is also great to build careers in travel, retail, tourism,hospitality,aviation,science and computers.Therefore knowingEnglishcanopendoorstomorejobopportunities.It enhances one’s chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within their home country as well as abroad.

  5. Travelling anywhere in theworld becomes a loteasier 03 Englishlearningmakestravellinganywhereintheworldmuch easier.Thisisbecauseoneoutoffivepeoplearoundtheworld can speak or at least understand English.As it is also the officiallanguageof53countries.So,thereisnothingmuchto worry if he/she doesn’t know the local language of any country.Whether it is finding the nearest bus stop or train station,knowingalittlebitofEnglishcanhelpsolveproblems abroad,nomatterwhatcountrysomeoneisvisiting.

  6. 04 It is the language of theinternet In today’s age of internet, English is the most important language that is used online. More than half of the content availableontheinternetiswritteninEnglish.Henceinorderto access and understand the content online one must know English.

  7. 05 Unlimited access toresources OncesomeoneenrollshimselforherselftolearnEnglishthey are most likely to discover that learning English is actually quite easy. As English is a global and such a widespread language, the resources one can use to learn english are endless.Therearetonsofresourcesavailableontheinternet for free. Besides watching sitcoms or cartoons in english on YouTube,netflixandotherenglishwebsitesisalwaysforfree. So, English is everywhere. One can take advantage of it whenevertheywishto.

  8. 06 ImprovesConfidence Learningalanguageisdefinitelynotaneasytaskandweare allawareofit.Butthebenefitsthatfollowwiththeabilityto communicatewithawidevarietyofpeopleisincredible.Itwill notonlybeanaddedskilltoone’sresumebutalsoaboostto theirconfidence.Theexchangeofthoughts,hopes,fearsand opinionsbecomemucheasier.Furtherthisabilitytohelpand communicatewithsomanypeoplewillalsohelptoearnmore respectforaparticularperson.

  9. USE ENGVARTA TO PRACTICEENGLISH YoucanusethisbestratedEnglishpracticeappandjoin the plethoraofEnglishlearnerstopracticeEnglishwithliveEnglish experts.Withthisappyoucanlearnandimproveyourfluency. Wanttolearnmoreabouthowthisappcanhelpyoulearnand improveyourcommunicationskills? VisittheofficialwebsiteofEngVarta:https://engvarta.com/Or talktocustomersupport:+91-7570085666 Oryoucandownloadtheappnowandwinafreetrialsessionto startyourpracticewithanexpertthisminute. EnglishspeakingpracticeappforAndroid: https://goo.gl/F6Jw6g For iPhone:https://goo.gl/yMAjmB

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