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Are you tired of always saying u201cgoodu201d?<br>Maybe youu2019d like to try some new English vocabulary words instead?Using new vocabulary might not make you more popular or happieru2026u2026But it probably will make you smarter, and also improve your ability to communicateu2014which can lead to many other good things!<br>The English vocabulary word list below shows 5 great alternatives to the word u201cgood.u201dIf youu2019re an ESL student who wants to improve their English vocabulary, this post is for you.<br>
Improve Your English Vocabulary with 5 Great Alternatives to “Good”
Introduction Areyoutiredofalwayssaying“good”? Maybeyou’dliketotrysomenewEnglishvocabulary words instead?Using new vocabulary might not makeyoumorepopularorhappier……Butitprobably will make you smarter, and also improve your ability to communicate—which can lead to many other goodthings! TheEnglishvocabularywordlistbelowshows5 greatalternativestotheword“good.”Ifyou’rean ESL student who wants to improve their English vocabulary,thispostisforyou.
1-Cool Inadditiontobeingusedtodescribetemperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable. For example, you might describe stylish clothes as “cool” or a performance by a musician that you really enjoy.It can also be used to express acceptancewhensomeonemakesasuggestion. Forexample,ifsomeonesuggestsmeetingtogo to a movie, you could say “Cool! I’ll see you at 6 p.m.” Like “awesome,” “cool” is a popular expressionforyoungerpeople,andyoushouldn’t use it in more formalconversations.
2-Excellent “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent.Itcanbeusedwhenspeakingtofriends, family,orcoworkerswhenyouwanttoemphasize thatsomethingisnotjustokorgood, butverygood.Ifsomeoneasks“howareyou,”you can respond “excellent.” Or, similar to this restaurant review, you could say “Have you been tothenewrestaurantdowntown?Thefoodthere isexcellent.”
3-Wonderful “Wonderful”meansgreatorverygood.Peoplecan be wonderful, experiences can be wonderful and things can be wonderful. You can use this word in both formal and casual settings.For example, you could say “The paintings at the art exhibition last nightwerewonderful,”or“Ithinkyou’lllikeher. She’s a wonderfulperson.”
4-Perfect Perfect describes something that is flawless or exactly matching the need in a particular situation.If you have a very good day and everything happens exactly as you want it to, you could describe it as a “perfect day.” A hotel could be “perfect for families” or an actor in a movie couldbe“perfectfortherole.”Ifsomeonesuggests an idea that you like, you can say “That’s perfect” or “That soundsperfect.”
5-Outstanding “Outstanding” describes something that “stands out” or is noticeably better than the alternatives. An “outstanding” book is better than all the other books you’ve read recently, or an “outstanding” hotelisoneofthenicesthotelsyou’veeverstayed in.Thisadjectiveisappropriatetouseincasualor formal conversations.Note that “outstanding” can alsomean“unpaid”dependingonthesituation.So ifyouhavean“outstanding”bill,itmeansthatyou haveabillthatneedstobepaid,nota“verygood” bill.
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