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: CONNECTING WITH AUTISMKeyhole®Rainbow Resource Kit Sue Macleod
CONNECTING WITH AUTISM The CWA Project was designed to consolidate and extend the achievements of The Keyhole Early Intervention Project (www.autismni.org) through the creation and dissemination of Home Activity Kits. These will utilise and link the motivation of parents to the expertise of specialist professionals across. Sue Macleod
CWA PROJECT’S AIM The CWA Project’s over all aim was:- “To help families minimise the effects of Autism and to ensure the educational and social development of children with Autism to their full pre-school potential.” Sue Macleod
CWA POTENTIAL AREAS FOR DEVELOPMEMT • Play skills • Communication skills • Social skills • Self Help skills • Coping with changes in routine • Everyday family life will be less stressful • Parent skills enhanced within ASD Sue Macleod
PURPOSE OF THECWA PROJECT? • Develop and design the contents of the “Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit” • Recruit parents and carers to undertake a pilot programme, designed to promote the pre-school learning and development of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Sue Macleod
Support parents and carers through home visits by a CWA Practitioner and introduction of the Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit ____________________ • Establish the structures necessary to ensure that learning from the project is thoroughly assimilated into the work of professionals specialising in Autism across N.I. • Establish the structures to ensure the learning from the project is externally evaluated. Sue Macleod
CWA PROJECT 2003-2006 • Development Officer appointed - Sue Macleod • External evaluators appointed - University of Ulster • CWA Steering Group now is overseeing the project - Chaired by Professor Roy McConkey,University of Ulster • CWA Operational Group - consisting of parents and professionals - has developed and designed the contents of the Rainbow Resource Kit • CWA Expert Panel have been giving, support, ideas and feedback Sue Macleod
First Phase (2003-2004)PILOT PROGRAMME • 16 families across N.I. implemented an early learning and development plan, with their children with Autism using CWA, Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit. • 3 Project staff (Practitioners) have worked with these families to explain and guide them through the contents and how to utilise these with their individual child • The University of Ulster have carried out an external evaluation, visiting each family and assessing the actual impact of the project upon their family life. Sue Macleod
CWA PARENT COMMENTS “I can now see more things from Jack’s point of view,from his world. Before the Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit, I was at a loss to really know what to do. Now Jack is more confident in play and is displaying more appropriate skills. I feel so less stressed and see a positive future for him.” “Thank you for this opportunity.” Sue Macleod
CWA, The Second Phase Rolling out of the project across N.I.2004-2006 • Initially developed 250 kits, sourced all contents and assembled kits.(A special thanks to Broadway Workshops) • Identification, recruitment and training of existing professionals across N.I. in order to incorporate the learning from the project into their every day work. Thus maximising the impact of the success of the pilot study, to all families who have a young child with Autism. • To maintain external evaluation of the project, by the University of Ulster. • To develop quality assurance systems across N.I. to ensure the high level of success is maintained. Sue Macleod
: KEYHOLE® RAINBOW RESOURCE KIT CONTENTS A Set of Five Booklets and a Fridge Magnet _______________________ > A Positive Start For Life >ASD Top Twelve Tips (fridge magnet) > Parent To Parent > Play > Communication and Socialisation > Making Sense of Sensory Sue Macleod
Kit Contents contd. • One Structured Activity Velcro Tray with 2 matching activities 1/ animals 2/ coloured shapes • One Rainbow Resource Kit Folder contents- > Resource Kit Recipe Card • Visual Instruction Card > Visual Symbols • First and Then > All Done • Play Mat > No > Here > Turn Taking Cards Sue Macleod
Kit Contents contd. One Distracter(Tangle) Toy and Instructions One Jigsaw One Bean Bag One Glove Puppet One Autism NI (PAPA) Information Pack Sue Macleod
The promotion of the Keyhole® Rainbow Resource Kit as a component of “The Jigsaw of Early Intervention” Early Years model, both locally and abroad. The ongoing development of the Kits. The ongoing availability of the Kits. The offer of Professional Accredited Training. The ongoing development of a good quality assurance systems The promise that these Kits will continue to be used by more and more families to bring about positive changes in the lives of young children with Autism. Sue Macleod
CWA PARENT COMMENTS • “I was so pleased to be informed of this project as Kirk wouldn’t really be bothered with toys or play, so anything was welcomed with open arms and my expectations were met beyond my wildest dreams, in this short space of time.” Sue Macleod
CWA PARENT COMMENT “It was like being let in on a secret, a secret that would change everything for the best.” Sue Macleod