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RESEARCH EVALUATION WORKSHOP. UNITED KINGDOM OCTOBER 2010. WHY EVALUATE RESEARCH PERFORMANCE?. Quantitative analysis is the main tool of science Communicating research results complex Personal knowledge no longer sufficient for decision making
WHY EVALUATE RESEARCH PERFORMANCE? Quantitative analysis is the main tool of science Communicating research results complex Personal knowledge no longer sufficient for decision making Need to be selective over support for research projects Peer review was foundation of policy decisions Library collection decisions Foundation allocating limited funding Government office weighing national research needs
WHY EVALUATE RESEARCH PERFORMANCE? Evaluation and strategic planning Periodic evaluation of research performance Institution, departmental or researcher level assessments Accreditation, tenure, faculty review Performance indicators Used in strategic planning Reporting to government bodies, boards of directors/trustees Research Centers Find new staff Develop lines of investigation Compete for funds
HOW IS RESEARCH EVALUATED? Research Volume, income, reputation Prestigious awards Nobel Prizes Innovation Industry income and patents Teaching Academic Reputation Survey, higher degrees International Mix National / International staff and students Citation analysis Normalised for volume and subject area Peer Evaluation Reputational survey
THE GROWING USE OF BIBLIOMETRICS Nations with significant science enterprises have embraced bibliometrics Today, bibliometrics programs with large teams of analysts are firmly established in many nations These groups issue bibliometric reports, often called science indicators studies, at regular intervals In almost all cases, the publication and citation data of Thomson Reuters form the basis of their bibliometric analyses
INSTITUTIONS USING WEB OF SCIENCE CITATION DATA FOR EVALUATION (INCL.) United Kingdom: KCL, HEFCE, St. Andrew’s Germany: IFQ, Max Planck Society, DKFZ, MDCUS Netherlands: NWO & KNAW France: Min. de la Recherche, OST - Paris, CNRS European Union: EC’s DGXII(Research Directorate) US: NSF: biennial Science & Engineering Indicators report (since 1974) Canada: NSERC, FRSQ (Quebec), Alberta Research Council Australian Academy of Science, gov’t lab CSIRO Japan: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry People’s Republic of China: Chinese Academy of Science Multiple rankings agencies 9
A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CITATION INDEX Concept first developed by Dr Eugene Garfield Science, 1955 The Science Citation Index (1963) SCI print (1960’s) On-line with SciSearch in the 1970’s CD-ROM in the 1980’s Web interface (1997) Web of Science Content enhanced: Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) The Citation Index Primarily developed for purposes of information retrieval Development of electronic media and powerful searching tools have increased its use and popularity for purposes of Research Evaluation
THE VALUE OF A CITATION • Why do people cite? • Pay homage / give credit to pioneer • Identifying a methodology • Provide background reading • Quotations • Authenticating data, reproducing work etc • Corrections • Criticizing/Disclaiming someone's work/opinions • Citations are an indicator of an article’s impact and usefulness to the research community; they are the mode by which peers acknowledge each other’s research. • The value of a citation is only as important as its source. • Clearly a citation from a prestigious peer review journal has more value than a citation from non-scholarly material. • How can you be sure that the citing source is reputable? “When to Cite”, E. Garfield, Library Quarterly, v66, p449-458, 1996
WHY NOT INDEX ALL JOURNALS? • 40% of the journals: • 80% of the publications • 92% of cited papers • 4% of the journals: • 30% of the publications • 51% of cited papers
HOW DO WE DECIDE WHICH JOURNALS TO INDEX? Approx. 2.500 journals evaluated annually 10-12% accepted Thomson Reuters editors Information professionals Librarians Experts in the literature of their subject area Journal ‘quality’ Web of Science Journals under evaluation
THOMSON REUTERSJOURNAL SELECTION POLICY Publishing Standards Peer review, Editorial conventions Editorial content Addition to knowledge in specific subject field Diversity International, regional influence of authors, editors, advisors Citation analysis Editors and authors’ prior work
CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO VALIDITY- COMPARE APPLES WITH APPLES • Full range of scholarly research disciplines • Adheres to a consistent selection policy • Ensures that publications and citations are comparable • Consistent indexing • Cover-to-cover indexing • All author names • All author addresses
External Entities Government agencies/funding organizations University Management Management, including committees, provost, vice provosts University Departments Institutional research, academic affairs, tech transfer, etc. Individuals Faculty, staff, students PRIMARY USERS OF CITATION DATA INRESEARCH EVALUATION
Higher Education Funding Council for England, UK National Science Foundation (USA) European Commission (EU) L’Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques (OST ) National Institute for Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP ), Japan Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa EXTERNAL ENTITIESRESEARCH EVALUATION External Entities Government agencies/funding organizations
University Management Management, including committees, provost, vice provosts UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENTRESEARCH EVALUATION
INSTITUTIONAL LEVELRESEARCH EVALUATION University Management Management, including committees, provost, vice provosts Number of citations to North American scientific papers Source: Thomson Reuters U.S. and Canadian University Science Indicators
PRODUCTIVITY BY UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT Allows user to analyse output and performance based on their institution’s departments
University Departments Institutional research, academic affairs, tech transfer, etc. SUBJECT CATEGORY LEVELRESEARCH EVALUATION
Individuals Faculty, staff, students INDIVIDUAL LEVELRESEARCH EVALUATION
EVALUATING INDIVIDUALS Nancy J Rothwell, DBE, FRS President & Chancellor, Univ Manchester Dame Commander Order of the British Empire Fellow of the Royal Society Research Chair, Medical Research Council
EVALUATING INDIVIDUALS • Number of articles : 485 • Sum of the Times Cited : 18,943 • Average Citations / Item : 39.06 • h-index : 70 32
WHO CITED THIS AUTHOR’S RESEARCH? A very international profile illustrating the global impact of Prof. Rothwell’s research
CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO VALIDITY • Full range of scholarly research disciplines • Adheres to a consistent selection policy • Ensures that publications and citations are comparable • Consistent indexing • Cover-to-cover indexing • All author names • All author addresses