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Darwin’s first edition of the Origin of Species sold out the first day of release.

Darwin’s first edition of the Origin of Species sold out the first day of release. Darwin, 7 years old. Age 51, just published Origin of Species. 1809-1882. Key events shaping Darwin’s life and thinking…. Mother died at age 8

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Darwin’s first edition of the Origin of Species sold out the first day of release.

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  1. Darwin’s first edition of the Origin of Species sold out the first day of release. Darwin, 7 years old Age 51, just published Origin of Species 1809-1882

  2. Key events shaping Darwin’s life and thinking… • Mother died at age 8 • His father Robert, a physician, was an Anglican, “freethinker” and “nonconformist” • His grandfather, Erasmus, was a proponent of Lamarck’s theory of evolution • Became a student of Robert Grant, a proponent of Lamarck • His own unanswered questions about life… • Death of his 10 year old daughter, Annie, in 1851

  3. The 1851 death of Darwin’s daughter, Annie, at the age of 10, marked the end of his dwindling faith in Christianity.

  4. Advantages: Marry Against: Not to Marry Used to jotting down daily notes on animal breeding, he scrawled rambling thoughts about career and prospects on two scraps of paper, one with columns headed “Marry” and “Not Marry”. • “less money for books” • “terrible loss of time.” • “constant companion and a friend in old age ... better than a dog anyhow” Darwin, Charles (1958), Barlow, N, ed., The autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809–1882. Edited and with appendix and notes by his grand-daughter Nora Barlow., London: Collins,

  5. A typical satire was the later caricature in Hornet magazine portraying Darwin with an ape body and the bushy beard he grew in 1866.

  6. Definitions Natural Selection Science Theory Evolution: Micro & Macro Scientific Method Spontaneous Generation Phyla

  7. Evolution is a term with many meanings. In the broadest since it means CHANGE (development & progress implied).

  8. “Apple Form Factor Evolution” 1976-2007

  9. Muscle car is a term used to refer to a variety of high performance automobiles. The term principally refers to American, Australian and to a lesser extent South African models from the late 1960s and early 1970s and generally describes a 2-door rear wheel drive mid-size car with a large, powerful V8 engine and special trim, intended for maximum torque on the street or in drag racing competition. 1966-1972

  10. Evolution Microevolution (Special Evolution) Macroevolution (General Evolution) Transforming change of one kind into new and different kind Change within a large defined group or kind

  11. What kind of evolution is this??

  12. “Apple Form Factor Evolution” Microevolution

  13. Muscle car is a term used to refer to a variety of high performance automobiles. The term principally refers to American, Australian and to a lesser extent South African models from the late 1960s and early 1970s and generally describes a 2-door rear wheel drive mid-size car with a large, powerful V8 engine and special trim, intended for maximum torque on the street or in drag racing competition. Microevolution

  14. Apple Computer transforms into a Muscle Car Macroevolution General evolution

  15. Change within “kind”

  16. Macroevolution General evolution

  17. Microevolution Still Beetles

  18. No evidence Evidence? Yes! Macro- evolution Micro- evolution

  19. Evolution Microevolution (Special Evolution) Macroevolution (General Evolution) Much physical evidence NO physical evidence

  20. Proof? General evolution

  21. Darwin’s Finches14 different species of finches collected on the Galapagos Islands during the voyage of the Beagle in the 1830’s Microevolution!Not General Evolution!

  22. Summary • Evolution means “change” • Microevolution is change within a group • Macroevolution is change from one kind into a different kind or group • Evolution is a FACT when defined as “change within species or large group” • Evidence for Microevolution is NOT evidence for Macroevolution

  23. Evolutionists are the Key Masters...

  24. Taxonomy is the area of the biological sciences devoted to the identification, naming, and classification of living things according to apparent common characteristics. It is far from a simple subject, particularly owing to many disputes over the rules for classifying plants and animals. The hierarchy of scientific classification's major eight taxonomic ranks.

  25. Canis familiaris Canis lupis Canis Canis Canidae Canidae Carnivor Carnivor Mammalia Mammalia Chordata Chordata Anamalia Anamalia Include brown bear, house cat, killer whale! DOG WOLF

  26. “kind” in the book of Genesis • fruit tree according its kind v.11,12 • herb according to its kind v.12 • great sea creatures according to their kind v.21 • every winged bird according to its kind v.21 • Cattle according to its kind v.24-25 • Beast of the earth according to its kind v.25

  27. Genesis “kind”

  28. NOAH’S ARK Ark dimensions 450’ long 75’ wide 45’ high 3 levels 100,000 sq. feet floor space; 1.5 million cubic feet of cargo space

  29. Science, in the broadest sense, refers to any system of knowledge which attempts to model objective reality. In a more restricted sense, science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. Science means “to know by the scientific method.”

  30. How scientists refer to findings based upon the level of empirical support: Physical LAW Theory Hypothesis Model Steps of the Scientic Method 1. Observation 2. Hypothesis 3. Prediction 4. Experimental tests 5. Repeat steps 3 & 4

  31. "The evidence that supports [the general theory of evolution] is not sufficiently strong to allow us to consider it as anything more than a working hypothesis."G.A. Kerkut, Professor of Biochemistry, Implications Of Evolution, 1960

  32. 1 of 2 Prof.W.R. Thompson’s comments in his Introduction to Everyman's Library issue of Charles Darwin's, Origin of Species (1956 edition). "This general tendency to eliminate, by means of unverifiable speculations, the limits of the categories Nature presents to us, is the inheritance of biology from The Origin of Species…

  33. “To establish the continuity required by theory, historical arguments are invoked, even though historical evidence is lacking. Thus are engendered those fragile towers of hypothesis based on hypothesis, where fact and fiction intermingle in an inextricable confusion.” Prof.W.R. Thompson’s comments in his Introduction to Everyman's Library issue of Charles Darwin's, Origin of Species (1956 edition).

  34. L.H. Matthews, "Introduction, Origin of Species”, Charles Darwin (1971 edition). "In accepting evolution as fact, how many biologists pause to reflect that science is built upon theories that have been proved by experiment to be correct or remember that the theory of animal evolution has never been thus approved.“

  35. 2 of 4 "The fact is that the evidence was so patchy one hundred years ago that even Darwin himself had increasing doubts as to the validity of his views, and the only aspect of his theory which has received any support over the past century is where it applies to microevolutionary phenomena.”

  36. 3 of 4 His general theory, that all life on earth had originated and evolved by a gradual successive accumulation of fortuitous mutations, is still, as it was in Darwin's time, a highly speculative hypothesis entirely without direct factual support and very far from that self-evident axiom some of its more aggressive advocates would have us believe."—*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1986), p. 77.

  37. L.H. Matthews, "Introduction, Origin of Species”, Charles Darwin (1971 edition). "In accepting evolution as fact, how many biologists pause to reflect that science is built upon theories that have been proved by experiment to be correct or remember that the theory of animal evolution has never been thus approved.“

  38. "The Darwinian theory of descent has not a single fact to confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific research, but purely the product of imagination.“ —*Dr. Fleischman [Erlangen zoologist].

  39. 1 of 3 Aldous Huxley, "Confessions of a Professed Atheist," Report: Perspective on the News, Vol. 3, June 1966, p. 19 [grandson of evolutionist Thomas Huxley, Darwin's closest friend and promoter, 1894-1963 and brother of evolutionist Julian Huxley. Aldous Huxley was one of the most influential liberal writers of the 20th century, “Brave New World”, etc.

  40. 2 of 3 "I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning, consequently assumed it had none, and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption . . The philosopher who finds no meaning in the world is not concerned exclusively with a problem in pure metaphysics; he is also concerned to prove there is no valid reason why he personally should not do as he wants to do ....

  41. “For myself, as no doubt for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.“ -Aldous Huxley

  42. Choose the building blocks for your life! Meaning in life Free to live any way you choose Marriage Homosexual Behavior Morality Immorality Laws Lawlessness God’s Word Man’s Opinion CREATION Evolution

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