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For hosting different websites along with their domain names, a Liferay portal is being used amongst the large organizations. You can get to know more by this PPT.
Liferay – Web Portal What’s New?
Liferay for a new website • Large organizations can use Liferay Portal to host many different websites, all with their own domain names. • Each site can take advantage of a separate staging server, where content and pages are created by teams & updates to the production server are published on a schedule • Changes to the pages can be done any time, and you have the full flexibility of all the HTML page attributes ,and full control over the layout.
Cont. Liferay for a new website • Pages are also integrated with Liferay'spowerful permissions system, so it’s easy to restrict access to certain portions of your site. • You can give individual users sites of their own, with public pages that have their content and blog and private pages that contain their calendars and profiles. • If you run a large website with lots of different sub-sites for individuals and groups, you can use page templates and site templates.
Liferay as Collaborative Platform • Liferay Portal includes a suite of collaborative applications, and they’re all integrated together. • These include personal applications like a calendar, email, and community- applications like blogs, and wikis etc. • Liferay Portal’s message boards are as fully featured as any standalone forum application, with the added benefit that they’re integrated with the rest of the system.
Cont. Liferay as collaborative platform Liferay Portal’s suite of collaborative applications includes a Blog (complete with blog aggregation features so you can publish multiple users’ blog entries in one place), Message Boards, a Wiki, a Knowledge Base that you can use to publish a library of articles, activities display, and personal productivity applications like a calendar.
Liferay for Development Platform • Building your site on Liferay’s development platform can give you a head start. It provides everything you need to support your applications, • Liferay Portal, since it adheres to the JSR standard for portlets, was designed from the ground up for application integration. • You can make use of APIs provided by other systems to integrate their data into an application window in Liferay.
Customizing Liferay • Liferay Portal was specifically designed to be extended and modified, beyond what even most open source projects provide. • Liferay Portal’s developers have created many extension points so you don’t have to customize the source to make Liferay Portal yours. • The first (and easiest) way of customizing parts of Liferay Portal is with Application Display templates. These let you change the way built-in applications look. • Special software components calledmodules enable developers to change Liferay’s interface and behavior without having to modify any of Liferay Portal’s source code.
Where to go for LiferayPortal? • Enprowess Technologies is the solution where you can develop your website with Liferay web portal securely. • Our office is located at Ahmedabad – India. • Expertise team at Enprowess deliver solutions as Liferay, Alfresco, Activiti, Full Stack Java, Mobile Application Development and more. Official Site : Enprowess Technologies