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Do you want to visit Italy?

Do you want to visit Italy?. Come with us !. Italy. Nation: Italy Government: Parliamentary republic Area: Kmq 301.338 Capital: Rome Population: 584.62375 Population density: 119 inhabitants for kmq. Our flag. Italy. Location:

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Do you want to visit Italy?

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  1. Do you want to visit Italy? Come with us !

  2. Italy Nation: Italy Government: Parliamentary republic Area: Kmq 301.338 Capital: Rome Population: 584.62375 Population density: 119 inhabitants for kmq

  3. Our flag

  4. Italy Location: Italy is a peninsula in the south of Europe. Italy borders on Svizzera and Austria to north, on Slovenia to north-east, on France to north-west. The east coast is on the Ionion sea, the west coast on the Tyrrhenion sea, the Mediterraneon sea on all the south. Italy has got two big islands: Sardegna and Sicilia.

  5. The clime The clime is mild temperate (neither too hot nor too cold). There are six different regions.

  6. Population 100 e più Male Female Da 95 a 99 Da 90 a 94 Da 85 a 89 Da 80 a 84 Da 75 a 79 Da 70 a 74 Da 65 a 69 Da 60 a 64 Da 55 a 59 Da 50 a 54 Da 45 a 49 Da 40 a 44 Da 35 a 39 Da 30 a 34 Da 25 a 29 Da 20 a 24 Da 15 a 19 Da 10 a 14 Da 5 a 9 Meno di 5 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 %

  7. The Italian history is very long. Celti were the first inhabitants ( 2000 b.C ), then the Etruscian developed a wonderful civilization. Beetwen VII and VIII century b.C. Greek arrived in the south of Italy. In the first century the Roman Empire dominated all over the Mediterranean sea, untill the Barbaric invasion. A long period, called Middle Age began for the italian peninsula. In the XVI there was the artistic Reinassance development. In the XIV century, after the French Revolution, the Napoleon domination and three indipendence wars, we had The Reign of Italy (1861). After the second mondial war, a referendum proclaimed the Italian Repubblic. History

  8. Landscape In Italy there are a lot of hills and mountains. The main mountains are: Alpi and Appennini.

  9. The flora

  10. National Park In Italy there are many national parks.The national Park of the Gran Paradiso extends for 700 km²s between Valley of Aosta and Piemonte, from the glaciers of the Gran Paradiso up to the Valsavarenche, and from the valley of Cogne to the valley of Rhêmes. The park was a reserves of hunting of the Savoias, and it was founded in 1922 to protect some vegetable kinds and rare fauna, like the stambecco and the chamois.

  11. The fauna includes bucks, fallow deer, stambecchi, roes, chamoises, marmots, martens, curly, ermines, weasels. There are many birds: royal eagles, hawks, buzzards, roosters cedroni, real owls. The national Park of the Gran Paradiso (between the Piemonte and the Valley of Aosta), the National Park of Stelvio (shared between the Lombardy and the Trentino-Alto Adige), the National Park the Val Grande (Piemonte) and the Dolomiti Bellunesi protect the alpine zone. In the national Park of the Stelvio there are numerous kinds of birds like the coral caw, the imperial crow, the crow, the woodpecker, the sparrow hawk and the gipeto, that it is the symbol of the park.

  12. Animals of North Italy

  13. Animals of Centre Italy

  14. Animals of South Italy

  15. Economy Italian economy is based on: 70 61,1 61,0 60 Tuscany Italy 50 40 34,8 33,5 Percentuali 30 20 10 5,5 4,1 0 Agricolture Industry Other activity

  16. The end

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