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Introduction to Biostatistics (ZJU 2008). Wenjiang Fu, Ph.D Associate Professor Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Email: fuw@msu.edu www: http://www.msu.edu/~fuw. Logistic regression model.
Introduction to Biostatistics (ZJU 2008) Wenjiang Fu, Ph.D Associate Professor Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Email: fuw@msu.edu www: http://www.msu.edu/~fuw
Logistic regression model • Why use logistic regression? • Estimation by maximum likelihood • Coefficients Interpretation • Hypothesis testing • Evaluating the performance of the model
Why logistic regression? • Many important research topics in which the dependent variable is Binary. • eg. disease vs no disease, damage vs no damage, death vs live, etc. • Binary logistic regression is a type of regression analysis where the dependent variable is a dummy variable: coded 0 (absence of disease) or 1 (presence of a disease), etc. • To explain the variability of the binary variable by other variables, either continuous or categorical, such as age, sex, BMI, marriage status, socio-economic status, etc. use a statistical model to relate the probability of the response event to the explanatory variables.
Logistic Regression Model • Event (Y = 1), no event (Y = 0) want to model the mean: E(Y) = P(Y=1) * 1 + P(Y=0) *0 = P(Y=1) but π = P(Y=1) is between 0 and 1 and is bounded the linear predictor β0 +x1β1 + x2β2+ x3β3 +… is a linear combination and may take any value. The "logit" model solves this problem. Single independent variable: ln [p/(1-p)] = + X where the probability p = p(Y=1 | X) • p/(1-p) is the "odds" - ratio of the probabilities an event to occur versus not to occur under condition A. • ln[p/(1-p)] is the “log odds” or "logit probability"
More: • The logistic distribution constrains the estimated probabilities to lie between 0 and 1. • The estimated probability is: p=1/[1+exp(- - X)] = exp( +X) / [1+exp( +X)] • if you let + X =0, then p = .50 • as + X gets really big, p approaches 1 • as + X gets really small, p approaches 0
Logit Model Comparing LinReg and Logit Models Y LinReg Model Y=1 X Y=0
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) • MLE is a statistical method for estimating the coefficients of a model. • The likelihood function (L) measures the probability of observing the particular set of dependent variable values (Y1=y1, … , Yn=yn) L = Prob (y1,y2,…,yn) The higher the L, the higher the probability of observing the sample data at hand.
Maximum Likelihood Estimator • MLE involves finding the coefficients (, ) that makes the log of the likelihood function (logLik < 0) as large as possible • The maximum likelihood estimator maximizes following likelihood function Where p = exp( + X) / [ 1+ exp( + X) ]
Maximum Likelihood Estimator • Or equivalently, the MLE maximizes the log-likelihood function Where p = exp( + X) / [ 1+ exp( + X) ] • MLE is biased estimator, but consistent (by large sample theory, the estimator converges to the true model parameters fast enough as sample size increases). Link Function
Interpretation of Coefficients • Since ln [ p/(1-p) ] = + X The slope is interpreted as the rate of change in the "log odds" as X changes … not very useful. • More useful: p = Pr (Y=1|X). p / (1-p) is the odds with condition X. • Example. X: smoker; Y=1 Lung Ca. p/(1-p) is odds of Lung Ca w.r.t smoke.
Interpretation of Coefficients • If X is continuous, exp() measures the change of odds with one unit increase of X. • ln (OR) = ln [odds(X+1)] - ln [odds(X)] = ln [ p(Y=1|X+1 ) / (1-p(Y=1|X+1)) ] – ln [ p(Y=1|X) / (1-p(Y=1|X)) ] = + (X+1) – ( + X) = • ln(OR)= OR=exp()
Interpretation of Coefficients • If X is binary, exp() measures the change of odds for one group compared to the second ln [p(Y=1|X=1 ) /(1-p(Y=1|X=1)) ] – ln [p(Y=1|X=0) / (1-p(Y=1|X=0)) ] = + .1 –( + .0) = • ln(OR) = OR = exp()
Interpretation of parameter β Model : logit (p) = β0 +x1β1
Model Assessment There are several statistics which can be used for comparing alternative models or evaluating the performance of a single model: • LRT, Wald tests • Percent Correct Predictions
Model Chi-Squares Statistic • The model likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic is LR = [-2 lik (Reduced model)] - [-2 lik (Full model)] Example: test of , LR = -2 [lik () -lik (, ) ] lik() is likelihood of model with only the intercept lik (, ) is a model with the intercept and X • The LR statistic follows a chi-squares distribution with r degrees of freedom, where r=difference in numbers of parameters between the two models • Use the LRT statistic to determine if the overall model is statistically significant.
Percent Correct Predictions • Predicted outcome (majority vote method) if predicted prob Pr(x) ≥ 0.5, assign y = 1 otherwise assign y = 0 • Compare the predicted outcome y and the actual outcome y and compute the percentage of correct outcomes. ^ ^ ^
Testing significance of variables • Omitted variable(s) can result in bias in the coefficient estimates. To test for omitted variables you can conduct a likelihood ratio test:LR[q] = {[-2 lik (constrained model, i=k-q)] - [-2 lik (unconstrained model, i=k)]} where LR follows chi-squares distribution with q degrees of freedom, with q = 1 or more omitted variables
An Example: B/se(B)
Constructing the LR Test “Since the chi-squared value is less than the critical value the set of coefficients is not statistically significant. The full model is not an improvement over the partial model.”
Multiple Logistic regression • Prob of event labeled as binary outcome • Logistic regression model: logit function. log [π / (1- π)] = β0 +x1β1 +… + xpβp = η equivalent to p = exp(η) / [ 1+ exp(η) ] Why need multiple logistic regression? Simple RxC table cannot solve all problems, and can be misleading.
Multiple Logistic Regression-Formulation The relationship between π and x is S-shaped The logit (log-odds) transformation (link function)
Multiple Logistic RegressionAssessrisk factors • Individually Ho: βk = 0 • Globally Ho: βm =… βm+t= 0 while controlling for confounders and other important determinants of the event
Interpretation of the parameters • If π is the probability of an event and O is the odds for that event then • The link function in logistic regression gives the log-odds
Example: Snoring & Heart Disease • An epidemiologic study surveyed 2484 subjects to examine whether snoring was a possible risk factor for heart disease.
Constructing Indicator variables • Let Z1=1 if occasional, 0 otherwise • Let Z2=1 if nearly every night, 0 otherwise • Let Z3=1 if every night, 0 otherwise
SAS Codes no never 1355 no occa 603 no nearly 192 no every 224 ; run; proc logistic data=hd descending; model hd (event=‘yes’) =Z1 Z2 Z3; freq count; run; data hd; input hd $ snoring $ count; Z1=(snoring="occa"); Z2=(snoring="nearly"); Z3=(snoring="every"); cards; yes never 24 yes occa 35 yes nearly 21 yes every 30
SAS OUTPUT Model Fit Statistics Intercept Intercept and Criterion Only Covariates AIC 902.827 842.923 SC 908.645 866.193 -2 Log L 900.827 834.923 Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Chi-Square DF Pr LikRatio 65.9045 3 <.0001 Score 72.7821 3 <.0001 Wald 58.9513 3 <.0001 Ordered Total Value hd Frequency 1 yes 110 2 no 2374 Probability modeled is hd='yes'. Model Convergence Status Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.
The LOGISTIC Procedure Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Standard Wald Param DF Estimate Error Chi-Square P Inter 1 -4.0335 0.2059 383.6641 <.0001 Z1 1 1.1869 0.2695 19.3959 <.0001 Z2 1 1.8205 0.3086 34.8027 <.0001 Z3 1 2.0231 0.2832 51.0313 <.0001 Odds Ratio Estimates Point 95% Wald Effect Estimate Confidence Limits Z1 3.277 1.932 5.558 Z2 6.175 3.373 11.306 Z3 7.561 4.341 13.172
Calculating Probabilities • The fitted logistic regression function is Logit(π)= -4.0335 + 1.1869 Z1+ 1.8205 Z2+ 2.0231 Z3 • So, the probability of heart disease if never snore is exp(-4.0335) / (1+exp(-4.0335))=.0174 • If snore occasionally, exp(-4.0335+1.1869) / (1+exp(-4.0335 +1.1869)) =.0549
Calculating Odds Ratios • If Z1=Z2=Z3=0, then odds are exp(-4.0335) • If Z2=Z3=0, but Z1=1, then odds are exp(-4.0335+1.1869) • The ratio of odds is then exp(1.1869) = 3.2769 • Interpretation: Compared with people who never snore, people who snore occasionally are 3.28 times as likely to develop heart disease. • What is the odds ratio for comparing those who snore nearly every night with occasional snorers? • What is the odds ratio for comparing those who snore every night with those who snore nearly every night?
Example – Genetic Association study • Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is known to be associated with age and gender (older and male are more likely) • One study had 174 cases and 225 controls found association of IPF with one gene genotype COX2.8473 (C T). • P-value by Pearson Chi-squares test: p = 0.0241. • Q: Is this association true? Genotype CC CT TT total Case 88 72 14 174 Control 84 113 28 225 Total 172 185 42 399
Example on genetic study • Logistic regression model logit [Pr(IPF)] = intercept + snp + sex + age • Results: Wald Effect DF Chi-square P-value SNP 2 2.7811 0.2489 sex 1 9.1172 0.0025 age 1 100.454 <.0001
Example on genetic study • Investigate why it happens by age and sex • Disease (N-normal; D-disease) by age 0-29 30-49 50-64 65-74 75+ N 104 77 35 7 2 D 0 10 42 68 54 T 104 87 77 75 56
Example on genetic study • Investigate why it happens by age and sex • Disease (N-normal; D-disease) by sex male female N 72 153 D 108 66 T 180 219
Example on genetic study • Investigate why it happens by age and sex SNP genotype by sex male female CC 79 93 CT 75 110 TT 26 16 Total 180 219 Pearson Chi-squares test X2 = 6.3911, p = 0.0409
Example on genetic study • Investigate why it happens by age and sex • Age class by genotype CC CT TT 29 36 58 10 30-49 34 42 11 50-64 35 32 10 65-74 37 30 8 75+ 30 23 3 T 172 185 42 Pearson Chi-squares test X2 = 10.01, p = 0.2643
Loglinear regression model • Why use loglinear regression? Often, observations are counts (>0, and may be = 0), with potential number of people exposed to risk (total population at risk). • Estimation by maximum likelihood estimator or loglik function Link function
R program for Logistic and Loglinear models • Both logistic and loglinear models are special generalized linear models (GLM) • R uses a function ‘glm’ for fitting GLM models with different link function: • Logistic regression: binomial family • Loglinear regression: Poisson family • Logistic: fit <- glm(as.factor(y)~x, family = binomial (link = logit)) • Loglinear: fit <- glm(y~x, family = poisson (link = log))
R output for Logistic and Loglinear models • > fit • Call: glm(formula = y ~ x, family = binomial(link = logit)) • Coefficients: • (Intercept) x1 x2 x3 • -0.725709 0.014827 0.015248 0.007396 • x4 • 0.041097 • Degrees of Freedom: 19 Total (i.e. Null); 15 Residual • Null Deviance: 24.43 • Residual Deviance: 21.22 AIC: 31.22
R output for Logistic • > summary(fit) • Call: • glm(formula = y ~ x, family = binomial(link = logit)) • Deviance Residuals: • Min 1Q Median 3Q Max • -1.3708 -0.9643 -0.3896 1.2518 1.6197 • Coefficients: • Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) • (Intercept) -0.725709 1.988678 -0.365 0.715 • x1 0.014827 0.021880 0.678 0.498 • x2 0.015248 0.022781 0.669 0.503 • x3 0.007396 0.018840 0.393 0.695 • x4 -0.041097 0.030172 -1.362 0.173 • (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) • Null deviance: 24.435 on 19 degrees of freedom • Residual deviance: 21.223 on 15 degrees of freedom
Disease Rate (Per 105) and Frequency Year Age Birth Cohort
Statistical Models Loglinear model log(ERij) = log (nij) + + i + j + ij intercept ; ERij expected freq. in cell (i, j), nij population-yrs of expos – offset term. 1, …, a row (age) effects, ai=1i = 0 1, …, p column (period) effects, pj=1j= 0 ij interaction effects, ij= 0
Statistical Models APC loglinear model log(ERij) = log (nij) + + i + j + k intercept ; ERij expected freq. in cell (i, j), nij popul-yrs of expos – offset term. 1, …, a row (age) effects, i=1ai = 0 1, …, p column (period) effects, j=1pj= 0 1, …, a+p-1 diagonal (cohort) effects, k=1a+p-1k = 0
Problem • Linear dependency among covariates: Period – Age = Cohort • Rows, columns and diagonals on a Lexis diagram • Multiple estimators !
Disease Rate (Per 105) and Frequency Year Age
Matrix form Models in matrix form log(ER) = log (n) + X b b = (, 1,…a-1, 1,…, p-1, 1, …,a+p-2)T X singular design matrix : 1–less than full rank
Matrix form Regression design Matrix (X) for APC model with 3x3 table • [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] • [1,] 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 • [2,] 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 • [3,] 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 • [4,] 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 • [5,] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 • [6,] 0 1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 • [7,] -1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 0 • [8,] -1 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0 • [9,] -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 1 0 • Eigen values of (XTX): • 12.16 9.23 4.98 3.35 3.00 2.15 1.12 0.00
R-program to generate APC Matrix apcmat1 <- function (a = 3, p = 3) { ## construct APC matrix for APC analysis x <- matrix(0, a*p, 2*(a+p-2)) gammac <- rbind( diag(1, a+p-2), -1) for (i in 1:(a-1)) { x[(i-1)*p+(1:p), i] <- 1 # for alpha x[(i-1)*p+(1:(p-1)), a:(a+p-2)] <- diag(1,p-1) # for beta x[i*p, a:(a+p-2)] <- -1 for (j in 1:p) x[(i-1)*p+j, -1:-(a+p-2) ] <- gammac [a-i+j, ] } for (j in 1:p) x[(a-1)*p+j, -1:-(a+p-2)] <- gammac[j, ] # last block (row in apc table) for gamma gammac <- NULL x[(a-1)*p+(1:p), 1:(a-1)] <- -1 # last block (row in apc table) for alpha x[(a-1)*p+(1:(p-1)), a:(a+p-2)] <- diag(1, p-1) # last block (row in apc table) for beta x[a*p, a:(a+p-2)] <- -1 x }