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Programming Languages. COMP 321 Spring 2012 Practicum 4. Practicum 4. Functional Forms Functional abstraction Function Composition Construction Mapping Dynamic code. reference. reference: Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days, section 6.4.
Programming Languages COMP 321 Spring 2012 Practicum 4
Practicum 4 • Functional Forms • Functional abstraction • Function Composition • Construction • Mapping • Dynamic code
reference • reference: • Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days, section 6.4.
Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages • FPL objective: to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible • basic process of computation in a FPL vs an imperative language • In an imperative language, operations are done and the results are stored in variables for later use • Management of variables is a source of complexity for imperative programming • In an FPL variables are used as unknowns (as is the case in mathematics)
Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages • In an FPL, the evaluation of a function always produces the same result given the same parameters • This is called referential transparency • Is this true in an imperative language?
Abstraction • Programming is all about abstraction • Variables, Data structures abstract on memory • control structures abstract on the processor • How?
Abstraction • Programming is all about abstraction • OOP abstracts on data (ADTs) • Encapsulation • Polymorphism • OOP provides higher level abstractions • Inheritance • How is this abstraction?
OOP Abstraction Class A Public f() Private x, y inheritance Class B Public g() Private a,b Class C Public h() Private i,j These classes build on class A; don’t know how it is implemented.
Abstraction • Programming is all about abstraction • Functional programming languages (FPL) abstract on functions (define A (lambda (b) ) Receive new function B that performs some task. Call function A and pass function f: (A f)
Mathematical Functions • Functional Forms • Def: A higher-order function, or functional form, is one that either takes functions as parameters or yields a function as its result, or both
Mathematical Functions • Functional Forms • Functional abstraction • Function Composition • Construction • Mapping • Dynamic code
Functional Forms 0. Functional abstraction • Passing functions as arguments • Returning functions as results • Powerful technique that can be used in conjunction with other techniques
Functional Forms 0. Functional abstraction • In an OOP language (like Java) we abstract over classes • Example: Java’s abstract classes • An abstract class cannot be implemented • It represents the structure of the class
Functional Forms 0. Functional abstraction (define doubler (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))) (define double (doubler +)) (double 13/2) 13 (double 5) 10
Functional Forms 0. Functional abstraction (define doubler (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))) (define double-cons (doubler cons)) (double-cons ‘a) (a . a)
Functional Forms 0. How does doubler work? ((doubler +) 2) 1. (define doubler (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))) f + 1. create closure (lambda (x) (f x x)))) 2. doubler returns the closure (which contains the lambda) 3. returned functionisexecuted in the context of the closure • 2. ((doubler +) 2) f + x 2 (lambda (x) (f x x)))) • (lambda (x) (f x x))))
Functional Forms 0. Functional abstraction (define doubler (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))) (define double-any (lambda (f x) ((doubler f) x)))
Functional Forms 0. How does double-any work? (define doubler (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x x)))) (define double-any (lambda (f x) ((doubler f) x))) Doubler returns a function that takes one parameter. The function is defined within the scope of doubler where f is bound.
Functional Forms 0. How does double-any work? (double-any + 2) 1. (define double-any (lambda (f x) ((doubler f) x))) f + x 2 ((doubler f) x))) 4. Call the returned function 2 3 g + • 2. (define doubler • (lambda (g) • (lambda (x) (g x x)))) • (lambda (x) (g x x))))
Functional Forms 0. Functional abstraction Exercise: create a function that takes a one-argument function f and a list, applies f to the first item in the list, and returns the result.
Functional Forms • Solution (define change-first (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (car x))))) > (add1_first '(2 3 4)) 3 > (define incr (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))) (define add1_first (lambda (x) ((change-first incr) x)))
Functional Forms 1. Function Composition • A functional form that takes two functions as parameters and yields a function whose value is the first actual parameter function applied to the application of the second Form: h f ° g which means h (x) f ( g ( x)) For f (x) x * x * x and g (x) x + 3, h f ° g yields (x + 3)* (x + 3)* (x + 3)
Functional Forms 1. Function Composition • Most scheme functions use composition. • Example: the list-copy function applies cons to list-copy and car (define list-copy (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) ‘( ) (cons (car ls) (list-copy (cdr ls))) ) ) )
Functional Forms 1. Function Composition • Can abstract composition also: (define compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))) )) > (define safeSqr (compose sqrt abs)) > (safeSqr -100) 10 >
Functional Forms 2. Construction • A functional form that takes a list of functions as parameters and yields a list of the results of applying each of its parameter functions to a given parameter Form: [f, g] For f (x) x * x * x and g (x) x + 3, [f, g] (4) yields (64, 7)
construction • construct applies two functions to an argument and puts the result in a list. (define construct (lambda (x) (cons (sqrt x) (cons (abs x) ‘())) ) )
construction • Can abstract construction (define construct2 (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (cons (f x) (cons (g x) ‘())) ) )) > (define test (construct2 sqrt abs)) > (test 100) (10 100) >
Functional Forms 3. Apply-to-all or mapping • A functional form that takes a single function as a parameter and yields a list of values obtained by applying the given function to each element of a list of parameters Form: For h (x) x * x * x ( h, (3, 2, 4)) yields (27, 8, 64)
mapping • mapping applies a function over all elements of a list • abs-allmapsabs over the input list to produce the output list (define abs-all (lambda (ls) (if (null? ls) ‘( ) (cons (abs (car ls)) (abs-all (cdr ls))) ) ) )
mapping • Scheme supplies a built-in map function (define abs-all2 (lambda (ls) (map abs ls) ) ) (map abs ‘(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) ‘(1 -3 -5 7)) (map cons ‘(a b c) ‘(1 2 3))
mapping • Can abstract mapping, but need a letrec (define mapper (lambda (f) (lambda (ls) (if (null? Ls) ‘() (cons (f (car ls)) (?? (cdr ls))) ) ) ) How do we call ourselves?
mapping • Can abstract mapping, but need a new construct (a letrec) (define mapper (lambda (f) (lambda (ls) (letrec((mapRec (lambda (lst) (if (null? lst) ‘() (cons (f (car ls)) (mapRec (cdr lst))) ) ;; end if ) ; end lambda ) ; end mapRec ) ; end definitions (mapRec ls) ) ; end letrec )))
Functional Forms 4. Dynamic Code • It is possible in Scheme to define a function that builds Scheme code and requests its interpretation • This is possible because the interpreter is a user-available function, EVAL
Functional Forms 4. Dynamic Code • Example: suppose we have a list of numbers that must be added together (define adder (lambda (lis) (cond ((null? lis) 0) (else (+ (car lis) (adder(cdr lis )))) ) ))
list is the build-in scheme operator to make lists Abstracting (define adder2 (lambda (lis) (cond ((null? lis) 0) (else (eval (cons + (list (car lis) (adder2 (cdr lis)))))) ))) • The parameter is a list of numbers to be added; adder inserts a + operator • eval causes the resulting list to be interpreted
Abstracting (define adder3 (lambda (op lis) (cond ((null? lis) 0) (else (eval (cons op (list (car lis) (adder3 op (cdr lis)))))) ))) (adder3 ‘+ ‘(3 4 5)) • What happens if you leave out the eval?
Abstracting (define adder4 (lambda (op) (lambda (lis) (letrec((addUp (lambda (lis) (cond ((null? lis) 0) (else (eval (cons op (list (car lis) (addUp (cdr lis)))))))) ); end addUp ); end definitions (addUp lis) ) ; end letrec ))) ;;; this is useful if op only takes two arguments