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Industrial OEM Performance Report - Entytle

The quarterly performance report for Industrial OEMu2019s is out for Q2 2020. We sifted through the comprehensive set of statistics, from Jan 2020 to June 2020, published by census.gov and distilled the data for industrial manufacturing. The primary sub-sectors addressed are u2013 HVAC Equipment, Industrial #Machinery, Mining, Oil/Gas Field, Turbines, Generators, Power Transmission, Material Handling, and Construction Machinery.

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Industrial OEM Performance Report - Entytle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Industrial OEM H1 2020 Performance New Orders Shipments Unfilled Orders Inventory

  2. About the Data Industry focus - Durable Good, Machinery & Sub-sectors Geography - USA Period - Jan 2020 to Jun 2020 Value in millions Data sourced from census.gov

  3. All Machinery ALL MACHINERY 6.87% decrease total shipments decrease new orders 8.85% unfilled ordersdecrease 4.36% decrease total inventory 0.45%

  4. All Machinery HVAC EQUIPMENT increase total shipments 8.46% decrease new orders 0.86% decrease unfilled orders 10.89% decrease total inventory 2.66%

  5. All Machinery INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY decrease total shipments 8.25% decrease new orders 9.37% increase unfilled orders 9.00% increase total inventory 14.78%

  6. All Machinery MINING, OIL/GAS FIELD 22.91% decrease total shipments decrease new orders 23.86% increase unfilled orders 6.58% decrease total inventory 8.41%

  7. TURBINES, GENERATORS, POWER All Machinery TRANSMISSION decrease total shipments 5.95% decrease new orders 13.09% decrease unfilled orders 16.63% increase total inventory 2.08%

  8. All Machinery MATERIAL HANDLING decrease total shipments 7.62% decrease new orders 7.53% decrease unfilled orders 17.62% decrease total inventory 18.02%

  9. All Machinery CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY 18.13% decrease total shipments decrease new orders 16.55% increase unfilled orders 20.45% increase total inventory 10.10%

  10. with an Installed Base Do more, with less Data Platform Purpose-built for Industrial OEMs www.entytle.com info@entytle.com

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