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Aid and Australian and international organisations. Chapter 12. Key knowledge. Different types of aid, including emergency aid, bilateral and multilateral aid and non-government organisation aid, and how they are used to achieve global health and sustainable HD.
Aid and Australianand internationalorganisations Chapter 12.
Key knowledge. • Different types of aid, including emergency aid, bilateral and multilateral aid and non-government organisation aid, and how they are used to achieve global health and sustainable HD. • The role of the UN in providing global health and sustainable development through the following areas of action: world peace and security, human rights, humanitarian assistance and social and economic development • The agenda of WHO in promoting global health and sustainable HD. • The responsibilities of the Australian Government’s AusAIDinitiative and the role it plays in developing programs to improve global health and sustainable development • The role of non-government organisations based in Australia in promoting global health and sustainable human development
Key skills. • Identify and explain different types of aid and evaluate their contribution towards achieving global health and sustainable human development • Describe the role of international and Australian government and non-government agencies and organisations in promoting global health and sustainable development • Interpret and analyse data
Introduction. There are many factors that contribute to inequalities in health status around the world Thisinformation makes clear that there are vast differences in access to resources and opportunities between developing and developed countries in relation to health status. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the key to improving global health is to prevent the causes of important diseases. Tackling major risks effectively could lead to up to 10 years or more of healthy life expectancy globally and substantial gains can be made for relatively modest expenditures. Governments should prioritise the most important risks and shift the main focus to include preventative measures that can be applied to the whole population. Reducing major risks will, in turn, reduce inequalities in society, and promote both healthy life and sustainable development. A large amount of foreign aid is provided by a range of government and non-government agencies around the world to help improve the health status of the poorest and developing countries.
Types of Aid. • For several decades a range of key agencies have been engaged in the battle to improve global health. These agencies include those related to government, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization and AusAID, as well as non-government organisations such as World Vision, Oxfam and the Red Cross. • There are four main categories of aid: • Emergency relief aid, • Bilateral aid, • Multilateral aid • Non-government aid.
Types of Aid. • Emergency aid: Immediate aid following an emergency caused by natural disaster or war/conflict • Bilateral aid: Aid given from the government of one country to the government of another • Multilateral aid: Aid given by the governments of many countries and dispensed via international organisations such as the UN or WHO. • Non-government organisation aid: is aid provided by organisations, often for specific projects or programs such as education programs, that directly give aid to the communities in which they are working.
Types of Aid. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfhSUcCFGiQ • types of aid.docx
Emergency Aid. • Emergency aid is the quick assistance given to people or countries in immediate distress after man-made emergencies, such as wars, and natural disasters, including floods, tsunamis or earthquakes. (A crisis) • Is also called “Humanitarian Aid” • Thistype of aid involves removing the immediate threats to healththrough providing: • Medicine, • Food, • Water, • Temporary shelter
Emergency Aid. • Can you think of examples of emergency aid that you have seen over the past 10 years? • Examples of emergency aid include the efforts after: • Cyclone Evan • The floods affecting Fiji and Samoa in 2012, • The magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Haiti in 2010 • The ongoing crisis in Syria. • The Victorian Bushfires. • The Queensland floods.
Emergency aid-The Ebola virus and Haiti earthquake. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBQ7QosFzFg • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSpqnZYwdVU • Emergency aid-Haiti.docx
Emergency Aid. • What are some pros and cons of emergency aid? • Pros: • It’s provided quickly-immediately. • It ensures the needs of those affected can be met. • Cons: • It does not provide long-term assistance-short-term. • It does not address the causes of poverty or inequality.
Emergency Aid and achieving global health andsustainable human development • Emergency aid provides immediate relief in affected areas. • Emergency aid does not give long-term assistance. • However, it does assist with basic needs during emergency situations, such as food, shelter and medical care. • It aims to reduce the spread of communicable diseases, which can spread quickly in these kinds of conditions, and reducing injuries. • This aid improves physical and mental health- which enhances sustainable human development.
Bilateral or official aid • Bilateral means ‘two sides.’ • Bilateral aid is where aid is given by one country directly to another. • An example of bilateral aid is when Australia provides aid to East Timor such as through building infrastructure or improving access to water by building wells. • This type of aid usually makes up the largest part of the aid a country receives.
Bilateral Aid. • Bilateral aid is the most common type of aid. • Examples of bilateral aid include projects such as?? • Improving water supplies by building wells and dams so clean and fresh water is available. • Providing essential infrastructure,-electricity supply. • Establishing roads • Medical facilities-hospitals and clinics. • Resources such as water and electricity are vital for health, therefore bilateral aid improves health.
Bilateral Aid. • Pros and cons of bilateral aid?
Bilateral Aid and global health and sustainable human development • Bilateral aid improves the infrastructure and services provided in developing countries that can then positively influence health. • E.g. Through building roads, providing electricity, establishing medical services, and providing wells for safe water. • These resources assist with disease prevention and increase life expectancy. • They also provide an improved standard of living. • Building schools , programs and practices improves access to knowledge and enables people and communities to make informed decisions and participate in their community and therefore achieve sustainable human development.
Multilateral aid • Multilateral means ‘many sides’ • Multilateral aid is where aid is provided through an international organisation, such as the World Bank, the United Nations or the World Health Organization. • Multilateral aid combines donations from a number of countries and then distributes them to those in need. • These resources provided are then used to fund programs focused on improving health and sustainable development-For example programs that have been working towards achieving the MDGs.
Multilateral aid • Australia, through AusAID, works with organisations such as the World Bank, the UN and the World Food Programme (WFP). • Many of these programs work to fight issues such as global hunger and education. • Multilateral aid promotes sustainable human development • Food and education are needed for an active, healthy and a sustainable future.
Multilateral aid and global health and sustainable human development • Multilateral aid is provided to programs that aim to improve the overall health status of countries. • These programs promote sustainable HD; through allowing people to lead more productive lives and reach their full potential. • These programs focus on the following: • Increasing access to healthcare. • Improvements in access to immunisation-decrease rates of morbidity and mortality. • Improvement in the access to education programs-increase knowledge to improve health, earn an income, improve quality of life and ensure sustainability as skills and knowledge can be passed on to future generations. • Provision of food-reduces under nutrition and poverty levels.
Multilateral aid • Pros and cons of multilateral aid?
Non-government organisation aid • Non-government aid (NGO aid) is provided by organisations, often for specific projects or programs, that directly give aid to the communities in which they are working. • Such aid usually supports projects that focus on community development and participation • Examples of this aid include establishing safe water supplies to a community or to educate about the prevention of HIV transmission.
Non-government organisation aid • Non-government organisations (NGOs) are voluntary, not-for-profit community organisations. • The money used by NGO’s is mainly provided by public donations or fundraising events, such as World Vision’s 40 Hour Famine. • Many NGOs work directly in communities and target specific concerns. • They also work directly with people and work towards increasing knowledge, resources and choices and therefore human development.
Non-government organisation aid • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnJf8DVnRsE • ActionAid-A NGO.
NGO aid and global health and sustainable human development • NGO aid delivers programs needed to decrease morbidity and mortality rates and improve life expectancy, access to education and healthcare. • The provision of these programs enhances all dimensions of health, in particular physical health. • Another benefit of this aid is the opportunity to improve working potential and provide income for the family. • Increased income improves access to food, education and healthcare. • By improving these basic life essentials, people can develop to their full potential and lead productive and creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. (Sustainable HD)
NGO Aid. • Pros and cons of NGO aid?
Types of aid. • Different types of aid worksheet. • Aid tick the box. • Types of aid mind map • Types of aid mindmap.docx
The role of aid agencies in achieving global health and sustainable HD. • Developing countries often lack the resources needed to improve the health status of their citizens. • Aid plays an important role in addressing these countries’ health concerns with the goal of achieving sustainable human development. • Aid can be provided to countries in need in the form/s of money, equipment, services and people.
The role of aid agencies in achieving global health and sustainable HD. • Agencies provide aid for the following reasons: • To address and reduce individual, family and community suffering. • To address social and gender inequalities • To eliminate hunger and reduce the effects of poverty • To provide stability and sustainability • To promote global health and development. • The major agencies that provide aid include the UN, the WHO, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and a number of NGO’s.
The United Nations (UN) • For this outcome you will be required to know the following based on the UN: • The role of the UN in providing global health and sustainable development through the following areas: • World peace and security, • Human rights, • Humanitarian assistance • Social and economic development How global health and SHD are promoted by the UN in these 4 areas
The United Nations (UN) • Established in 1945, the United Nations (UN) has 192 member nations (countries) • The UN does not make laws. • The UN is a forum where all member nations have the opportunity to voice their opinions and vote on global issues that affect the world. • It works to make the world a better place for allpeople. • The UN helps resolve international conflict.
The United Nations (UN) • Members of the UN meet in New York, and in recent times have discussed key issues such as the MDG’s, globalisation, war/conflict, HIV/AIDS, sustainability and protection of the environment. All of the 192 UN members’ flags fly outside the UN building in New York City
The United Nations (UN) • One of the major roles of the UN is the planning of international aid and the development of international policy to protect the rights of all people. • The UN has also established a number of supporting organisations such as the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF). • The UN work to create a better world for all, achieve global health and sustainable human development.
Global issues addressed by the UN • The following are examples of global issues that are addressed by the UN: • Agriculture • Children • Climate change • Culture • Education, • Environment • Family, human rights, • International law, • Least developed countries, population, refugees, • Social development and sustainable development.
The UN’s focus on issues of promoting health and sustainableHD. • The UN has unique resources in promoting health and sustainable human development for all the world’s countries and citizens. • The UN focuses on 4 key areas of action in its quest to promote health and sustainable HD: • Working for international peace and security • Humanitarian assistance • Social and economic development. • Human rights
The UN’s 4 key action areas. • You will be required to know the 4 key areas of action of the UN; • International peace and security • Humanitarian assistance • Social and economic development. • Human rights • For these 4 areas you will then need to know: • What the UN does to work towards these 4 areas • How these areas impact on both global health and sustainable human development.
UN action area: Working for world peace and security • The UN’s activities include 4 principal areas: • Conflict prevention, • Peacemaking, • Peacekeeping and enforcement, • Peacebuilding. • When there is a threat to international peace or security, the UN works to resolve the conflict ASAP and restore peace. • After a conflict, the UN then takes action to address the causes and create the foundations for lasting peace.
UN action area: Working for world peace and security • http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/operations/peacekeeping.shtml • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40EihLq1aAo
UN action area: Working for world peace and security • The UN can deal with conflict and work to restore peace in a number of ways including: • Issuing a ceasefire (an agreement to stop fighting), • Sending UN troops to areas experiencing political or social unrest, to maintain the peace and security of citizens. • Sending UN peacekeepers into a country to attempt to negotiate a peaceful solution (eg in East Timor) Know 2 examples of the UN’s work to achieve this area.
World peace and security UN peacekeepers serve in some of the most difficult and dangerous situations around the world, such as East Timor and Pakistan
World peace and security • Current UN peacekeeping operations. • http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/operations/current.shtml
World peace and security-Impact on global health and sustainable HD. • For this outcome you will be required to understand how the 4 action areas can impact on both global health and SHD. • It is important to remember the difference between health and SHD. • Health-refers to morbidity and mortality rates, life expectancy and overall health status. • SHD-refers to access to education, healthcare, water and food as well as the ability for people to reach their full potential and lead productive lives.
World peace and security-Impact on global health. • War and conflict has a negative impact on health and health status • Increased mortality/morbidity rates, decreased life expectancy and quality of life • Peace and security leads to decreased morbidity and mortality rates and increases life expectancy and all dimensions of health, especially physical health. • This results in people being able to work, receive an educationand have access to food, water and healthcare.
World peace and security-Impact on sustainable human development (SHD) • Living in peace and freedom allows people to have access to an education and employment. • People are then able to earn an income and provide for their families through having access to essential resources such as healthcare, safe water, sanitation and food. • All of this enables people to develop to their full potential and lead productive lives.
Exam question. The United Nation’s (UN) role is to help provide global health and sustainable human development to all member states. One of the ways it does this is through the promotion of world peace and security. Briefly explain how the UN aims to improve global health through the promotion of world peace and security. (2 marks)
World peace and security. • Activity 12.3 Q 1 & 2.
UN action area: Humanitarian assistance • Humanitarian assistance is the aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of man-made crises and natural disasters. • The UN is a major provider of humanitarian assistance. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC73HeP_ODs
UN action area: Humanitarian assistance • The UN provides humanitarian assistance through: • Working to alleviate human suffering in disasters and emergencies, (such as war and natural disasters) • Advocating for the rights of people in need, • Facilitating sustainable solutions (such as the World Food Programme)
UN action area: Humanitarian assistance • Countries receiving humanitarian assistance from the UN. • http://reliefweb.int/countries