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Behind the Veil of Cancer :. Truth , Options, & the Secrets to why there is no cure. Disclaimer:
Behind theVeil of Cancer: Truth, Options, & the Secrets to why there is no cure
Disclaimer: This Presentation is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional.. The facts presented in the following pages are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that I am practicing medicine. I am a Holistic Practitioner that has compiled some information From Researchers and Medical Doctors. I believe the mainstream media and some Practitioners are behind on the current science available and I am here to report the latest discoveries. I strongly encourage everyone to do their own research and double check all this information for yourself before taking any action.
(6) TullioSimoncini, MD The first to treat cancer w/ Sodium Bicarbonate
Current State of the Cancer World • We need to move from Disease Awareness to Disease Solutions (1) • Fight Cancer! No, Education! 25 years for cigarettes to be proven that is may cause lung cancer. (1) • Medical Schools are sponsored and shaped by the Big Pharma. 5-6 hours of nutritional training. (1) • What is the Definition of Cancer Cure - Cured if you live for 5 years after chemo (2) • Chemo 2.1% Success - Royal cancer clinic in Sidney in Institution of health magazine • Diamonds Foods FDA letter sent….Walnuts benefits on web site…turns into a drug…and guilty of selling unapproved Drugs • Not an Health Care System it’s a Disease Care Management system – Sick Care System (3) • An MD lives 4 years less than the average person (3) • Doctors don’t have the time to check the studies just accept the Marketing Reps for Big Pharma (3) • MD by law has to use chemo, radiation or go to jail, and may lose their license if they use natural treatments (3) • On Average is takes 20 years for Medical Doctors to incorporate Science Discoveries with their everyday practice
FDA and the MonsontoMonopoly - Movie “Food Inc.” • Same executes revolve through the FDA and Chemical Companies and GMO food corporations • Medical Doctors are moving to Canada and Mexico so they can freely practice how the want – too many controls on them • 37th in the World – because we can’t say anything cures. • French #1 “stem cells that they can drink”. Attitude (3) • Average person is now getting 37 vaccines – we are overdoing it to make money – disease management makes money – Cures don’t (3) H1N1 • FDA will not allow a double blind test to test if other cancer treatments work (3) • Too much money to be made $8000 a month on a patient for years of therapy • Insurance does not pay for alternative care (3) $300 a month for 2 – 6 months • Freedom of Speech – Why can’t I say something may work – Organic Farms being targeted for selling unpasteurized milk – give me the warning – let me decide • “We must of misdiagnosed” – MD’s can’t believe if one is healed naturally • Cannot Patent Life – So the existence of synthetic – too expensive and not the worth the time for supplement companies -2 Billion to be a Drug Politics is Cancer
Current Orthodox Treatments of Cancer • Mammograms • For every 2 preventative tumors found causes 6 tumors in women • Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), concludes the low-dose radiation from annual mammography screening significantly increases breast cancer risk in women with a genetic or familial predisposition to breast cancer. • http://www.naturalnews.com/027641_mammograms_brst_cancer.html#ixzz1PgDelErh • At the McGill Center sent to 118 doctors, all experts on lung cancer, • Would you use the treatments you Prescribe for Lung Cancer? • 79 doctors answered, 64 of them said that they would not consent to undergo any treatment containing cis-platinum – a common chemotherapy drugs they used • 58 out of 79 No due to the ineffectiveness and the elevated level of toxicity of chemotherapy.” (Philip Day, “Cancer: Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)
Current Orthodox Treatments of Cancer • Chemotherapy – Autopsy Medical Doctor says people die due to chemotherapy rather than cancer (2) • Dr Richard Ablin, MD inventor of PSA test, PSA – prostate cancer- measure of inflammation – not measure of cancer - on his death bed claimed that the PSA is not a good test for Prostate Cancer (2) • Surgery usually spreads the cancer through the system, that makes it fast growing (4) • Medical profession uses fear to move you into chemo treatment (4) • The Big 3 “Slash, Burn, Poison” - Break Down to make Stronger (2) • Just about taking out the tumors – The person needs to be looked at holistically (2)
Current Alternative Cancer Treatments • Thermography (Alternate to Mammogram) Measures heat/inflammation • Chemo Sensitivity tests- to see what best works for you – not all treatments work for all people • Rife Machine which targets cancer cells using particular frequencies. • Hyperthermia-- a treatment in which cancer cells are super-heated. 122F Body Heat (2) • Voltage Test – (5) Biomodulator -22mV is normal, -50mv is healing, +30mV Cancer Grows • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): • Oxygenation, Ozonation, Ozone Therapy: Oxygen kills cancer • Epigenetics and Gene Therapy: We are not victims to our genes • Enzymatic Therapy: * IV Chelation – Cleaning the blood • IPT: Insulin Potentiation Therapy, (1) ???? • 27% get cured by doing Nothing. Cancer Is a symptom and a wake up call…the 27% start to think about their lives (4)
The Variables that can add up to Cancer • Oxygen - 1932 hypoxia - lack of oxygen causes cancer, • Dr Auto Varburg, Nobel Prize (4) • Chemicals in our Environment (2) - 1920’s How Fluoride came about – Aluminum Manufacturing ALCOA made cans Sodium Fluoride, for Insecticide, No real science that fluoride is good for your teeth. • Aspartame – excytotoxins – excites cells to death- past 86F will convert to methyl alcohol to paraldehyde. • Pollution – Plastic – Vaccines • artificial sweeteners, refined sugar, and high fructose corn syrup. • EMF – Electrical Magnetic Frequency – DNA Damage • Food - Cancer grows in Hydronated Oils, sugar and an acidic body (4) • Body pH of 7.35 cancer will grow • pH acidic – leaches minerals out of your bones to balance the acid. Minerals and water • leave cells to balance blood. Blood must maintain 7.2 pH. • Cancer is a Mold – we are molding while we are alive (3) • Lack of Minerals in our Food - Iodine Deficiency – Breast Cancer • Hypothyroidism - leads to weakened immune system (5) • Emotional Stress - Body goes Acid – Adrenalize, Anger, Toxic Relationships • Scars – Teeth and Root Canals (2) – blocked energy to organs, Injuries & Surgery – blocks the electrical circuits to organs (5) • Genetics – we have the same attitude as your parents (3)
The Nature of Cancer (4) • There is only 1 Cancer, not just limited to an organ where it occurs.(4) • Only occurs where there is a breakdown in the system (4) • Cancer protects us from dying, collection of tumors, • It takes 7-10 years from cancer to grow in breast cancer. • Absurd to immediately take action (4) • Cells regeneration- Liver 6 weeks , 8 months kidney, 4 weeks skin, inside mouth 24-72 hours, no cell lives longer than 2 years (4) • 7.36 pH cancer cannot grow cancer (4) • 86% of all ailments are related to stress (4) • Cancer is a Mold (3)/fungus (6)
Solutions for Living and Prevention • Transform ph2-4 weeks of therapy to counter 1 year of acid life (3) • Breathing and swimming is best – oxygenation (3) • Trapped Scars holds inflammation – the body is a work of diaphragms and needs to expand and contract. (5) Neural Therapy (3) • If you can’t read the label don’t eat it – or in on a can (3) • Chew your food, enjoy your food (3) • Massive Hydration – flush your system (4) • Attitude is a major factor in Ph – creates the physical (3) • Put filters on shower heads to reduce toxins. Chlorine Gas Chambers (3) • Reverse Osmosis – gets out fluoride – Vitamin Water – Water Machines • Bras – Wires can mess with electricity of the body and restrict lymphs from draining (2) • Water – Mineral water that measures alkaline – Brita needs help- Add Minerals – Concen Trace www.traceminerals.com • No Microwaving disturbs energy – flower will die after 5 days from microwaved water (4)
Detoxing • Tumors are usually toxins that the body captures • Bentonite Clay + Psyllium Husk – attacks toxins – fiber moves • Zeolite – cage-like volcanic rock • Glutathione – bodies natural detoxifier • Parasite Cleanse – bugs come alive with acidity goes up • Liver Cleanse – the major detoxing organ • Activated Charcoal – attracts toxins • Skip a Meal or Fast – body becomes more efficient • Detoxing Foot Bath – Visible Detoxing of Heavy Metals • *Usually recommended when the body is strong – detoxing can be intense on the body
Microscopic View of Cells taken from the blood of a client Before and After a Detoxing Foot Bath Before After
Practitioners that may assist with Cancer Naturopaths – Detox Programs, Organ Strengthening, Allergies Acupuncturist – Strengthen the Immune System Oriental Medicine – Herbal Immune Strengthening Chiropractors – Strengthen Nervous System & Aligning the Spine Massage – Calm Down the Muscles & Nervous System Talk Therapists – Become Aware of Toxic Thoughts Dieticians & Nutritionists – Examination of Diet Medical Intuitives – Trace how the Mind Creates the Body
Natural Foods that have helped People (over 300) • The Hoxsey tonic, an herbal mixture that was developed through observing a horse cure itself of cancer by grazing on certain wild plants, (2) • Animals eat grass – B17 when the have cancer - Laetrile – Apple seeds, Apricot pits, Fruit Seeds (2) • Carnivora-- supplement made from the Venus Fly Trap that's an immune booster and cancer fighter.(2) • Budwig Diet - Cottage cheese and flax oil – hydrates the cells • Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) -Neutralizes Antacid and makes body more alkaline • Ingesting sodium bicarbonate diminishes the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys. The kidneys are • usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure. electron donor- electricity goes in- best for tumors • near the surface – not so well internally. Semenchili , MD Italy injections • Samento – Cats Claw - TOA’s – treat lyme disease – germs in scars cause lyme disease (3) • Cal/Mag + Vitamin D3 – is essential – sun is good – will not get the flu in winter –(3) • Prostate Cancer - Easiest Cancer to treat (3) – make bones strong then it can’t grow – just locally , lots of sex helps best - Honvan maybe India…a chemical castration…shrinks the prostate. (2) • Food-Grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide drops mixed in distilled water or aloe vera juice. (4) Internal Infections • Hemp oil can be rubbed on skin cancer. Omega 3 (2)(1) • IV Vitamin C , 100 CC 3 times a day tumor gone in 12 days (4) • Reishi and Shitake Mushrooms – live off of decomposing things/toxins • Protandim – Supplement that clears the free radicals from oxidative stress – body can regenerate (2)
Peer Reviews Proven treatment refers to treatments that have been tested following this strict set of guidelines and found to be safe and useful. The results of such studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Peer-reviewed journals are those in which the articles are studied by other doctors or scientists in the field to be sure that they meet certain standards before being published. Treatments that are tested in these ways are sometimes called evidence-based. They are generally adopted by doctors as part of mainstream medicine. Mainstream medicine (the usual type of treatment you get from a medical doctor) may also be called standard treatment, conventional medicine, allopathic medicine, or Western medicine. American Cancer Society www.cancer.org (What terms are used to describe cancer treatment?)
Protandim • www.ABCPrimetimeProtandim.com • Protandim is a 100% herbal product (green tea, ashwaganda, turmeric, milk thistle, bicopa). Clinically Proven to take care of 40-70% of Free radical damage which is associated with over 250 age related diseases. • April 2011 – Protandim assists with Chemotherapy Treatments – Protects Healthy Cells and helps deteriorate cancer tumors. • UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO – #1 Turns on the Genes that create Antioxidant enzymes • Protandim® is not an anti-oxidant Supplement. It is a NRF-2 Activator. This DNA pathway up regulates 500 of the 25,000 genes in our body. These genes are called the survival genes. The Superoxide Dismutase enzymes will Neutralize 1, 000,000 Free Radicals per second every second. The Oxidative Stress is reduced in every mammal by 40 to 70% - 100% of the time. Oxidative Stress is related to over 250 aging diseases. • UNIVERSTIY OF COLORADO – #2 Improves Glutathione by 300% - bodies Natural Detoxer • Protandim® up regulates the enzyme Glutathione by 300% in 30 days. Glutathione is the Master Anti-oxidant in our bodies. It is a huge Anti-inflammatory – cross’s the brain barrier & Gut barrier (very few things in our bodies can do this). Detoxifies our Liver & Kidneys. Everyone needs more Glutathione! • LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY – CANCER STUDY – #3 Cancer Prevention • Cancer Study – 100% of the mice were given a Cancer Causing agent. Half of the mice were giving Protandim® and the other half NO Protandim®. • 33% developed ZERO Cancer The remaining mice developed 40% Less Aggressive Cancer
Protandim’s Peer Reviews LOUISANA STATE UNIVERSITY – #4 Skin Cancer Prevention Cancer Clinical Trials have shown that tumor multiplicity and incidence can be decreased through the dietary administration of Protandim® in the two-stage skin carcinogenesis mouse model. VCU ( Virginia Commonwealth University) Clinical Trial - #5 Prevents Fibrosis of the Heart AMERICAN HEAT ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, CIRCULATION, PUBLISES NEW PEER-REVIEWED STUDY INVOLVING PROTANDIM. Study Concludes that Protandim® Preserved Heart Functions and Demonstrated Strong Cardio-Protective Effects in an Animal Model of Lung Disease, Osteopontins levels reduced by more than 50%; heart output preserved and cardiac fibrosis (Harding of the Arteries) prevented in animals. HARVARD UNIVERSITY – #6 Prevents Muscular Dystrophy New peer-reviewed study concludes that Protandim® improves markers of Oxidative Stress and Fibrosis in muscular dystrophy mice. Protective anti-oxidant enzyme PON1 increased 35% in supplemented animals Protandim®, a patented, science-based solution of oxidative stress, announced today that peer-reviewed manuscript was published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements examining the beneficial effects of Protandim® on a mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), an X-linked inherited disease affecting one in 3,500 males. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY – #7 Prevent Blockages of the Heart PROTANDIM® FOUND TO PREVENT A PROCESS THAT CAUSES BLOOD VESSEL BLOCKAGE IN NEW PEER-REVIEWED STUDY. Protandim® prevents the proliferation of cells that can cause re-blockage of vessels following coronary artery bypass surgery, stinting, and carotid endarterectomy. This will allow patents of Heart Bypass surgery to have a much longer survival rate. www.ABCPrimetimeProtandim.comwww.PubMed.gov
Where’s the Cure? It is about the money - Sharing his natural cures for cancer, Dr. Leonard Coldwell declared that every cancer is curable within 2-16 weeks. Stress is a major source of cancer (the malfunctioning of cells), and the disease is fostered when the body is overly acidic which makes it prone to fungal conditions. Treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are more likely to make a patient worse. Cancer is the main money maker in the medical field, with $400,000 to $1.8 million spent on an individual patient from diagnosis to death. Cells regeneration- Liver 6 weeks , 8 months kidney, 4 weeks skin, inside mouth 24-72 hours, no cell is lives longer than 2 years (4)
Currently where most of the Money Goes • Susan G Komen & Cancer Lifeline is happy to provide financial assistance to low-income women in treatment for breast cancer. • DALLAS - September 7, 2005 - The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation today announced the awarding of 202 research grants totaling more than $45.1 million as part of its Award and Research Grant Program. • Blood Based Biomarkers of High Risk and Early Breast Cancer Samir Hanash, MD, PhD Mary Disis, MD Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center University of Washington WA Puget Sound Early Detection IIR $599,999 • A cure for Breast Cancer identified at an early age, can be cured. By comparing the blood of those who currently have cancer with younger folks who may have the same markers. • Immune Biomarkers of Breast Cancer Risk in Benign Breast Tissue Amy Degnim, MD Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester MN Minnesota Affiliate • Early Detection IIR $600,000 • Researching that the immune system may have something to do with preventing breast cancer
American Cancer Society (Relay for Cancer) has little info about prevention, just what to do when you have it Eating well means eating a variety of foods that will give you the nutrients you need to protect your health while fighting cancer. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. Extra Mural Grants American Cancer Society Funded Current Projects http://www.cancer.org/acs/groups/content/@nho/documents/document/wapdf.pdf Fred Hutch – Current , Past, and Future Programs Study of Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis $300,000 disposed to cause harm, the formation of blood or of blood cells in the living body Assessing and Improving Radiologist Interpretive Skills $515,000 Molecular Basis of Endolysosmal Traffic Control $720,000 Cell Mutations
Where the Money Goes LiveStrong - Lance Armstrong81% $37, 000,000 to programs 7% to admin 2.5 million Main concern is about taking care of people post cancer treatment Setting up groups to talk about it post treatment Set up orgs in cities for people to talk about it In Seattle – Sets up rehab classes at the YMCA for post treatment A global cancer research study in 2007 Six “lessons learned” were derived from the global research results: 1. Around the world, cancer continues to carry a significant amount of stigma; however, there are opportunities to capitalize upon shifting perceptions and positive change. 2. Awareness of cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, and survival are on the rise; however, too many people still report that they feel uninformed when it comes to cancer. 3. Communication is critical to decreasing cancer-related stigma, raising cancer awareness, and disseminating cancer education. People with a personal history of cancer—especially well-known or celebrity survivors—and multiple mass media channels are key resources for dissemination. 4. The school system represents a potential venue for cancer education, and increasing cancer awareness among children may be an investment with high returns. 5. When facing cancer, people around the world want information and emotional support for themselves and their families. 6. Tobacco use and poor nutrition are widely acknowledged as cancer risks. Programs and policies that help people translate this awareness into action are needed.
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is the cancer charity that fosters research on the relationship of nutrition, physical activity and weight management to cancer risk, interprets the scientific literature and educates the public about the results. It has contributed more than $95 million for innovative research conducted at universities, hospitals and research centers across the country Cancer Areas: Breast, Endometrial, Gall Bladder, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Mouth, Pancreatic, Prostate, & Stomach Scientists estimate that about a third of the most common cancers could be prevented by: AICR recommends eating at least five portions a day of a variety of vegetables and fruits AICR recommends limiting alcoholic drinks to two a day for a man and one for a woman This is one of the reasons AICR recommends being as lean as possible within the healthy weight range. How Preventable is Pancreatic Cancer? AICR experts estimate that following the above advice could prevent thirty-nine percent of pancreatic cancer cases in the US every year. That's nearly 15,000 cases this year.
Justin underwent six intense rounds to prepare for a stem cell transplant, during which over 20 million of his stem cells were harvested – all of which came back positive for cancer. We had one last shot – a research study testing the purging of cancer from a stem cell collection. So over 10 million more stem cells were harvested and shipped to California to be cleaned. Never had they seen so much cancer in a stem cell harvest – but they worked on Justin’s cells, and he received those very clean, precious So I ask you, does research make a difference in the children’s lives? For Justin’s cancer, a decade survival rate was less than10% percent. Now survival rates are at 30-40 percent (still not good, but better). But relapsed neuroblastoma still has no cure. St. Baldrick’s has made grants up to 500,000 USD • www.stbaldricks.org • Easy to track the money • Know who the sponsors are • Talk about their survival rate
Organizations that Promote Cancer Prevention • State of the Evidence (1) • http://www.breastcancerfund.org/ • http://www.breastcancerfund.org/assets/pdfs/publications/state-of-the-evidence- 2010.pdf • p 36 compounds linked to Breast Cancer p 54 Metal in Breasts • ICRF –Independent Cancer Research Foundation (2) • http://www.new-cancer-treatments.org/ • www.CancerTutor.com/ • Healthfreedomnetwork.comDr. Coldwell’s Newsletter (3) • www.CancerTruth.net/ Ty Bollinger’s Web Site • www.DrBigelsen.comDr Harvey Bigelson, MD • www.CancerFungus.com Dr. TullioSimoncini, MD
Jacob Caldwell, LMP Massage Therapist Medical Intuitive Detoxing Foot Bath www.StepstoEnlightenment.com Download “Behind the Veil of Cancer” www.SeattleMassageBlog.net Email: Steps2Light@yahoo.com Wallingford, Seattle, WA Aura Attract Apps Itunes App Store Search: “Aura Attract” Facebook Fan Page: “The Aura of Attraction-Jacob Caldwell”