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Disulfiram Implant

Disulfiram Implant. Erin Mullican Mrs. Miller 4 th period Capstone Project. MISSION STATEMENT My mission is to accomplish my goals FUTURE CAREER GOALS Neonatal Nurse Topic Choice I chose this topic because FASD is 100% preventable. Sometimes drinking can be funny . . . .

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Disulfiram Implant

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Disulfiram Implant Erin Mullican Mrs. Miller 4th period Capstone Project

  2. MISSION STATEMENT My mission is to accomplish my goals FUTURE CAREER GOALS Neonatal Nurse Topic Choice I chose this topic because FASD is 100% preventable.

  3. Sometimes drinking can be funny . . .

  4. The result of drinking while your pregnant is not so funny . . .

  5. Drinking alcoholic beverages while pregnant is unhealthy and can be fatal to a fetus. According to the Center for Disease Control, drinking while pregnant can cause Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD’s), along with other abnormalities.

  6. FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDERS (FASD) DEFINED: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders describes a continuum of permanent birth defects caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.

  7. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FASD’s: Below Average Height Below Average Weight Small Head Size Small Eye Openings Thin Upper Lip Short Nose Flat Midface

  8. NEUROLOGICAL IMPAIRMENTS OF FASD’s: FASD can cause brain abnormalities and central nervous system damage, which later in life can cause difficulties with math, memory, attention, judgment and impulse control.

  9. Each year in the United States, as many as 40,000 babies are born with FASD’s, the cost of which amounts to approximately $6 billion a year to U.S. tax payers.

  10. Women with a dependency on alcohol are at high risk for drinking while pregnant and delivering babies with FASD’s.

  11. When an expecting mother drinks any kind of alcohol, her baby also drinks it through her umbilical cord, which can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and FASD’s when born.

  12. By combining a drug called Disulfiram, also known as “Antabuse”, that is used to treat chronic alcoholism . . . Disulfiram

  13. . . . with the insertion techniques of an Implanon Implant used to prevent pregnancy . . .

  14. . . . the number of babies born with FASD’s may markedly decrease.

  15. SIDE EFFECTS OF DISULFIRAM Vomiting Drowsiness Acne Rash

  16. SIDE EFFECTS OF THE IMPLANT Pain at the time of insertion Bruising around the insertion site

  17. OTHER ASSISTANCE TO STOP DRINKING Group Therapy Counseling Alcohol Education 12-Step Programs Medication

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=504gGMv9apo http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Possible+fetal+alcohol+effects http://www.scienceclarified.com/Bi-Ca/Birth-Defects.html http://hospitalnazareth.com/Fetal-Alcohol-Syndrome.htm http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-frisky-readers-split-down-the-middle-on-drinking-while-pregnant/ http://blogs.monografias.com/sistema-limbico-neurociencias/2010/06/28/more-on-fetal-alcohol-syndrome/ http://pregnancyandbaby.sheknows.com/talk/2010/10/18/preventing-fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/saveena/2449361324/ http://www.aa.org/?Media=PlayFlash http://www.aabooksonline.com/workbooks-study-guides/drug-and-alcohol-education-workbook http://www.dimensionsguide.com/umbilical-cord-length/

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