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Good Morning!

According the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that The ruler should be chosen democratically The evil in humans must be eliminated Ancestor worship should be discontinued Individuals should know and do what is expected of them. Good Morning!.

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Good Morning!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. According the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that The ruler should be chosen democratically The evil in humans must be eliminated Ancestor worship should be discontinued Individuals should know and do what is expected of them Good Morning! Pick up a worksheet Answer the question on your blue MC question worksheet

  2. Good Morning! Pick up a worksheet Take out your GRRR movement of people and goods

  3. Crusades: “Holy War” When did this occur? 1095-1200 What were the causes of the Crusades? Muslims took control of Jerusalem, Pope called for Christian soldiers to take the city. What were the effects of the Crusades? • Power of the Pope declines • Feudalism is weakened • Trade between Middle East and Europe begins – this makes Italian trading cities wealthy • Europe gets ideas and technology

  4. Silk Road What was the Silk Road? A series of trade routes which connected China and Rome What kind of goods, ideas, and technology flowed along this route? Silk, porcelain, gold, spices, moveable type, gunpowder

  5. Muslim Influence on Africa When did this happen? Late 600s How/why did Islam spread here? Originally, Muslims conquered North Africa – Islam spread into W. Africa and the Eastern coast through trade What were the effects? The religion changed from animism to Islam, literacy increased (Arabic was read), kingdoms developed with larger, complex cities

  6. Bantu Migrations 500-1500 Who were the Bantu? Early African people who began to migrate throughout Africa Why did they migrate? To find new farmland How did they affect Africa? Their language spread throughout Africa, their knowledge of iron-smelting spread

  7. Crusades Silk Road Bantu Muslim influence

  8. Good Morning! Pick up a worksheet

  9. The Middle Ages/Medieval Period… Otherwise known as the Dark Ages What happened to Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire?

  10. Europe During the Middle Ages It’s so dark! Arrival of Germanic groups and collapse of Rome led to • Trade declined – travel was unsafe • Cities less important • People moved to the countryside • Education declined • Europe no longer had a unified language • 400-600 period of turmoil and chaos as Germanic Kingdoms fought for power

  11. The Catholic Church PEOPLE TURNED TO RELIGION! • Provided a sense of order • Monasteries served as libraries preserving the writings of the ancient world • Monastery = religious community of monks who devote themselves to a life of prayer and worship

  12. Charlemagne • 300 years after the fall of Rome, he reunites much of Western Europe • Pope Leo III crowned him Holy Roman Emperor • Sponsored revival of learning HRE = Combined the power of the Church and the heritage of the old Roman Empire with a new line of rulers BUT - After his death, his empire broke into pieces

  13. The Dark Ages • Answer the questions as we watch the video on the Dark Ages

  14. Before you go … take out a ½ sheet of paper • What was one reason why this period is considered a Dark Age? • What is one source of “light” for people during in this period?

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