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Stage 2 – Measures and Issues. Prepared by Bob Jordan and Kelly Brazeal MPH Object Health, LLC. Examine 17 core and 6 menu measures Determine implications for clinic – Workflow Portals, interfaces, standard languages Cost, time, provider workload What does it mean for quality reporting?
Stage 2 – Measures and Issues Prepared by Bob Jordan and Kelly Brazeal MPH Object Health, LLC
Examine 17 core and 6 menu measures Determine implications for clinic – Workflow Portals, interfaces, standard languages Cost, time, provider workload What does it mean for quality reporting? Where does this fit in the EHR timeline? How does this affect PCMH documentation? What is our purpose?
Stage 2 – Core Measures Must meet all measures • Orders & Charting • Patient Engagement • Quality Improvement • Interoperability • Security 3
Orders and ChartingOrders and e-prescriptions Use EHR to write orders60% of medications, 30% of laboratory, and30% of radiology imaging Electronic transmittal is not required More than 50% of permissible prescriptionsChecked against an internal formulary, and Sent electronically 4
Orders and ChartingDemographics, vitals, smoking More than 80% of unique patients have data entered; need not be updated on every visit(Language, race, ethnicity, sex, DOB) More than 80% have ht, wt, bp (>3 yrs) recorded. Do one, do all. EHR must calculate BMI and plot growth chart. More than 80% of patients age 13 and up have smoking status recorded. Does not need to be updated on every visit. (Must use SNOMED CT categories.) 5
Orders and ChartingReconcile Medications Reconcile medication lists for more than 50% of patients received in transfer of care from another setting or provider New patient, first encounter Existing patients where summary of care record is received (any form, any souce) 6
Quality ImprovementPatient condition list Generate at least one report of patients with a specific condition For use in quality improvement, outreach, reduction of disparities Must be done within the reporting period (last year’s does not count) 7
Quality ImprovementClinical Decision Support Implement 5 clinical decision support interventions Related to 4 or more quality measures Based on problem list, meds, allergies, vitals, lab results, demographics Also enable drug-drug/drug-allergy check for the entire period (does not count as one of the 5) 8
Quality ImprovementClinical Quality Measures Must report 9 measures from at least 3 of the 6 domains: Patient & family engagement Population & Public HealthPatient Safety Efficient use of resourcesCare Coordination Clinical process/effectiveness See recommended core pediatric CQMs See recommended core adult med CQMs How will these align with other QI reporting? 9
Patient EngagementPatient Portal – view, download,or transmit More than 50% of patients have health information available within 4 business days(problem list, procedures, test results, meds, allergies, smoking status, demographics, vitals – including BMI and growth chart – care plan goals and instructions, care team members) Provider may decide to withhold info Privacy issues for minors (eg, 13-18) More than 5% view, dowload, or send to a third party 10
Patient EngagementPatient messaging More than 5% of patients (or their authorized representatives) send a secure message to their provider Using messaging function of EHR (email, patient portal, other) Provider need not personally respond Provider/staff may decide follow-up phone call or office visit is more appropriate as an answer 11
Patient EngagementReminders for preventative or follow-up care More than 10% of active patients (2 visits in 24 months) are sent a reminder for preventative or follow-up care Per patient preference (phone, mail, secure messaging, etc) but not by time of day – known, reasonable requests Must be for care that patient is not already scheduled to receive; reminders for referrals and events do count Patient may decline to state preference or may refuse reminders 12
Patient EngagementPatient Education Resources Provided to more than 10% of patients with office visits EHR evaluates problem list, meds, lab results and suggests resources Resources do not have to be stored within or generated by EHR Provider makes final decision and provides paper, document on patient portal, link, etc. 13
Patient EngagementClinical Summaries More than 50% of office visits – given to patient or patient-authorized representative within 1 business day – full visit summary, not just 4 items Any separate, billable encounter, including tele-health Patient name Procedures during visit Provider name/office Immunizations during visit Date & location Lab test results Reason for visit Labs or tests pending Current problem list Future scheduled tests Current medications Clinical instructions Current allergies Future appointments Demographics Care plan (goals & instructions) Smoking status Recommended decision aids Vitals taken (or prior) 14
InteroperabilitySummary of Care record Provide a summary of care record for transitions to another provider or setting for more than 50% of transitions More than 10% are sent electronically from the EHR or through an HIE Conduct one electronic test with a provider using a different EHR or a CMS test EHR CMS will provide more details (remember the CCD test?) 15
InteroperabilityLaboratory tests More than 55% of lab rest results (numerical or +/- values) recorded as structured data. No explicit link between order and result is required. LOINC is preferred language Microbiology reports are still scanned from lab results 16
InteroperabilityImmunization reporting Submit immunization data electronically (HL7 2.5.1) to registry (CAIR) for entire reporting period. CAIR plans to open gateway in August. See http://cairweb.org/data-exchange-tech-support/ Expect CAIRWeb terminal reporting to be discontinued in 2013 Mapping and matching problems will occur 17
Security Risk AnalysisNo checklist; once per year/period 18 • Conduct (document) a security risk analysis; address encryption/security of data stored in EHR • Best Office of Civil Rights documentation is at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/administrative/securityrule/smallprovider.pdf • And more broadly athttp://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/administrative/securityrule/rafinalguidancepdf.pdf • A CA HHS tool is athttp://www.ohii.ca.gov/calohi/click on Security Tool at the bottom of the page • Or this paper tool from CalOHI http://www.ohi.ca.gov/calohi/Portals/0/Documents/PrivacySecurity/HIPAA/Rules/Security/HIPAAComplianceReviewSecurityool.pdf
Stage 2 – Menu Set Measures Must meet three (3) from the five measures • Enhanced charting • Disease reporting 19
Enhanced ChartingElectronic progress notes More than 30% of unique patients with at least one office visit in the reporting period have at least one electronic note entered in the EHR Note must be text searchable; may contain drawings and other content Non-searchable notes do not qualify 20
Enhanced ChartingImages accessible from EHR More than 10% of all tests whose results are images ordered by the provider are accessible through the EHR Image and accompanying information May be stored in the EHR or available through a link to another location 21
Enhanced ChartingFamily history More than 20% of patients have a structured entry for one or more first-degree relatives Parents, offspring, siblings “Unknown” is an acceptable entry 22
Disease ReportingSyndromic Surveillance Submit syndromic health surveillance data electronically to a public health agency for the entire reporting period. LA County DPH not capable; seehttp://publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/ADSS.htm DPH auto reply at meaningfuluse@ph.lacounty.govLACDPH is currently at capacity and unable to update existing syndromic surveillance data interfaces or establish new interfaces with eligible hospitals and providers to receive syndromic surveillance data electronically. Eligible hospitals and providers may test their messages through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's automated testing tool (http://www.cdc.gov/phin/resources/certification/MQFtool-overview.html). 23
Disease ReportingDisease registries Ongoing submission of cancer case information to a public health agency cancer registry for the entire period. Caveats, exclusions, and registry specifics apply 24 • Ongoing submission of specific case information to a specialized (non-cancer) registry for the entire period. • Caveats, exclusions, and registry specifics apply
Audit documentationKeep records for 6 years See federal advice at http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/EHR_SupportingDocumentation_Audits.pdf EHR reports, screenshots, emails, lists – all dated during the reporting period and clearly showing period dates, provider name, etc. Letter audit, asking for documentation. Other steps may follow. CMS may recoup funds. State has not issued guidelines yet. 26