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Thematic Units, Assessments, and Differentiated Instruction

Thematic Units, Assessments, and Differentiated Instruction. Learning with a purpose. http://larcstartalk.wikispaces.com. Toni Theisen. Loveland High School Loveland, Colorado 80538 theisent@gmail.com http://tonitheisen.wikispaces.com http://lhsfrenchclasses.wikispaces.com/. Toni Theisen.

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Thematic Units, Assessments, and Differentiated Instruction

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  1. Thematic Units, Assessments, and Differentiated Instruction Learning with a purpose http://larcstartalk.wikispaces.com

  2. Toni Theisen Loveland High School Loveland, Colorado 80538 theisent@gmail.com http://tonitheisen.wikispaces.com http://lhsfrenchclasses.wikispaces.com/

  3. Toni Theisen Loveland High School Loveland, Colorado 80538 theisent@gmail.com http://tonitheisen.wikispaces.com http://lhsfrenchclasses.wikispaces.com/

  4. LARCStartalkWikispacehttp://larcstartalk.wikispaces.com/ PowerPoint Handouts Links Other helpful information http://larcstartalk.wikispaces.com

  5. Today’s Essential Question • How do teachers assess in a variety of ways? • What is a thematic unit? • How do teachers design and differentiate instruction to engage all learners?

  6. How does “backward design” change the way instruction is organized?

  7. How does “backward design” impact student learning?

  8. Learner-centered • Backward design is a way to authentically put the learner in the center of instruction. • There is a BIG difference between just knowing and really understanding.

  9. STARTALK Principles for Effective Learning Align standards-based, thematically organized curriculum, instruction and assessment. Use the target language for instruction. Integrate language, culture and content. Differentiate instruction based on learner need. Use authentic materials. Assess learners’ progress and performance. Facilitate student-centered learning. Startalk:Online CurriculumcDevelopment Guide: http://startalk.umd.edu/

  10. The 5 C’s-National Standards

  11. Source: Laura Terrill

  12. Goal 1: Communication • Standard 1.1- Interpersonal Mode: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotion, and exchange opinions. • Standard 1.2 – Interpretive Mode: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. • Standard 1.3 – Presentational Mode: Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety or topics. Source: STUDENT PROGRAM CURRICULUM TEMPLATE & GUIDE Pages 6, 7 http://startalk.umd.edu/

  13. Interpersonal Mode

  14. Interpretive Mode

  15. Presentational Mode

  16. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill .

  17. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill .

  18. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill .

  19. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill .

  20. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill .

  21. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill

  22. What is the mode of communication? Source: Laura Terrill .

  23. The 5 C’s-National Standards I can create a unit using the national standards. A. B. C.

  24. The 3 Stages of Backward Design

  25. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results • What relevant goals (content standards, objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills) will this unit address?

  26. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results What relevant goals (content standards, objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills) will this unit address? What is worth learning?

  27. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results What relevant goals (content standards, objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills) will this unit address? What is worth learning? What do students want to learn?

  28. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results What relevant goals (content standards, objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills) will this unit address? What is worth learning? What do students want to learn? What is relevant?

  29. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results What relevant goals (content standards, objectives, learning outcomes, knowledge, skills) will this unit address? What is worth learning? What do students want to learn? What is relevant?

  30. Stage 1: Identify Desired Results Choose a unit theme and subthemes. Establish outcomes based on the National Standards. Identify content knowledge and skills that align with theme.

  31. Let’s brainstorm some themes.

  32. Possible subthemes or topics that link to main theme?

  33. Establish outcomes based on the National Standards“can do statements” Source: STARTALK 2010 Sample Materials

  34. Establish outcomes based on the National Standards Source: STARTALK 2010 Sample Materials

  35. Source:Jefferson Ct. Public Schools, Kentucky

  36. Identify content knowledge and skills that align with theme. “can do” Source: STARTALK 2010 Sample Materials

  37. What “can do “ statements can you create for “Life in a city”?

  38. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning

  39. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning How willyou know if students have achieved the desired results and met the standards?

  40. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the standards? What types of assessments doyoudesign?

  41. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning Learning checks (assessments for learning)

  42. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning Learning check examples (assessment for learning) raise hands/thumbs up 3.2.1 exit questions (three things you know well, two things you know ok, one thing you need more help with) Out the door-as students leave they tell one thing they learned today polls/surveys “can do” learning log checklist

  43. “Can do” Reflection log

  44. “Can do” Reflection log

  45. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning Learning checks Formative assessments throughout unit-(assessment for learning)

  46. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning Formative assessments throughout unit-(assessment for learning) Paired activities Vocabulary or grammar quiz Gap activity Song–fill in missing words Talking circles with images as prompts Quick writes Listen and draw Journal

  47. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning Learning checks Formative assessments throughout unit End of unit summative performance assessment (assessment of learning)

  48. Stage 2: Determine acceptable evidence of learning End of unit summative performance assessment (assessment of learning) Create a song Have a discussion about.. Brochure Movie Movie review Formal or informal letter Editorial Story Student choice

  49. Performance assessment http://www.toondoo.com

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