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This meeting aims to define data submission criteria, address submission issues, and enhance modeling consistency for ERCOT operations and planning. Participants will navigate RARF data challenges to improve study accuracy.
Introduction to ERCOT Modeling Process Jay Teixeira Manager, Model Administration RARF Workshop 2
Purpose of Meeting • The purpose of the meeting is to discuss data requirements that present and future Resource Entities (RE) have via the Resource Asset Registration Form (RARF) or Generation Interconnection Process (pre-RARF) • Define specific data items required to be submitted by REs to make it consistent with Operations and Planning Model expectations • Identify RARF data that REs are having problems submitting for various reasons • Determine a path to resolve these data items so that ERCOT Models have the data needed to run studies RARF Workshop 2
Why is data needed? • The data being submitted in the RARF and pre-RARF are used directly in the Steady State and System Protection Planning Models • All data from POI down: • Units • Lines • Transformers • Reactive Devices • Connectivity • ERCOT assigns Connectivity Node Group nodes, bus numbers and bus names, and zones • Future Unit data is from pre-RARF or previous Generation Interconnection data sheet • Some are not complete and some contain questionable data • Contact Information not valid RARF Workshop 2
Generation Interconnection to Planning Model RARF Workshop 2
Existing Generation to Planning Model RARF Workshop 2
RARF Guide for Generation Interconnections - Generation RARF Workshop 2
RARF Guide for Generation Interconnections - Transmission RARF Workshop 2
Protocol 3.7 Resource Parameters • 3.7 Resource Parameters • (6) The QSE or Resource Entity must update any Resource Parameter for a specific Resource: • (a) Within ten Business Days of completion of a Net Dependable Capability test to reflect the results of the test; • (b) Within ten Business Days of completion of a reactive capability test to reflect the results of the test; • (c) Within ten Business Days of a request by ERCOT to check or update a specific Resource Parameter; and • (d) Within ten Business Days of a known change to any Resource Parameter. RARF Workshop 2
Operating Guide System Modeling Information 5.1 System Modeling Information Information on existing and future ERCOT System components and topology is necessary for ERCOT to create databases and perform tests as outlined in these criteria. To ensure that such information is made available to ERCOT, the following actions by Market Participants are required: (c) Each Generation Resource, or its Designated Agent, shall provide accurate modeling information for each existing or proposed Generation Resource meeting the criteria for inclusion in the SSWG, DWG, and SPWG base cases for which it is the majority owner. The information provided shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (i) Information necessary to represent the Generation Resource’s generation and interconnection facilities in any model of the ERCOT System whose creation has been approved by ERCOT, including modeling information detailed in procedures of the SSWG, DWG, and SPWG; and (ii) Identification of a designated contact person responsible for providing answers to questions ERCOT may have regarding the information provided. (d) Typical or representative information may be provided for planned facility additions or modifications for use in the SSWG, DWG, and SPWG base cases, but such information shall be revised using actual design or construction information in accordance with the time line for Network Operations Model changes outlined in Protocol Section 3.10.1, Time Line for Network Operations Model Changes. RARF Workshop 2
Protocol Section 3.10.1 3.10.1 Time Line for Network Operations Model Changes (2) For a facility addition, revision, or deletion to be included in any Network Operations Model update, all technical modeling information must be submitted to ERCOT pursuant to the ERCOT NOMCR process or the applicable Resource asset registration process for Resource Entities. (3) TSPs and Resource Entities shall submit Network Operations Model updates at least three months prior to the physical equipment change. ERCOT shall update the Network Operations Model according to the following table: RARF Workshop 2
Planning Guide Generation Resource Data Requirements 5.7 Interconnection Data, Fees, and Timetables 5.7.1 Generation Resource Data Requirements (1) The Interconnecting Entity (IE) shall submit with its Generation Interconnection or Change Request (GINR) the most current actual facility information (generation, substation, and transmission/subtransmission if applicable) or best available expected performance data for the physical and electrical characteristics of all proposed facilities (in sufficient detail to provide a basis for modeling) up to the Point of Interconnection (POI) with a Transmission Service Provider (TSP). (2) Failure to supply the required data may delay ERCOT processing of the interconnection application and studies. Recommendations resulting from these studies that are based on outdated, false, or bad data may adversely affect the safety and reliability of the ERCOT System and can result in damage to generation or transmission equipment. The IE and subsequently, the Resource Entity associated with any approved Generation Resource, must promptly submit any updates to ERCOT to ensure the long-term adequacy, reliability, and safety of the ERCOT System, as required by the Protocols, this Planning Guide, the Operating Guides, and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standards. Failure to comply may result in financial penalties. RARF Workshop 2
NERC Reliability Standards Requirements MOD-010-0 Requirement R1 (MOD-012-0 for Dynamic Data Similar) The Transmission Owners, Transmission Planners Generator Owners, and Resource Planners (specified in the data requirements and reporting procedures of MOD-011-0_R1) shall provide appropriate equipment characteristics, system data, and existing and future Interchange Schedules in compliance with its respective Interconnection Regional steady-state modeling and simulation data requirements and reporting procedures as defined in Reliability Standard MOD-011-0_R1. MOD-011-0 Requirement R1 (MOD-013-1 for Dynamic Data Similar) The Regional Reliability Organizations within an Interconnection, in conjunction with the Transmission Owners, Transmission Planners, Generator Owners, and Resource Planners, shall develop comprehensive steady-state data requirements and reporting procedures needed to model and analyze the steady-state conditions for each of the NERC Interconnections: Eastern, Western, and ERCOT. Within an Interconnection, the Regional Reliability Organizations shall jointly coordinate the development of the data requirements and reporting procedures for that Interconnection. The Interconnection-wide requirements shall include the following steady-state data requirements: RARF Workshop 2
Questions? RARF Workshop 2