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Bandwidth Management Framework for IP based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

This research aims to incorporate a scalable bandwidth management scheme in an IP-based mobile ad hoc network environment.

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Bandwidth Management Framework for IP based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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  1. Bandwidth Management Framework forIP based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Khalid Iqbal (41152190) Supervisor: Dr. Rajan Shankaran ITEC810 June 05, 2009

  2. Problem Statement “Incorporating scalable bandwidth management scheme in an IP based mobile ad hoc network environment” Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  3. Agenda • IP based Mobile Ad Hoc Network • MANET Applications • Quality of Service (QoS) • MANET Routing Protocols • QoS Models • Existing QoS models in MANET environment • QoS models designed for MANETs • Ad Hoc Extensions for ASAP Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  4. IP based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) • Collection of wireless nodes • Connected through wireless links • Free to move, Self-configuring • No pre-existing infrastructure • Dynamic topology • Distributed operations Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  5. IP based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  6. MANET Applications • Military battlefield • Commercial Level • Disaster relief efforts (flood, earthquake) • Local Level • Class room network • Home network Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  7. Quality of Service (QoS) Capability of a network to provide better services to selected network traffic. Need for QoS in MANETs: • Bandwidth management • Resource management • Application requirements Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  8. MANET Routing Protocols • Proactive or Table-driven protocols • Maintain routing information • Waste of bandwidth • Immediate availability of routing information • Reactive or On-demand protocols • No routing table • Path calculation before transmission • Less overhead, slower • Hybrid protocols • Combination of both • Zone organization • Within zone proactive scheme • Outside reactive scheme Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  9. QoS Models • Integrated Services (IntServ) • Management and packet scheduling on a per flow basis • Difficult and costly for the routers • Differentiated Services (DiffServ) • QoS control on a service class basis • QoS is invoked on packet-by-packet basis • Feasible and cost-effective Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  10. QoS Models • Integrated Services (IntServ) Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  11. QoS Models (Cont.) • Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  12. Existing QoS models in MANET environment (Limitations) • IntServ in MANETs • Scalability • Protocol phases • Connection establishment, maintenance, teardown • DiffServ in MANETs • SLA • traffic conditioning rules, placed at the nodes • Ambiguous core network Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  13. QoS models for MANETs • Flexible QoS Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Network (FQMM) • Hybrid per-flow and per-class provisioning • Nodes have dynamic role • FQMM Limitations • Scalability problem • Fail to satisfy hard QoS requirements. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  14. QoS models for MANETs (Cont.) • Adaptive Reservation and Pre-allocation QoS Architecture (ASAP) • For Infrastructure based networks • Soft/Hard Reservation • QoS Monitoring • Periodic investigation • more frequent monitoring, if the network is unstable Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  15. Limitations of ASAP • Flow Restoration Problem • Flow restoration can be quite long • Detecting a missing reservation. • Reverse Path Problem • Outdated paths • unsymmetrical paths Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  16. Solutions to address ASAP problems • Local Repair • Dynamic Virtual Path • Flexible Timing Control • Congestion Control Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  17. Solutions to address ASAP problems (Cont..) • Local Repair • Flow path broken because of dynamic topology • No QoS guarantee from broken point to destination • Quick repairing mechanism • local repair triggered by a soft reservation message • Upon receiving a SR message, node reserves some bandwidth • Dynamic Virtual Path • Unsymmetrical routes Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  18. Solutions to address ASAP problems (Cont..) • Flexible Timing Control • SR (Soft Reservation) sending interval and the soft state time-out period. • Stable network - Large SR interval • Coherent; SR and soft state time-out period • too large soft state time-out will keep reservations on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  19. Solutions to address ASAP problems (Cont..) • Congestion Control • Queue length is not a valid indication • Congestion detection by monitoring the wireless channel • Approximation of the bandwidth usage • Increase or decrease transmission throughput Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  20. ? Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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