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Transform Your Business Experience (BX) - Epik Solutions

Epik Solutions's business experience is the future of customer experience, leadership experience, operational experience and employee experience. <br><br>Business Experience Management <br><br>https://www.epikso.com/customer-experience.php

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Transform Your Business Experience (BX) - Epik Solutions

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  1. Transform Your Business Experience (BX) Epik Solutions

  2. Executive Summary PROBLEM Today, running a business is running a complex experience from end-to-end for customers, employees, management, and leadership. But right now, most solutions only partially support these experiences, leaving businesses with a broken organization that is difficult to investigate, manage, or change. PLATFORM SOLUTION View 360° is a vertically adaptable and horizontally fungible platform that can host a digital replica of an entire organization’s operations, workflows, tools, and data to better manage its Business Experience (BX).

  3. Running a business is running a complex experience from end-to-end that requires constant improvement. + Customer Experience Operational Experience CX OX Companies must keep proactive IT optimization and management in tune with business needs Customers expect the highest and latest standards such as a friction-free, intuitive, omni- channel experience. BX + + Leadership Experience Employee Experience LX EX Leaders require deep insights such as predictive business management analytics & proactive insights by function Employees demand increased engagement in a workplace that is increasingly globalized, remote, and cross-functional +

  4. Evolve your Business Experience with View360

  5. Transform the Business Experience

  6. The View 360° Solution The first platform that can digitally map a 360° View of a company’s entire BX. A Digital Replica A digital asset of the entire organizations’ complex ops, workflows, tools, and data A Digital Replica A digital asset of the entire organizations’complex ops, workflows, tools, and data Living Engine Fully connects & centralizes the entire organization with live-feeds

  7. Our Vision Pre-data Before the 20th century, most companies did not measure performance. We are expanding the meaning and context of ROX By focusing on the return of the entire business experience. ROI In the 20th century, companies began measuring financial performance. CX, OX, EX, LX In the 2010s, companies began measuring Return on Experience (ROX) in disconnected silos. ROX In the 2020s, View360 will provide holistic business experience management through measured ROX and thought-leadership.

  8. Contact Us Address: 3478 Buskirk Ave, Suite 262 Phone Number: 925-444-0466 Email: conatct@epikso.com Website: www.epikso.com

  9. Thank You Feel Free to Contact Us

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