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e-Branding Indiaprovide a mobile data collection solution services, that allows you to easily build mobile forms & collect data from anywhere and atany time!We do Tablet scripting using various online and offline scripting platform such as SurveyToGo, SurveyCTO, Kobo form, ODK etc.Any business required data about markets and the customers in those markets. Prof. Prakash Bhosalecan enhance the practicality of this data by using Mobile Data Collection Solution services.
e-Branding India Provide Mobile Data Collection Solution Services for Students and Companies
e-Branding Indiaprovide a mobile data collection solution services, that allows you to easily build mobile forms & collect data from anywhere and atanytime!We do Tablet scripting using various online and offline scripting platform such as SurveyToGo, SurveyCTO, Kobo form, ODK etc.Any business required data about markets and the customers in those markets. Prof. PrakashBhosalecan enhance the practicality of this data by using Mobile Data Collection Solution services.
Contact Us: - Prof. PrakashBhosaleOffice: +91 8097027355, Phone: +91 9222086563SMS: +91 9224335234, WhatsApp: +91 9867806399Email: - ebrandingindia2016@gmail.com,info@databaseconsultantindia.com, Skype: - ebrandingIndiaTime: - 10 AM TO 7.30 PM IST, Monday to Friday(After office hours leave your message by email / SMS / WhatsApp / skype – I will revert soon)I am not sure of attending all phone calls. Please email or connect on Skype, WhatsApp if not reachable on phone.