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This project aims to scientifically explain the phenomenon of firewalking by utilizing heat transfer principles and equations. By understanding the thermal conductivity and capacity of materials involved, we can debunk the idea that firewalking requires high spiritual faith or mind over body control. Our calculations show that the change in temperature of the foot after a 3-second contact with hot charcoal is only 8 degrees Kelvin, which is not enough to cause significant pain. Firewalking is a physical feat accessible to physically fit individuals and does not rely on a particular state of mind.
FIREWALKING Brian Casaday Cody Heslington
Introduction • Firewalking has been practiced for thousands of years by people from all parts of the world. It is observed as an organized event in many different cultures and religions. It is by some, thought to be a paranormal phenomena accomplished only by those of high spiritual faith or of those who claim total mind over body control. • The objective of our project is to scientifically explain why firewalking is possible. We will do this through the use of heat transfer principles and equations
Why the Foot Doesn’t Burn • The thermal conductivity of coarse charcoal is very small and that of skin or flesh is only about four times more (the thermal conductivity of most metals is several thousand times larger) • Charcoal has a very low heat capacity • Because of the coarseness of the charcoal and how the foot is placed when walking, not all of the foot is in contact with the charcoal the whole time. • Layer of cooler ash on top of coals acts as insulation (low conductivity) • Body has high heat capacity
The Problem • Calculate the change in temperature of the bottom of the foot after being in contact with hot charcoal for a 3 second period. Assumptions: • Values obtained online for skin density and heat capacity are correct. • Equations used in the calculations are legitimate for the application. • Preface: This is a fairly complex heat transfer problem to model accurately. The methods used may not be exact but will provide a good approximation
The Set-up • Use thermal resistance method to determine heat transfer into the foot and ultimately change in bottom of foot temperature • Find all values necessary for calculation (i.e. thermal conductivities of charcoal and human tissue) • Calculate resistance values for both skin and thin fat layer beneath skin • Calculate increase in foot surface temperature. Evaluate value for significance
Calculations The Set-up q
Results • Our calculations show that after 3 seconds of contact with the coals the temperature change is only 8 degrees Kelvin. This is not a large enough increase to cause a significant amount of pain.
Conclusion • Firewalking of a short length is something any physically fit person could do and does not require a particular state of mind. • It is the short time of contact and the low thermal capacity and conductivity of the coals that is important.
Appendix A • References -Howstuffworks.com, Marshall Brain http://people.howstuffworks.com/firewalking.htm -Firewalking – Myth vs. Physics, David Willey http://www.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=firewalking. htm&url=http://www.pitt.edu/~dwilley/Fire/FireTxt/fire.html
Appendix B • Detailed Solution:
Appendix C List of Values Used in Calculations: • THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY (W/m · K ) TEMPERATURES OF MATERIALS ( °C): • kskin = .37 Tcoal = 538 °C (1000 °F, 811 K) • kcoal = .1 Tash = 205 °C (400 °F, 478 K) • kash = .08 Tfoot,i = 32.2°C (90 °F, 305.2 K) • kfat = .2 • Kair = .044 SURFACE AREA OF FOOT = .02 m2 • LENGTH OF MATERIAL (meters): DENSITY OF MATERIALS (kg/m3): • Lskin = .001 ρfat ≈ 920 • Lcoal = .01 ρskin ≈ 1010 • Lash = .02 ρavg ≈ 965 • Lfat layer = .002 • Lair = .01 HEAT CAPACITY OF MATERIALS (J/kg ·K) cp,fat = 2973 cp,skin = 3662 cp,avg = 3318