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Exploring Andy the Android in Unit 3 with Language Activities

Discover Andy the Android in high school literature. Engage with language exercises on character, appearance, and abilities.

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Exploring Andy the Android in Unit 3 with Language Activities

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  1. 人教课标 高一 必修 2 Unit 3

  2. Andy — The Android

  3. Android

  4. 1. What does Andy look like? What can it do? Andy looks like a human. It is designed to play football games and can move and think like a human. 2. What part does Andy play in the football team? He’s a striker.

  5. Andy Name: _____ Appearance: _________________ Size: ________________ Character : ______________________ Ability: ____________________________ Job: ______ looks like a human as big as a human competitive, co-operative can move and think like a human striker

  6. striker chips signal

  7. competitions second place

  8. coach arises artificial intelligence

  9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT? In small groups discuss this question and put your ideas onto the chart. Then decide when each kind of IT is most useful. Use these reasoning expressions in your discussion.

  10. The advantage/ disadvantage is … I think /don’t think that… Give me your reasons What makes you think so? I think…because of … Let’s decide… As/ Since…, I think … I agree /don’t agree… because… First… Second… I believe that… I’ve decided that… Let’s make a decision

  11. Suggested answers: You cannot write to friends. You can both listen and watch. You can find information. It is not always accurate. You can listen to English. You cannot watch a film. You can get information. Sometimes it is out of date.

  12. 1.Personally, I think the team that won first place cheated. 我个人认为得冠军的那个队作弊了。 personally adv.就自己而言; 就我个人来说 She didn’t like the plan, butpersonally I see nothing wrong with it. 她不喜欢这项计划, 但我本人觉得没什么不好的。

  13. person personal personally al

  14. 2. They had developed a new type of program just before the competition. type 1) n.类型 This is a new type of machine, with lots of meters on it. 这是一种新型的机器, 上面有许多仪表。

  15. type & kind type: 表示各项事物在本类中都是典型的。 kind: 特指在分类中能放在一起的性质相同且相似的一类事物。 2) v.打字 你帮我打一下这封信好吗? Will you please type this letter for me?

  16. 3. In a way, our programmer is like my coach. in a way = in one way = in some ways 从某种程度上说,从某方面说; 有点儿,有几分。 In a way, I like this new textbook very much. In a way I like Betty, but I wouldn’t really trust her.

  17. in the way 或 in one’s way 挡道,碍事 反义词组:out of the way in any way 无论如何,不管怎样 in no way 决不 注意:置于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序。如:

  18. You’ll have to move — you are in my way. Please keep out of the way. I must finish the work today in any way. Teaching in school can in no way be separated from practice. In no way did he admit that he was wrong.

  19. on the/one’s way (to) 在(去……)的路上 by the way 顺便提一下 all the way 自始自终; 完全地 in this way 用这种方法

  20. 用way的相关短语填空。 1. Perhaps he should have said nothing, but ________ it was his duty. 2. I’m sorry but your leg is __________. 3. I got caught in the heavy rain _________ home. 4. We shall go to Sichuan _________ Shanxi. in a way in the way on the way by way of

  21. 4. She programs us with all the possible movesshe has seen while watching human games. 1) move (n.) 行动; 步骤 (可数) What’s our next move? make a move动身, 采取行动 be on the move在活动, 在行进中

  22. 2) while watching… = while she watches… While he was doing his English homework, he fell asleep. = While doing his ….

  23. 5.with the help of 在……的帮助下 在老师的帮助下, 我的英语进步很快。 With the help of the teacher, I have made rapid progress in my English study.

  24. 6. deal with sth.处理某事 The meeting will deal with these problems. 处理 I have a matter of importance to deal with. 处理

  25. I don’t know how to deal with these bad children. 对付, 对待 I’ll deal with you when I get home from the office! 收拾

  26. deal with意为对付、对待、收拾时,后常接表示人的宾语;deal with意为处理时,后常接表示事物的宾语。

  27. deal with & do with deal with和do with表示“处理”时,do with常与what连用, 而deal with常与how连用。如: What will you do with these green apples? 你用这些青苹果做什么? I don’t know how to deal with these boring problems. 我不知道如何处理这些烦人的问题。

  28. 1. 那位新老师不知道如何对待班上的学生。 2. 她不知应该如何处理她父亲留下的东西。 The new teacher didn’t know how to deal with the students in the class. She didn’t know what to do with the things her father had left.

  29. 7. watch over 看守; 监视; They were watched over by three policemen. watch out (for) 当心; 注意 watch for sb./sth.观察等待 keep a watch on 监视 under the close watch 在严密的监视下

  30. In small groups, discuss how to design your own android. The following questions can help you.

  31. 1. What would you like it to look like? 2. What are some of the things you would like it to do? 3. Do you want it to be like a man or a woman, or neither? 4. How much would it cost? I think that… In my opinion… I believe that… What’s your reason? I had decided that…

  32. Create your own android. Fill in the file, and compare with your partner.

  33. possible answers My Own Robot Name: _____ Job: ________________ Size: _____________________________ Appearance: _______________________ Character: _________________________ Ability: ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Yuan homework helper some height as a ten-year-old small woman with four arms patient and kind Can finish reading some books in a few minutes and print out the information when needed

  34. Sample dialogue A: What kind of robot have you decided to make? B: I’ve decided that we should have a homework android. It could do all our work after class and leave us more time to play football. A: OK. But what do you think it should look like?

  35. B: In my opinion, it should have four arms to carry the books, a large head to remember all the lessons and a printer to write out the answers. What do you think? A: Well, that sounds sensible. Perhaps it could also put all the exercises into specially marked boxes for each

  36. subject so we could find them quickly. What about putting that in its stomach area? B: Do you want it to be a man or a woman? You can choose. A: I’ve decided it should be a girl. B: What’s your reason? A: Girls are so hard-working. B: Sounds good to me! Let’s draw it now!

  37. on Page 58

  38. Read the passage and then fill in the chart. Expert at high flying exercises: Olympic standard Wonderful turns, dives, circles and dances Silver medal for high flying exercises

  39. Began very well but failed through no fault of his own Parachute failed to open. Two new legs and a new bigger head

  40. I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母 或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1. Our factory is producing a new t_____ of tool. 2. The football c_____ said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word. type coach

  41. 3. When you walk into your office, the first thing you do is to turn on the computer and check your __________ (电子的) mail for the day. 4. She has to m_____ the kitchen floor at least once a day. electronic mop

  42. 5. My _____ (侄女) is a lovely child with shiny eyes and black hair. 6. The _________ (特点) of the neighborhood hasn’t changed at all. niece character

  43. II. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法 性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填 入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的 正确形式填空。 The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers _____ a memory. That means information can be put in them and __________ (take) out have (be) taken

  44. anytimeneeded. Computers can do many k____ of work. For example, _____ someone buys something in a big shop, information about the sale is put _____ a computer. During the night the computer works on the information from all the _____ (sale) that day. kinds when into sales

  45. The next morning, the manager has a report on everything _____ was sold and also on everything that will soon be _____ (sell) out. that sold

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