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Chapter 6: Sequences : vectors and lists. COL 106 Shweta Agrawal. Highlights from last class. Parenthesis matching using stack Growable array based stack Incremental strategy Doubling strategy Queue using circular array or singly linked list C++ interface for stack and queues
Chapter 6: Sequences : vectors and lists COL 106 Shweta Agrawal
Highlights from last class • Parenthesis matching using stack • Growable array based stack • Incremental strategy • Doubling strategy • Queue using circular array or singly linked list • C++ interface for stack and queues • Dequeue (“deck”) using doubly linked list • Stacks or queues using dequeue Vectors
Containers • Some time ago we saw the notion of a class in C++ • A class is like an ADT – it contains data members and also contains function members that specify how the data should be accessed • Classes provided by STL are organized in various groups • Particularly important is the container group • A container is a data structure that stores a collection of objects • Classified into associative containers and sequence containers (called just sequences)
Sequences • Suppose we have a collection S of n elements stored in a linear order, so that we can refer to the elements in S as first, second, third, and so on. • Such a collection is generically referred to as a sequence. • We can uniquely refer to each element e in S using an integer in the range [0,n−1] that is equal to the number of elements of S that precede e in S. • The index of an element e in S is the number of elements that are before e in S. The rank of an element is defined to be one more than its index Vectors
Examples of sequences • Array : implements a compile-time non-resizeable array. • Vector : implements an array with fast random access and an ability to automatically resize when appending elements. • Deque : implements a double ended queue with comparatively fast random access. • List : implements a doubly linked list. • Forward_list : implements a singly linked list Vectors
Vectors • The Vector ADT extends the notion of array • An element can be accessed, inserted or removed by specifying its index/rank • An exception is thrown if an incorrect rank is specified (e.g., a negative rank) • Main vector operations: • elemAtRank(int r): returns the element at rank r without removing it • replaceAtRank(int r, Object o): replace the element at rank r with o • insertAtRank(int r, Object o): insert a new element o to have rank r • removeAtRank(int r): removes the element at rank r • Additional operations size() and isEmpty() Vectors
Array-based Vector • Use an array V of size N • A variable n keeps track of the size of the vector (number of elements stored) • Operation elemAtRank(r) is implemented in O(1) time by returning V[r] N-1 0 V 0 1 2 n r Vectors
Array based Vector: Insertion • In operation insertAtRank(r,o) we need to make room for the new element by shifting forward the n - r elements V[r], …, V[n -1] • In the worst case (r =0), this takes O(n) time V 0 1 2 n r V 0 1 2 n r V o 0 1 2 n r Vectors
V 0 1 2 n r V 0 1 2 n r V o 0 1 2 n r Deletion • In operation removeAtRank(r) we need to fill the hole left by the removed element by shifting backward the n - r -1 elements V[r +1], …, V[n -1] • In the worst case (r =0), this takes O(n) time Vectors
Performance • In the array based implementation of a Vector • The space used by the data structure is O(n) • Size(), isEmpty(), elemAtRank(r) and replaceAtRank(r,o) run in O(1) time • insertAtRank(r,o) and removeAtRank(r) run in O(n) time • If we use the array in a circular fashion,insertAtRank(0,o) and removeAtRank(0) run in O(1) time (how?) • In an insertAtRank(r,o) operation, when the array is full, instead of throwing an exception, we can replace the array with a larger one Vectors
Exercise: • Implement the Deque ADT using Vector functions • Deque functions: • first(), last(), insertFirst(e), insertLast(e), removeFirst(), removeLast(), size(), isEmpty() • Vector functions: • elemAtRank( r), replaceAtRank(r,e), insertAtRank(r,e), removeAtRank(r ), size(), isEmpty() Vectors
Exercise Solution: • Implement the Deque ADT using Vector functions • Deque functions: first(), last(), insertFirst(e), insertLast(e), removeFirst(), removeLast(), size(), isEmpty() • Vector functions: elemAtRank( r), replaceAtRank(r,e), insertAtRank(r,e), removeAtRank(r ), size(), isEmpty() • Deque function : Realization using Vector Functions • size() and isEmpty() fcns can simply call Vector fcns directly • first() => elemAtRank(0) • last() => elemAtRank(size()-1) • insertFirst(e) => insertAtRank(0,e) • insertLast(e) => insertAtRank(size(), e) • removeFirst() => removeAtRank(0) • removeLast() => removeAtRank(size()-1) Vectors
STL vector class • Functions in the STL vector class (incomplete) • Size(), capacity() - return #elts in vector, #elts vector can hold • empty() - boolean • Operator[r] - returns reference to elt at rank r (no index check) • At( r) - returns reference to elt at rank r (index checked) • Front(), back() - return references to first/last elts • push_back(e) - insert e at end of vector • pop_back() - remove last elt • vector(n) - creates a vector of size n • Similarities & Differences with book’s Vector ADT • STL assignment v[r]=e is equivalent to v.replaceAtRank(r,e) • No direct STL counterparts of insertAtRank( r) & removeAtRank( r) • STL also provides more general functions for inserting & removing from arbitrary positions in the vector - these use iterators Vectors
Stacks versus Vectors • If you can only push_back and pop_back, then this is LIFO access. • What is the difference from a stack? • Interface is different. For example, can access elements in the middle in a vector vs
Vectors vs Arrays • Apart from usual index operator (“[ ]”), elements can be accessed by member function at which performs range checking. • Unlike C++ arrays, STL vectors can be dynamically resized • When an STL vector of class objects is destroyed, it automatically invokes the destructor for each of its elements. With C++ arrays, it is the obligation of the programmer to do this explicitly. • Several functions that operate on entire vectors, not just on individual elements. E.g. : copy all or part of one vector to another, compare the contents of two vectors, insert and erase multiple elements.
Accessing vector elements • Vectors support dynamic size change • Contiguous blocks of memory unlikely to be found, unlike array • Arrays use index to traverse elements • How can one traverse elements of a vector if they are stored non-contiguously? • How to keep track of the position of an element though its index may keep changing? Using Position and Iterator ADTs
Position ADT • Say vector contains an element “Delhi” that we want to keep track of • The index of the element may keep changing depending on insert/delete operations • A position s, may be associated with the element Delhi (say at time of insertion) • s lets us access Delhi via s.element() even if the index of Delhi changes in the container, unless we explicitly remove s • A position ADT is associated with a particular container. s Delhi
Iterator ADT • Abstracts the process of scanning through a container • Encapsulates the notions of “place” and “next” • Extends the position ADT by adding a traversal capability • Generic and specialized iterators • ObjectIteratorhasNext() nextObject() object()
C++ STL support for Iterators • Some functions supported by STL containers • Begin(), end() - return iterators to beginning or end of container • Insert(I,e) - insert e just before the position indicated by iterator I • Erase(I) - removes the elt at the position indicated by I • The functions can be used to insert/remove elts from arbitrary positions in the STL vector and list Vectors
Vector Summary • Vector Operation Complexity for Different Implementations Vectors
Lists Vectors
Outline and Reading • Singly linked list • Position ADT (§6.2.1) • List ADT (§6.2.2) • Doubly linked list (§ 6.2.3) • Sequence ADT (§6.3.1) • Implementations of the sequence ADT (§6.3.2-3) • Iterators (§6.2.5) Vectors
Position ADT • As in vectors, the Position ADT models the notion of place within a data structure where a single object is stored • Positions provide a unified view of diverse ways of storing data, such as • a cell of an array • a node of a linked list • Member functions: • Object& element(p): returns the element stored at this position • bool isNull(): returns true if this is a null position Vectors
List ADT ADT that captures linked lists • The List ADT models a sequence of positions storing arbitrary objects • establishes a before/after relation between positions • It allows for insertion and removal in the “middle” • Query methods: • isFirst(p), isLast(p) • Generic methods: • size(), isEmpty() • Accessor methods: • first(), last() • before(p), after(p) • Update methods: • replaceElement(p, o), swapElements(p, q) • insertBefore(p, o), insertAfter(p, o), • insertFirst(o), insertLast(o) • remove(p)
List ADT • Query methods: • isFirst(p), isLast(p) : • return boolean indicating if the given position is the first or last, resp. • Accessor methods • first(), last(): • return the position of the first or last, resp., element of S • an error occurs if S is empty • before(p), after(p): • return the position of the element of S preceding or following, resp, the one at position p • an error occurs if S is empty, or p is the first or last, resp., position Vectors
List ADT • Update Methods • replaceElement(p, e) • Replace the element at position p with e • swapElements(p, q) • Swap the elements stored at positions p & q • insertBefore(p, o), insertAfter(p, o), • Insert a new element o into S before or after, resp., position p • Output: position of the newly inserted element • insertFirst(o), insertLast(o) • Insert a new element o into S as the first or last, resp., element • Output: position of the newly inserted element • remove(p) • Remove the element at position p from S Vectors
Exercise: • Describe how to implement the following list ADT operations using a singly-linked list • list ADT operations: first(), last(), before(p), after(p) • For each operation, explain how it is implemented and provide the running time next node elem • A singly linked list concrete data structure consists of a sequence of nodes • Each node stores • element • link to the next node A C D B Vectors
Exercise: prev next • Describe how to implement the following list ADT operations using a doubly-linked list • list ADT operations: first(), last(), before(p), after(p) • For each operation, explain how it is implemented and provide the running time node elem • Doubly-Linked List Nodes implement Position and store: • element • link to previous node • link to next node • Special trailer and header nodes trailer header elements Vectors
Insertion • We visualize operation insertAfter(p, X) which returns position q p A B C q p p q A B C X p q A B X C Vectors
p A B C D Deletion • We visualize remove(p), where p = last() A B C p D A B C Vectors
Performance • In the implementation of the List ADT by means of a doubly linked list • The space used by a list with n elements is O(n) • The space used by each position of the list is O(1) • All the operations of the List ADT run in O(1) time • Operation element() of the Position ADT runs in O(1) time Vectors
STL list class • Functions in the STL list class • Size() - return #elts in list, empty() - boolean • Front(), back() - return references to first/last elts • Push_front(e), push_back(e) - insert e at front/end • Pop_front(), pop_back() - remove first/last elt • List() - creates an empty list • Similarities & Differences with book’s List ADT • STL front() & back() correspond to first() & last() except the STL functions return the element & not its position • STL push() & pop() are equiv to List ADT insert and remove when applied to the beginning & end of the list • STL also provides fcns for inserting & removing from arbitrary positions in the list - these use iterators Vectors
List Summary • List Operation Complexity for different implementations Vectors
Sequence ADT Generalizes vectors and lists • The Sequence ADT is the union of the Vector and List ADTs • Elements accessed by • Rank, or • Position • Generic methods: • size(), isEmpty() • Vector-based methods: • elemAtRank(r), replaceAtRank(r, o), insertAtRank(r, o), removeAtRank(r) • List-based methods: • first(), last(), before(p), after(p), replaceElement(p, o), swapElements(p, q), insertBefore(p, o), insertAfter(p, o), insertFirst(o), insertLast(o), remove(p) • Bridge methods: • atRank(r), rankOf(p) Vectors
Array-based Implementation elements • We use a circular array storing positions • A position object stores: • Element • Rank • Indices f and l keep track of first and last positions 0 1 2 3 positions S f l Vectors
Sequence Implementations Vectors