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Şota Rustaveli Devlet Üniversitesi. Şota Rustaveli Devlet Üniversitesi Karadenizin güney-doğu kıyısında, Türkiye-Gürcistan sınırından 15 kilometre uzaklıktaki Gürcistan’ın en güzel liman şehri Batum’da bulunuyor.
Şota Rustaveli Devlet Üniversitesi Karadenizin güney-doğu kıyısında, Türkiye-Gürcistan sınırından 15 kilometre uzaklıktaki Gürcistan’ın en güzel liman şehri Batum’da bulunuyor.
Bugün Şota Rustaveli Devlet Üniversitesi’nde yaklaşık 4 bin kadar öğrenci eğitim görmektedir. Bunların arasında çeşitli ülkelerden gelen öğrenciler de vardır. Öğrencilere 600 kadar öğretim elemanı eğitim veriyor.
Şota Rustaveli Devlet Üniversitesi öğrencilere çeşitli eğitim programları ve kaliteli eğitim sunuyor. Bunların temelinde üniversitemizin 75 yıllık tecrübesi, yüksekvasıflı profesörler vedüzenli altyapısı vardır.
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University - - New Outlooks for Development • In 2005 Georgia integrated in the Bologna Process, thus the state higher educational institutions moved to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). • Shota Rustaveli State University, one of the leading HEIs of Georgia since 1935, has effortlessly followed innovations step by step and now the university is at the new stage of its development. • Shota Rustaveli State University made great contribution in revival and further development of education and culture in Georgia, particularly in south-western Georgia (Adjara). • Generally Higher education in Georgia has got a long-time interesting history. The national historical tradition ascribes the beginnings of the Georgian scholarship to the centuries BC whereas the existence of the Phasis School of Rhetoric (Philosoph) – this ancient center of higher education – as early as 4th century. this laid the basis for foundation of Gelati and Ikalto academy – HEI in Georgia – in the middle ages. • The opening of the Tbilisi State University in 1918 by the initiative of the famous public figure and scholar Ivane Javakhishvili was the greatest event in the history of the Georgian people that revived the higher education tradition in Georgia and took it to new heights. This fact prepared preconditions to establish new higher educational institutions in the country. special attention was paid to the preparation of teaching personnel. thus, in 1935 was opened RSU. Last year we celebrated 75 anniversary of the establishment of our University. Indeed, many things have been fulfilled during these 75 years but more are still to be done: the strategic location of the Adjara region, its climate and historical values have given the chance to Batumi University to take an honorary place among the world university cities. The project “Batumi – A University City” – gained its topicality and has offered Shota Rustaveli State University more prospects of development.
Batumi city, the place of university buildings location, is continuously developing, growing and becoming attractive touristic centre in the whole region of Caucasus. Batumi is an important port and transit city in the South-East littoral of the Black Sea. • 2010 was the year of final integration of different scientific-research and educational institutions to RSU. Scientific-research institutions of agrarian, natural and humanitarian sciences integrated to RSU, on the basis of which the University Scientific Centre has been established in three directions: humanitarian and social studies, agrarian and membrane technologies and phytopathology and biodiversity sciences. This has given a stimulus to growth of scientific activities at the university; it also has survived and developed above mentioned directions, which had little opportunity to function independently. • In 2010, considering the realities of Georgia in general and, Batumi in particular, reorganization of faculties took place. Nowadays there are five faculties at the university: Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law; Faculty of Education and Sciences; Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Agrarian Technologies and Ecology and Faculty of Tourism. The university faculties implement about hundred of professional, bachelor, master and doctoral programs. The development of infrastructure and touristic boost caused the establishment of Tourism Faculty which we think will play an important role in the preparation of qualified personnel in touristic sphere.
Rustaveli State University conducts the periodical marketing research - “from supplier to consumer”. According to the research students motivation to continue their studies at RSU is evaluated. We also apply methods of self-assessment, examination of labor market, survey of students and university personnel, on the basis of which we modernize and renew educational programs. The university tries to follow the ongoing processes of the country and elaborates labour market-oriented educational programs, which bear foremost importance for future development of the university. • Nowadays there are four thousand students studying at all the three educational cycles of the university and about six hundred academic staff serving them for becoming specialist in the future. • Shota Rustaveli State University is consequently in the process of development and modernization. The university material and technical bases are annually renewed, educational and scientific publications are purchased for the university library, mobility flows, among students and academic staff, are implemented for sharing and exchange of foreign experience. University also tries to enlarge the net of cooperation and exchanges with collaborative HEIs and deepens and develops international contacts. RSU has already established international relations with about thirty HEIs abroad in the sphere of sharing experiences, implementation of joint educational programs for exchange of students and academic staff. • It is rather important to participate in international forums for extending contacts and relations. Last year RSU hosted about 20 international conferences and scientific symposia in various fields of study, the relevant proceedings depicting the events were published. • The university is open for foreign students. The flexible system at the university gives opportunity to everyone to choose appropriate educational program and broaden qualification in relevant fields of study. The number of foreign students has been steadily growing for previous years. • Shota Rustaveli State University is led with the principle: plan, implement, check, develop; and therefore according to this principle the university slogan is - “With Respect of the Past Forward to the Better Future!”.