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My. favorite. Sport is . … . Pro Wrestling !. Where is it from ?. It is from America. How many people can play at one time ?. single match is 1:1 tag team match is 2:2 or 3:3 etc. n umber of people adjust and play. Where do you play ?. Pro wrestling is play in wrestling area.
My favorite Sport is …. Pro Wrestling !
Where is it from ? • It is from America.
How many people can playat one time ? • single match is 1:1 • tag team match is 2:2 or 3:3 etc. number of people adjust and play.
Where do you play ? • Pro wrestling is play in wrestling area.
How do you play? Explain the rules. Almost anyuthing is possible in a professional wrestling match. however, There are a few basic rules. For example, most matches have a time limit of 20 minutes. The standard way to win a match is by pinfall. This happens when the winning wrestler holds down, or pins, his fallen opponent's shoulders to the nat for three seconds. Wrestlers can also win by putting their opponents into a submission hold. In a submission hold, the losing wrestler is locked into a painful. When the pain becomes too great, he may then sigmal to the referee that he wants to give up. The referee then ends the match and gives the winner a submission victory. 거의 모든것들은 프로레슬링 경기안에서 가능합니다. 그러나 거기에는 몇가지 기본적인 규칙이 있습니다. 예를 들어 거의 대부분의 경기는 20분을 제한으로 이루어 집니다. 경기를 이기기위한 가장 기본적인 방법은 핀폴입니다. 이것은 레슬러를 깔고 앉았거나 걸쳤거나 혹은 어깨를 잡아서 카운트 3을 셀때까지 버티는 것이죠. 레슬러들은 서브미션으로 이길수도 있습니다. 잡히고 있는 레슬러가 계속 고통을 얻고 그 고통이 결국 버틸수없을만큼 커지면 그 레슬러는 심판에게 항복을 선언하게 됩니다. 그러면 심판이 경기를 마무리짓고 승자에게 서브미션승을 줍니다.
Whereis it popular? • It was popular in America. GOOD!
Who is a famous player of this sport ? ‘ Randy Orton ‘ ‘ John Cena ’
Who is a famous player of this sport ? ‘ Chris Jericho ’ ‘ Undertaker’
Why do you like it? • I think it is very funny pageantry. actually it is exciting. colorful lighting, nice players… everything fascinating. I love Pro Wrestling !