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Khnum (Khenmew, Khnemu, Khenmu, Chnum)

By Steven Hunt. Khnum (Khenmew, Khnemu, Khenmu, Chnum). Elephantine. Khnum had his cult centered in the island of Elephantine. Around the 18 th and 19 th dynasty the pharro of the time built the temple of khnum. Esna is the town that the temple is centered.

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Khnum (Khenmew, Khnemu, Khenmu, Chnum)

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  1. By Steven Hunt Khnum (Khenmew, Khnemu, Khenmu, Chnum)

  2. Elephantine • Khnum had his cult centered in the island of Elephantine. • Around the 18th and 19th dynasty the pharro of the time built the temple of khnum. • Esna is the town that the temple is centered. • khnum-Satet-Anuket were the triad of Elephantine

  3. Khnum was Worshiped as early as 2800 BC • Khnum was one of the earliest deities and was originally the source of the Nile. • Many cultures of Egypt thought of him as the creator god who created the human civilization. • Khnum was in many pyramid texts of ancient Egypt.

  4. Khnum was a god of creation. • He was believed to become a creation god because of the clay that the annual flood brought. • He used this clay to create children and their Ka on his potters wheel. • The ram represented ferility because it was a very potent animal that had many offspring. CREATION GOD

  5. WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKE? • Khnum was viewed as a man with a ram’s head. Or just a man with curly horns. • The ram horns represent early ancestry because they were the same horns as an early type of ram.

  6. GOD OF THE NILE • Khnum was also believed to be the source of the Nile. • In pyramid texts he was shown pouring water out of a pot which made him seen as the source of the nile. • He was also thought to be the god who controlled the flood gates.

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