What is college culture?It's the combination of language, behavior, values, and philosophy or outlook that are part of a college education. It's the "rules," usually unspoken, that college students learn to fit into a college. College cultures differ from campus to campus, but there are some similarities.
*In high school, student behavior is often controlled. In college, students are assumed to be adults. *In high school, the only way to get out of a class is to drop out of school or create a huge fuss. In college, students often sign up for extra classes to shop around, and they can drop well into the semester. If they stop coming they will not necessarily be dropped. College teachers let non-attending students deal with their own paperwork, or it doesn't get done. Students who stop attending and neglect to drop get Fs.
*In high school, students are forced to stay in school and punished for cutting class. In college, students choose to come to class or not. They are considered adults who take the responsibility for the consequences of their own actions in grades or later earning power. *In high school, teachers often end up being disciplinarians. Discipline problems are very rare in college, and teachers focus more on teaching. If discipline becomes a problem the students will quickly and easily be removed from class so the focus on learning is retained.
Learning to deal with procrastination and setting your mind for things you want to achieve whether it is physically or mentally.
Before I can make my dreams of attending the University of Texas at Austin I will have to learn to take full responsibility of myself. I still have at minimum two years to learn how to do that.