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STAAR Modified Assessment Updates 2013-2014. Education Service Center Region XI Fort Worth, Texas. RETN Etiquette. Please turn OFF cell phones If you must take a call, please take it outside. Be sure your microphones are muted. Remember…
STAAR Modified Assessment Updates2013-2014 Education Service Center Region XI Fort Worth, Texas Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
RETN Etiquette Please turn OFF cell phones If you must take a call, please take it outside Be sure your microphones are muted. Remember… You may be seen or heard by other sites at any time, even if you are not speaking to the presenter. Candid Camera Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Attendance and Handouts Credit for Attendance Access to Handouts Handouts are available online on the ESC Region XI website at http://www.esc11.net/Page/3791 Click on “STAAR Modified Training Resources” on the left side menu • Your district site manager should provide you with a sign-in sheet • Please be sure that all participants who want credit for attendance sign-in • Coordinate with the site manager to return the sign-in sheet to ESC Region XI Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
After today, this session will be available for viewing via the VBrick system at http://vbrick.esc11.net Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Questions???Opportunities to ask questions will be provided throughout the training. srutherford@esc11.net817-740-7574 Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Objectives for this training • Review state assessments including changes to the requirements for modified assessments • Review ARD decision-making and participation requirements for STAAR Modified • Review other considerations relative to modified assessments Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Student Assessment Division Assessment Resources http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ • Resource pages • STAAR • STAAR Modified • STAAR Alternate • STAAR L • TELPAS • TAKS • TAKS Modified • Student Assessment Resources • A-Z Directory • Subscribe to the Student Assessment Mailing List • What’s New in Student Assessment Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
State assessments and changes to the requirements for modified assessments Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
TAKS Assessments Available for 2012-2013 • Exit level TAKS and TAKS (Accommodated) • Primary tests and retests TAKS-M is no longer available Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
TAKS Assessments for ELLs Receiving Special Education Services • TAKS, TAKS (Accommodated) • For TAKS program, no changes to • LEP postponements for exit level • Participation requirements for unschooled asylee/refugees More information on LPAC Resources webpage http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ell/lpac/ Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
State assessments and changes to the requirements for modified assessments Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
STAAR Grades 3 – 8Based on GRADE enrollment Includes modified and alternate assessments Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
STAAR End-of-Course Assessments (EOC)Based on COURSE enrollment NEW Includes modified and alternate assessments Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Which test do students take? Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
STAAR Assessments for ELLs Receiving Special Education Services • STAAR in English • STAAR in Spanish (grades 3-5) • STAAR Modified • STAAR Alternate • STAAR L in English The ARD-C and LPAC must collaborate on assessment and accommodations decisions Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
STAAR Modified http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/special-ed/staarm/ Note: Some documents have been updated. Be sure to check the date. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
THE STAAR MODIFIED PROGRAM “The USDE has informed states that assessments based on modified standards for students served by special education cannot be used for accountability purposes after the 2013–2014 school year. Therefore, all STAAR Modified assessments will be administered for the final time during the 2013–2014 assessment cycle.” TAA Letter August 2, 2013 http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=25769806228 Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
THE STAAR MODIFIED PROGRAM “Further information regarding plans for the inclusion of this population of students in the general assessment program beginning with the 2014–2015 school year will be forthcoming.” TAA Letter August 2, 2013 http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=25769806228 Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Other changes affecting STAAR Modified • STAAR Modified • No retakes for EOCs • Retake opportunities for SSI grades 5 and 8 has not yet been determined (look for this information in the 2013-2014 SSI Manual – not yet posted) • No 4th grade writing prompt studies for STAAR Modified this year Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Other changes affecting STAAR Modified • STAAR English I and II reading and writing will be administered as a one-day assessment http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ • STAAR Modified English I and II will also be a one-day assessment • 20% item reduction across all reporting categories for each subject • No short answer • No field test items • Different writing prompts • 5 hour time limit NEW Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Questions??? Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
ARD Decision-making Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
ARD Decision-Making • If STAAR, with or without accommodations, is appropriate for a student, the ARD committee must document this decision and the testing accommodations the student will receive. • Documented testing accommodations must be consistent with state accommodation policies posted on Accommodations Resources web page. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
ARD Decision-Making Accommodations for Students with Disabilities http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/accommodations/ • ARD committees must READ each accommodation document in it’s entirety • Accommodations must be used during instruction routinely, effectively, and independently Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
ARD Decision-Making • If STAAR, with or without accommodations, is NOT appropriate for a student, the ARD committee must review participation requirements for one of the alternate assessments. • STAAR Modified • STAAR Alternate Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Participation Requirements for STAAR Modified Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
STAAR Modified Page 1 Eligibility Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
State-Required Documentation Form • STAAR Modified Participation Requirements • State-required documentation form • Must be completed and retained by the district when eligibility for an alternate assessment is confirmed • MUST be included in the IEP Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
State-Required Documentation Form Determine who is responsible for verifying the information. • The district personnel who completes these forms should be a member of the ARD committee who can verify the information on the form • These forms should be completed during the ARD committee meeting when assessment decisions are made. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria • To be eligible to participate in STAAR Modified, the answer to all of the applicable questions must be YES. • If the answer to any of the questions is NO, the student is not eligible to participate in STAAR Modified and must participate in one of the other statewide assessments. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria • Circle the subjects/courses for which STAAR Modified is being considered • Circle NA, not applicable, for… • Subjects/courses for which STAAR Modified is NOT being considered • Subjects that are not tested at the student’s grade or courses that the student is not enrolled in for the school year under consideration Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria • The ARD committee must review each of the three questions for every subject or course being considered and circle YES or NO. • Each YES answer requires a justification that references the page number or section of the IEP that contains evidence that the student meets the criterion. IEP PLAAFP IEP PLAAFP IEP PLAAFP Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step I: Review the Eligibility Criteria • Do the student’s present level of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) statements in the IEP lead the ARD committee to conclude that the student is multiple years behind grade-level or course expectations and will not progress at the same rate and level of rigor as their non-disabled peers? • Does the student’s IEP contain standards-based (TEKS-based) goals indicating the modified content the student requires in order to access the grade-level or course curriculum? • Does the student require direct and intensive instruction in order to acquire, maintain, and transfer skills to other contexts? Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
STAAR Modified Page 2 Assurances Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step II: Discuss Assurances • Initial the assurances that verify that the decision was based on evidence and educational need and not on AYP calculations, previous assessment performance, placement or service delivery, or demographic information. • Assure that the committee discussed the impact of the decision on graduation plans and determined the courses (PEIMS number) or subjects that will be taken that year. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step II: Discuss Assurances Initials Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step II: Discuss Assurances Elementary/MS High School Modified coursework and assessment = Minimum High School program (MHSP) = No automatic admission into a Texas 4-year university Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step II: Discuss Assurances • Students are only eligible to take STAAR Modified if they are accessing the curriculum through modified instruction. “Modified” course codes end in “5” Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
PEIMS Codes for EOC Courses • Codes are provided for all 12 of the original EOC courses • Be sure the student is enrolled in the modified course with the appropriate PEIMS code • Districts should continue to use these PEIMS codes, even though the modified assessment will no longer be offered after this year Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Step III: Summarize Assessment Decisions • Indicate the subjects in which the student will take STAAR Modified if the eligibility criteria has been met. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Other Considerations for Modified Assessment Decisions Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Graduation Flowcharts Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division) • ARD Committee Resources for the Texas Assessment Program http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ard/ • STAAR Graduation Flowchart (students entering grade 9 in 2011-2012 and thereafter) • TAKS Graduation Flowcharts A and B
Reminders • If the assessment decision made at a previous meeting needs to be revised, it must be based on a change in instruction. • There must be a difference in how the student accesses the grade-level or course curriculum. • Simply passing or failing a prior state assessment is not sufficient reason to justify revising the assessment decision in the IEP. • The ARD-C must consider if the student has received adequate instruction or has had the opportunity to learn the skills that will be assessed. IEP = Instruction = Assessment Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Reminders • A student’s IEP must contain standards-based (TEKS-based) goals indicating modified content for the content area being addressed. • For example, the STAAR Modified Science assessment would not be appropriate if the student’s IEP only addresses reading skills with no goals specific to Science. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Reminders • If a student takes STAAR Modified in high school but is dismissed from special education before graduation • The student is now held to the same curriculum and assessment requirements as all other general education students for the remaining subjects and assessments. • Assessments and course requirements met while the student was in special education do not need to be redone. • The student will continue to meet requirements for the Minimum High School Program Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Reminders • If a student takes TAKS–M in high school but is dismissed from special education before graduating, the student now has to take and pass TAKS exit level ELA, mathematics, science, and social studies in order to receive a Texas high school diploma. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Since 2014 is the last year that STAAR Modified will be administered, what do ARD committees document in the IEP regarding assessments for next year? • Decisions about 2015 testing should not be made at this time for this population of students. • Further information regarding plans for the inclusion of this population of students in the general assessment program beginning with the 2014–2015 school year will be forthcoming. Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Anything else? • Stay tuned! • Keep checking the TEA website! Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
TEA Contact Information and Resources Student Assessment Division assessment.studentswithdisabilities@tea.state.tx.us Phone: (512) 463-9536 2013-2014 Student Assessment TETN Schedule http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/training/tetn-schedule/ Federal and State Education Policy (Special Education) http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index2.aspx?id=2147491399 Phone: (512) 463-9414 ARD Committee Resources for the Texas Assessment Program http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index3.aspx?id=3314&menu_id=793 Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)
Education Service Center Region XIStudent Assessment Contacts • Laura Carson: lcarson@esc11.net 817.740.7573 • Peggy DeMoss: pdemoss@esc11.net 817.740.7529 • Sharon Rutherford: srutherford@esc11.net 817.740.7574 Provided by ESC Region XI (Source: TEA Student Assessment Division)