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A subcontractor works with the with the main contractor to supply or fix any materials or goods or execute work forming part of the main contract. Essentially this contractor is employed by the main contractor.<br>
A subcontractor works with the with the main contractor to supply or fix any materials or goods or execute work forming part of the main contract. Essentially this contractor is employed by the main contractor.Generally a company have many sub-contractors to complete its some specific jobs, which only a sub-contractor specializes in. Subcontractor may also Supply Material Or May Only render services or in some cases, Subcontractor supplies Material and also renderes services. The work order to Subcontractor is issued based on the nature of workTo select a sub-contractor for hiring is a very important aspects like, the cost which the sub-contractor is charging, does they have efficient work force and what time they will take to complete the work.NFRA’s subcontract module brings this process to a very easier level to carry out. Subcontract
Work order The subcontracting process starts from issuing the work order to Subcontractor. The work order can only be issued to Evaluated Sub contractor. The work order stores the item for which the sub contractor has to be hired along with the details of sub contractor. It also stores the charges for the item, which can be in the form of percentage or a lump sump amount.
Estimating subcontractor This part of the module helps you in estimating different sub contractors on the basis of their prices for the services, labour charges and quantity. One can easily enter the fix only, supply and fix, lump sum pricing.
Hiring subcontractor On the basis of estimation done for the sub contractors, user hire the most economical in addition to the most efficient for the job. The data for rest of the contactors is saved for future reference along with the pricing of the hired contractor.
Subcontractor invoice Subcontractor would furnish invoice to the Main contractor/company based on the nature of work agreed in the work-order. The invoice can be either Supply Invoice, Service Invoice or Milestone Invoice. In anywhich case, the invoices issued by the Subcontractor, as per the Industry Best Practice is Certified by the Main contractor.
Subcontractors Invoice (Supply invoice/ service invoice / milestone invoice As most of the projects in contracting companies run for a long time and the contractor may want installments of payment after completion of certain stages or activity. Milestone lnvoice segment of NFRA caters to this need of contractor and based on the percent of completion and after deduction of the prior bills a contractor can generate the RA or milestone bill.
Conclusion One of the most hectic but of great importance work is to hire a subcontractor but with NFRA in place this can be done without going through any cumbersome process and with proper care owing to the importance of the process. jhttp://www.eresourceerp.com http://nfra.eresourceerp.com