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Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Part III

Understand the persistence and prevention of endocrine disruptors, focusing on the impact on glands like pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, and testicles. Learn about the basics of persistence, long-range transport effects, PBT endocrine disruptors, mass balance models, and the cumulative effects of these pollutants. Course objectives include recognizing persistence properties, assessment models, cumulative effects, and strategies for preventing persistent pollution.

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Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Part III

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  1. Environmental Endocrine Disruptors Part III: Persistence and Prevention Pineal gland Hypothalamus Michael H. Dong MPH, DrPA, PhD Pituitary gland Thyroid Parathyroid gland gland Adrenal Pancreas glands Ovaries Testicles (women) (men) Readings

  2. 05/30/2004, Elk Grove, California, USA

  3. Course Objectives • Learn the terms pertaining to a chemical’s persistence properties, especially those of an environmental endocrine disruptor. • Recognize the science-based criteria and assessment models for the determination of persistence potential. • Appreciate the cumulative effects due to a disruptor’s persistence properties. • Review the processes and strategies for prevention of persistent pollution.

  4. Basics of Persistence (I) • There are two major aspects or quantities of persistence for each chemical substance. • The first is its intrinsic or chemical persistence and the other, its persistence in the (overall) environment. • Environmental persistence is a term used to imply a constant quantity or availability of the chemical in the environment(s) at issue; this type of potential thus has greater public health importance.

  5. Basics of Persistence (II) • Chemical persistence is often expressed in terms of a substance’s degradation half-life. • The amount of material lost by degradation in a medium is determined both by the rate constant specific to the reactivity occurring in that medium, and by the amount (initially and subsequently) present in that medium. • For chemicals in the environment, their degradation half-lives depend not only on their physicochemical properties, but also much more on the environmental conditions.

  6. Basics of Persistence (III) • Environmental persistence is much more dynamic, situational, and complex, when compared to persistence in a single medium. • Many substances have properties that allow them to partition or dissolve in certain media, and even to speciate into a particular, irreversible form. • Environmental persistence thus should be evaluated on the basis of degradation rates, partitioning, speciation, and availability.

  7. Long-Range Transport • An important aspect of environmental persistence is its effects towards long-range transport (LRT) of the environmental contaminants. • Through LRT, persistent pesticides and other industrial chemicals can be present in remote regions such as the Arctic, where these substances have never been used. • The modes of LRT are not limited to atmo-spheric, oceanic, or terrestrial, but include cyclone activities and animal migration.

  8. PBT Endocrine Disruptors • Pollutants that are persistent, bioaccumu-lative, and toxic (PBT), of which a good number are endocrine disruptors, are long-lasting and can build up in the food chain. • PBTs are of great ecological concern because they can induce severe adverse health effects, such as endocrine disruption. • Numerical criteria have been set up to identify the persistence and bioaccumulation potentials of toxic environmental pollutants.

  9. Mass Balance Models (I) • For overall environmental persistence and persistence within a single medium, both the measurement and the quantity are typically based on some mass balance theories. • Mass balance per se is based on the law of conversion of mass; it builds on the concept that physical or chemical changes do not destroy or create matter. • In practice, the main task of a mass balance model is on knowing how much of a material is left in the form of interest.

  10. Mass Balance Models (II) • Mass balance models (MBMs) appear to offer the most convenient means for assessing a pollutant’s persistence in a single medium or in a multimedia environment. • Simple or multimedia MBMs are actually mathematical constructs designed to gain an understanding of the environmental behavior of chemicals. • In almost all cases, the use of multimedia or simple MBMs is limited by the availability of data on degradation half-lives.

  11. Low Levels of PBTs • For certain types of adverse health effects such as endocrine disruption, even low levels of persistent and bioaccumulative toxicants (PBTs) in the environment collectively are still of global concern. • This is because, by comparison, inducibi-lity of environmental endocrine disruption is not chemical-selective. • Yet more importantly, inducibilities of certain multiple PBTs for the same adverse effect are likely additive, if not synergistic.

  12. Cumulative Effects (I) • Concurrent or subsequent exposures to persistent and bioaccumulative toxicants, of which many are environmental endocrine disruptors, are of global concern even when these pollutants are present at very low concentrations. • Synergism or additive effects have been observed between steroid hormones; between temperature and hormone response; between weakly estrogenic compounds; and between pesticides.

  13. Cumulative Effects (II) • More recently, additive effects have been observed from the combination of a strong estrogen 17-estradiol and a weak estrogen such as bisphenol A, nonylphenol, phenyl salicylate, butylparaben, or genistein. • The natural estrogen estradiol is many thousand times more estrogenic than any of the weak xenoestrogens tested. • Additive antiandrogenic effects also have been observed with the pesticides vinclozolin and procymidone.

  14. Cumulative Effects (III) • Additive-like effects have been observed from multiple thyroid hormone disruptors given to rats; these disruptors are dioxins, furans, and dioxin-likes such as PCBs. • Other thyroid hormone disruptors, such as aldicarb, atrazine, and nitrate, also have been found to exert synergistic effects. • Cumulative effects of this type are highly critical in that thyroid functions are important for proper growth, metabolism, reproduction, mental development, etc.

  15. Cumulative Effects (IV) • Studies in various species (rats, salmon, mink, chickens) were conducted, which confirmed the bioaccumulative effects of concurrent or subsequent exposures to pollutants found in the Great Lakes fish. • So was an epidemiology study showing babies born with poorer visual recognition from cumulative maternal exposure to PCBs; mothers of this cohort consumed 2 to 3 meals of PCB-contaminated fish monthly for 6 years prior to and after pregnancy.

  16. Time of Exposure • While exposure to environmental pollutants is mainly a function of their availability, time of exposure is equally a very crucial factor in the induction of endocrine disruption. • For example, estrogen levels in humans and rodents were seen to increase steadily through-out the pregnancy period, primarily due to a feed-forward mechanism of regulation; that is, any dose of a xenoestrogen would be additive with the endogenous level, due to the lack of feed-back control during this period.

  17. Pollution Prevention (I) • The potency and toxicity of environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs) are less critical. • The effects of an EED’s persistence and bioaccumulation are much more dynamic, more attenuable, and hence more critical. • One effective method of intervention is to divert the pollutant to an environment where its degradation half-life can be shortened considerably; in addition, chemical bioaccu-mulation can be intervened by segregation of relevant predators in the food chain.

  18. Pollution Prevention (II) • All processes and strategies for prevention and intervention of environmental pollution revolve around the principles of use reduction and source elimination. • Modern methods tend to rely on integrated pest management and on chemical treatments for elimination and reduction of pollutants. • A great deal of sewage sludge and other wastes also have been reduced considerably in the USA through regulatory statues, such as the Clean Water Act.

  19. Pollution Prevention (III) • Scientific procedures have been adopted worldwide for the elimination and the reduction of persistent and bioaccumulative toxicants (PBTs). • Numerical criteria are incorporated into Canada’s Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations for qualifying pollutants as PBTs. • Using numerical criteria somewhat more health conservative, U.S. EPA has continued updating its PBT Profiler for many chemical substances.

  20. Pollution Prevention (IV) • International actions on persistent and bio- accumulative toxicants (PBTs) require a complex process of global compromise. • The Stockholm Convention in 2001 is a global treaty for protection from PBTs. Upon ratification, it will ban outright the use of 8 persistent pesticides and take initiatives to reduce the use of 4 non-pesticide PBTs. • Pollution prevention actually should start with an increase in public awareness of the environmental levels and sources of PBTs.

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