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Lesing. Inger Langseth Program for Lærerutdanning NTNU http://othprosjektet.wikispaces.com. Daniel Willingham. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiP-ijdxqEc. Litterære tekster Lærer i rolle Skriving inn i teksten Faktatekster Leserinnlegg Brev til.
Lesing Inger Langseth Program for Lærerutdanning NTNU http://othprosjektet.wikispaces.com
Daniel Willingham http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiP-ijdxqEc
Litterære tekster • Lærer i rolle • Skriving inn i teksten • Faktatekster • Leserinnlegg • Brev til
Før-kunnskap om tema ( hva eleven allerede kan) Før-kunnskap om kontekst ( hvor teksten befinner seg) • Før-lesning ( hva eleven tror teksten kommer til å handle om) • Lesing/Avkoding av teksten ( innholdsmessig, strukturmessig og språklig) • kritisk lesing/Tolking av teksten ( avsender, mottaker, budskap) • Kritisk literacy ( Hvordan er virkeligheten definert og hvem definerer den?) Leseprosessen
Retrieveinformation from independent parts ofthetext ( content) • Form a broadunderstanding from independent pieces ofinformation ( content) • Develop an interpretation from theunderstandingofrelationshipswithinthetext (content) Hereyoumaywant to usethequestions: who, whatwhere, why and when. • - Learn to use a setof terms and idiomaticexpressions (language) • Decodethetextonthe basis ofthestructure it is presented in ( structure) Tolking
- To whom is thetextaddressed? • - What is theintentionoftheauthor? • - Why has thetextbeenwritten in thisstructure? • - What is thestyle (formal/informal) ofthetext? • - What is thecontext (wheredoesthetextappear) ofthistext? • - Whatclaimsare not sustainable? • - Reflect and evaluatecontent and form oftext Kritisk lesing
- Whataretheassumptions and thepotentialimplicationsofthestatements? • - How is realitydefined and whodefines it? • - Howcouldthesestatements be interpreted in differentcontexts? • - Whatarethelimitations or contradictions in thisperspective? • - Who benefits from this? Kritisk literacy
Lesing - en kompleks aktivitet: • Strukturerer elevenes lesing • Tydeliggjør leseprosessen for elever som ikke har knekt lesekoden utover • Avkoding av nye ord • Kritisk tolkning av teksten • Kritisk literacy Leserammer skriverammer
An elderlycarpenterwasready to retire. He told his employer-contractorof his plans to leavethehouse-building business to live a more leisurelylifewith his wife and enjoy his extendedfamily. He would miss thepaycheckeachweek, but he wanted to retire. Theycouldget by. The contractorwassorry to see his goodworkergo & askedif he couldbuild just one more house as a personal favor. The carpentersaidyes, but over time it waseasy to seethat his heartwas not in his work. He resorted to shoddyworkmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunateway to end a dedicatedcareer. Whenthecarpenterfinished his work, his employercame to inspectthehouse. Then he handedthefront-doorkey to thecarpenter and said, "This is yourhouse... my gift to you."The carpenterwasshocked! What a shame! If he hadonlyknown he wasbuilding his ownhouse, he would have done it all so differently. So it is with us. Webuildour lives, a day at a time, often putting less thanour best intothebuilding. Then, with a shock, werealizewe have to live in thehousewe have built. Ifwecould do it over, wewould do it muchdifferently.But, youcannotgo back. Youarethecarpenter, and everydayyou hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Someoneoncesaid, "Life is a do-it-yourselfproject." Yourattitude, and thechoicesyou make today, helpbuildthe "house" youwill live in tomorrow. Therefore, Buildwisely! Building Your House
5Ws & 1h • Who? - who is the story about? • What? - what is the story about? • Where? - wheredoesthe story takeplace? • When? - whendoesthe story takeplace? • Why? - why is this happening? (This is not alwayspossible to answer) • How? - howthis story happened. http://ananova.com Newspapers
Electronic medium_ navigationtools and blurredboundaries • Printed medium_ definedboundaries • Authorbased (print/web 1.0) vsmessagebased (web 2.0) • Text type: • Description (answerswhatquestions. Impressionistic, technical, catalogue) • Narration ( fiction or non-fiction= blurred) • Exposition ( information is presented as a concept or a construct, as definitions, summaries, explications, minutesetc) • Argumentation ( answerswhyquestions, scientific) • Instruction ( manuals, recipes • Transaction (requests, messageselectronic) • Navigation tools • Mental tools for navigation ( lesestrategier) PISA 2009 readingliteracy
Tilegneseg kompetanse gjennom Internett L06: • Informasjon –velge, vurdere, systematisere • Velge informasjon • Systematisere informasjonen • Vurdere - sjekke kilder • Egenvurdering– fra informasjon til læring • Kunnskap og Før-tekstuell lesing. • Innholdet: Er dette sannsynlig? • Strukturen: hvilket budskap ligger i strukturen? • Teksten: Hva leste jeg nå? Avkoding • Tema: Hva lærte jeg nå? Tolking, refleksjon, Kritisk literacy • Forsterke kunnskap– interaktive oppgaver som fører til automatisering Kunnskaper
Increasing Word Recognition Skills in Students With LD • InstructioncomponentProgram Activities and Techniques* • Sequencing • The teacher: Breaks downthetask (e.g., starts by havingthechild break an unknownwordinto separate sounds or parts theycan sound out). • Graduallyreduces prompts or cues. • Matches thedifficultylevel to thetask and to the student. • Sequencesshortactivities (e.g., first spends 10 minutesreviewingnewwords from a previouslesson, then 5 minutesunderliningnewwords in the passage, and finally 5 minutespracticingblends). • Usesstep-by-step prompts. • Segmentation • The teacher: Breaks downthetargeted skill (e.g., identifying a speech or letter sound) intosmallerunits or component parts (e.g., soundingouteachspeech or letter sound in thatword). • Segments or synthesizescomponent parts (e.g., sounds outeachphoneme in a word, thenblendsthe sounds together). • Advancedorganizers • The teacher: Directschildren to look over material prior to instruction. • Directschildren to focusonparticularinformation. • Provides students with prior informationabouttasks. • Tells students theobjectivesofinstructionupfront. • * May be called Disadvantagedchildren IOP
http://osdemethodology.org.uk/units.html Literature