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TRACK OPINION RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED Delivering Insights Address: 3191, D-3 VasantKunj, New Delhi, 110070 Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
PANEL BOOK • Track Opinionis an international researchagencyspecializinginhealthcaredatacollection. Withoneofthelargesthealth-carefocused panelsin theindustry,Track Opiniondeliversthehighqualitydatayouneedtomakedecisionsyoucantrust. Track Opinionoffers both onlineandofflineaccesstomillionsof medical professionals and healthcareconsumersinover18countries. Access to over 200,000 Medicalprofessionals Around the globe Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
Introduction to Track Opinion • Track Opinion is a global market research and data collection service provider. We has extensive experience in market research and data collection through online and CATI medium. Our state of the art technology infrastructure helps us in fielding studies while delivering the superior quality standards. Our research findings have helped our clients to understand, strategize and take more informed decisions while ensuring the cost efficiency. • Track Opinion's project managers have an experience ranging between 12-20 years. The team has experience across various domains and aims to deliver best in class research services. Our research team has demonstrated the ability to deliver with accuracy and consistency while meeting the timelines. • Our online panel recruitment is done through www.opinionest.com. We recruit and incentivize our panelists through website. In countries where we don’t have presence we supplement panels through our affiliate network. Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
Physicians Professionals and Patients Delivering Insights Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
Who we are Access to Health Care Professionals • WhoWeAre • Track Opinion is a global market research and outsourcing firm that provides end-to-end custom research services. • TOexclusivelysurveyshealthcarepractitioners, professionals,patientsandcaregivers • AllTOstaffhailfromfull-serviceonlinepanelandhealthcaredata collection companies,andhaveexpertiseinallresearchmethodologies • UnprecedentedAccess:Over200,000 healthcare professionalsworldwideand500,000sufferers/caregivers • ProviderCoverage:Physicians,nurses,officeandhospitaladministrators,executivesandsupport personnel,dentists,veterinarians,pharmacists, optometrists,payors/managedcareadministratorsandexecutives • Patients,Sufferers andCaregivers:Patientsin150keytherapeuticcategories • Locations:Offices,hospitals,clinics,pharmacies • Tools:In-houseWebandtelephonesampling, programming,translationsandreporting;Webandtelephonesurveys( 50Web-enabledCATIstations);TDIs;online communities;healthcaresurveyappsfor smartphones,tablets Quality Assurance • Rigorousquality controlprocessesateverystageofthe project—starting withthequestionnaireprogramandfinishingwithafull assessmentofthedataset. • Checkingduringprogramming,includingmanualcheckingofprogramsandRandomDataGeneration • Red Herring questions • VerifyrespondentID’sthroughmatching & validation • RealTimeAutomated Checks • BackEnd Checks Network of Specialty Healthcare Panels • Facility-Plus:1,500+hospitalsand 70,000alliedHCPsinhospitalsandclinics • AnimalCare-Plus:1,000+registeredveterinarians and29,000supportstaff • OralHealth-Plus:20,000+OralHealthcareProfessionalsandsupportstaff • Pharmacy-Plus:20,000+pharmacistsandpharmacypersonnel • ManagedCare-Plus:9,000+managedcareandpayor systemorganizations • Physicians-Plus: 50,000+PCP’s,specialistsand10,000 +supportstaff Data Management • Besthardwareandsoftwaresolutionswiththeability to programandhostsurveysinanylanguagefordeployment toany countryintheworld. • Multiplequestionnaireprogrammingoptions includingCfMC,SPSS,Confirmit,Sawtooth • Data Processing. • Coding • Data Delivery • Custom Reporting Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Market Research • Double Opt-in Registration Panel members are required to register on our website, which is followed by registration through a confirmation link, which has been provided to the panel members upon registration. Until the new panel member complete their first survey, that particular member is held in a new member status. • Simple and Transparent Recruitment Respondents are clearly asked to participate in online surveys. We keep every communication with respondents transparent starting from the registration process, and also throughout their membership. Before becoming active panelists, they must agree to our terms and conditions of panel membership and then potential panel members always have easy access to our privacy policy. • The Panel Experience With an average response rate of about 35%, our panelists are highly responsive. This could be due to relevant surveys, programmed incentive management, team of panel management which is actively involved in panelist engagement. • Quality Control Measures Likelihood of a fraudulent activity is determined by us based on many factors; e.g., whether the respondent is coming from a proxy servers, high-risk IP address, or high-risk domain. To screen out suspicious applicants, we take the help of proprietary algorithm and other machine level information, which could provide us a fraud score. Every respondent's Quality Score is maintained by us, as soon as respondent joins our panel. Panelist is removed from the database, when the panelist Quality Score goes below minimum threshold requirement. Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
Health Care Professionals Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
Health Care Professionals Health Care Professionals Email: quotes@trackopinion.com | www.trackopinion.com
TRACK OPINION RESEARCH PRIVATE LIMITED www.trackopinion.com www.opinionest.com Piyush Khurana Client Servicing Office: +91-11-4052-7407 piyush.khurana@trackopinion.com For quotes, please send an e-mail to quotes@trackopinion.com