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Austin Energy Regional Science Festival February 18 – 21, 2015 Palmer Events Center. Teacher Orientation: Elementary Division www.sciencefest.austinenergy.com. Projects: 1,835 Students: 2,095 Schools: 174
Austin Energy Regional Science FestivalFebruary 18 – 21, 2015Palmer Events Center Teacher Orientation: Elementary Division www.sciencefest.austinenergy.com
Projects: 1,835 Students: 2,095 Schools: 174 School Districts: 18+ Judges &Volunteers: over 400 AERSF 2014 StatisticsElementary Division
We ask that you send 1 Judge and 1 Volunteer for every 10 projects you send from your school. Judges & Volunteers
Deadline to finalize School Registration packet Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5:00 p.m. Check in and Set up at Palmer Events Center Friday, February 20, 2015 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. Judging and Awards at Palmer Events Center Saturday, February 21, 2015 Schedule Highlights
Major Changes This Year: Numbers have been reduced in Elementary (not new but) No projects where the student has grown mold or bacteria will be allowed to participate What's New For 2015?
Parking will be free of charge to all participants at the Palmer Events Center Garage. Project Registration Fee is $15 All elementary projects must complete and submit an “Elementary Project Research Form” with their registration packets. Due to space limitations, late registration will not be allowed. Elementary division covers grades 3-6 only. No mold or moldy food projects!! Not new, but worth repeating!
-Failure to follow the “Code of Conduct” during the fair -Elementary Division students may NOT conduct a project that includes: • growing mold or bacteria (i.e. moldy food experiments etc); • discharging a firearm or air pressure canister device or potato gun; • chemicals hazardous to student health, or radioactive materials; • causing pain, suffering, or death of an animal • any other activity or substances that present a danger to the student or others. Restrictions – Grounds for Disqualification
Information for Participation Elementary Division All documentation is available online in English and Spanish at www.sciencefest.austinenergy.com
Items Not Allowed in the Exhibit Hall • No organisms; living, dead or preserved plants or animals* • No human or animal food No Bacteria or mold cultures • No liquids Allowed and Encouraged Items • Photographs, drawings, or toy animals/artificial plants should be used to depict the items not allowed. • Be sure to properly credit/acknowledge all photographers. Project Display & Safety Rules
Many students and parents have difficulty discerning the difference between Experiment and Exhibit projects. Experiments follow the steps of the scientific method clearly ask a question to which you do not already know the answer before testing Exhibits explain how or why something works reveal details about the topic are explanations, not questions Experiment or Exhibit?
6th Grade Elementary students may enter in the Elementary or the Junior Division 6th Grade Project Entry
Elementary Division – Based on School’s Student Enrollment Grades 3–6 0 – 499 Students 10 Projects Maximum per School500 – 699 Students 12 Projects Maximum per School700 – 899 Students 14 Projects Maximum per School900 + Students 16 Projects Maximum per School Junior Division Grade 6 70 Projects Maximum per School Maximum Project Entries
Print a Media Release Form and Student Checklist for each student who won at your school’s science fair By Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Finalize online registration and Submit a complete school packet to Austin Energy On Friday, February 20, 2015 from 2:00-7:00 p.m. Check in and set up projects at Palmer Events Center On Saturday, February 21, 2015 Students should be at their project 15 minutes before judging begins Attend the Awards Ceremony Dismantle Projects, 4:30–5:30 p.m. Projects not picked up by 5:30 p.m. on February 21 will be discarded. Teacher Checklist
Deadline to Submit Registration Packets: February 05, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Fees Student Project Fee $15 School Registration Fee $35 No late entries can be accepted! Registration Deadline & Fees
Deadline: Thursday, February 05, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Submit to our office: Copy of the school’s online registration confirmation Copy of Elementary Project Research Form Original signed Media Release for each student Payment or documentation of payment What is in a School Packet?
Awards for 2015 to be listed on website later this year. www.sciencefest.austinenergy.com 2014 Special Awards: Austin Energy Best Use of Electricity Austin Energy Best Use of Renewable Energy Austin Energy Best in Climate Protection Special Awards
Austin Energy Regional Science Festival www.sciencefest.austinenergy.com Science Fair support – ideas and “how to” for projects www.sciencebuddies.com Austin Science Education Foundation– non profit support organization for the regional fair www.austinscience.org Internet Resources
sciencefest@austinenergy.com Regional Fair Director Russell Cowen (512) 972 9532 russell.cowen@austinenergy.com Austin Science Education Foundation Ingrid Weigand ingrid.weigand@austinscience.org Advisory Committee Members: Barbara tenBrink, Chair SueAnn Decuir Michele Mann Lisa Rogers Ingrid Weigand Contacts