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Comparison of Web Services, RMI, CORBA, DCOM

Comparison of Web Services, RMI, CORBA, DCOM. Usha, Lecturer MCA Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Web Services(SOAP), RMI,CORBA, DCOM. Distributed object computing Objects communicate (app2app) Remote Procedure Call over network Extension of OO programming

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Comparison of Web Services, RMI, CORBA, DCOM

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  1. Comparison of Web Services, RMI, CORBA, DCOM Usha, Lecturer MCA Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  2. Web Services(SOAP), RMI,CORBA, DCOM • Distributed object computing • Objects communicate (app2app) • Remote Procedure Call over network • Extension of OO programming • The methods to build distributed systems/applications • Two dimension: • Protocols • Data binding (or language mapping)

  3. Evaluate a System Architecture • Interoperability • Different software and hardware on different machines from different vendors to share data • Scalability • Adapt to increasing demand • Expand to thousands of nodes • Usability • The ease to learn, to interpret the output • Flexibility • The ease that the system can be modified and adapt to new requirements • Accessibility, availability, affordability

  4. SOAP UDDI Registry 1 2 ServiceProvider 3 Request Web Server SOAP Dispatcher Service Objects Client Response

  5. RMI: Remote Method Invocation 1 RMI Service Object RMI Registry 2 3 Client

  6. RMI (2) • Protocol: Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) on the top of TCP/IP • RMI Server: • Define an interface • Expose a set of methods • RMI Client: • Lookup a server object reference in RMIRegistry • Invoke methods in the server object • RMI Registry • Holds information about available server objects • Naming mechanism: URL

  7. RMI(3) • Between Server/Client • Java objects are serialized and transported • Mobilized Code (Mobile agent) • Serialize object • transport the stream to the remote end • deserialize object • Execute code • For JAVA only

  8. CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture

  9. CORBA • ORB (Object Request Broker): object bus • Find a CORBA object’s implementation • Prepare it to receive requests • Communicate requests to it • Carry the reply back to client • CORBA server: has and interface and exposes a set of methods • CORBA client: • acquires and object reference to a CORA server object • Make a method calls on the object reference

  10. CORBA is a standard • CORBA is a OMG’s standard • IDL: Interface Definition Language • Not tied to one language • Transport: • GIOP (General Inter-Orb Protocol) • TCP/IP realization is called IIOP (Internet Inter-Orb Protocol).

  11. DCOM: Distributed Component Object Model Protocol: Object Remote Procedure Call (ORPC) • On top of DEC’s RPC • Server Object: • Multiple interfaces • Expose a set of methods • Client Object: • Acquire a pointer to the server object’s interface • Call the exposed method

  12. DCOM is COM on the wire • Server object: • Memory layout: C++ vtable layout • Written in diverse programming languages lie C++, Java, VB, Object Pascal (Delphi), COBOL • Require a platform supports COM services • Windows • Some companies provide products for UNIX, LINUX and mainframe

  13. Check against the Criteria • Interoperability • Different software and hardware on different machines from different vendors to share data • Scalability • Adapt to increasing demand • Expand to thousands of nodes • Usability • The ease to learn, to interpret the output • Flexibility • The ease that the system can be modified and adapt to new requirements • Accessibility, availability, affordability

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