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The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown. A One World Government. Chronological Proof Administration Proof Quotation Proof Tactical Proof. 5 th proof Control. Open your Bibles to: Revelation 13:11-18. 1 st control Food Supply.

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The Final Countdown

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  1. The Final Countdown

  2. A One World Government • Chronological Proof • Administration Proof • Quotation Proof • Tactical Proof

  3. 5th proofControl

  4. Open your Bibles to:Revelation 13:11-18

  5. 1st controlFood Supply

  6. Revelation 6:5-6 “When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand…

  7. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

  8. Recently, the Obama administration has created a “food safety” group to help “protect” the U.S. food supply. He stated that food-borne illnesses have increased greatly in recent years… Food Supply Fears

  9. including major salmonella outbreaks involving spinach, peppers, tomatoes, and even peanuts. He said, “We are not just designing laws that will keep the American people safe, but enforcing them.” Food Supply Fears

  10. In fact, if you don’t follow these new food laws they’re coming up with, you might lose your property. Another House Resolution called the “Food Safety Modernization Act”… Food Supply Fears

  11. calls for the creation of a Food Safety Administration to “allow the government to regulate all food production at all levels and even mandates property seizure for those who don’t comply… Food Supply Fears

  12. As well as fines up to $1 million dollars per offense, and criminal prosecution for those who don’t follow the regulations… Food Supply Fears

  13. Then another bill that called the “The Food Safety and Tracking Improvement Act” is not only backed by Monsanto, Archer Daniels Midland, and Tyson… Food Supply Fears

  14. Will give the government the authority to protect the “global food supply” with a national database of our food supply with electronic records to identify… Food Supply Fears

  15. “Where the food was grown, prepared, handled, manufactured, processed, distributed shipped, warehoused, imported, conveyed, to ensure the safety of the food.”… Food Supply Fears

  16. In fact, one of the guys pushing this said, “If the postal service can track a package from my office in Washington to my office in Cincinnati, we should be able to do the same for food products… Food Supply Fears

  17. And lest you think it’s is not going to lead to total control of our food supply, recently a SWAT team with semi-automatic rifles entered a private home of a food cooperative in LaGrange, Ohio… Food Supply Fears

  18. whereupon they herded the family onto their couches in the living room, and kept guns trained on them the parents, the children, infants and toddlers, from 11 AM to 8 PM… Food Supply Fears

  19. And then began rifling through all their possessions taking many items and the family was not permitted a make a phone call, they were not told what crime they were being charged with… Food Supply Fears

  20. They were not read their rights, and over ten thousand dollars worth of food was taken, including their personal stock of food for that coming year… Food Supply Fears

  21. They were virtually shut down and there was no rational explanation, no justification for this extreme violation of their Constitutional rights.” Food Supply Fears

  22. So why would they want to do that? Because haven’t you heard? 42% of Americans may end up obese by 2030 and unless we “bring this under control” our health care costs are going to skyrocket!... Obesity Fears

  23. In fact, a bill has already been introduced to do just that. It would allow federal and state governments to track how fat, or skinny, American children are… Obesity Fears

  24. And pretty soon, even here in America, adults will have to comply with their “health regulations” otherwise you could lose your job! Don’t believe me? It’s already happening!... Obesity Fears

  25. In fact, just to make sure you comply with these “new health regulations,” some states are not only starting to “ban” certain foods from restaurants, but they’re proposing a fat tax! Check it out! Obesity Fears

  26. In fact, it’s already started! Believe it or not, pretty soon, salted popcorn may become a federal offense! The FDA is planning to limit the salt intake of Americans for our own so-called “health protection”… Obesity Fears

  27. And it’s not just popcorn but all salt content in sauces, breads, and thousands of other products, and the main culprits behind this called, “The Center for Science in the Public Interest” or (CSPI)… Obesity Fears

  28. They are being called the new “food police” and it’s headed up by a guy named Michael Jacobson who is a rabid Vegetarian… Obesity Fears

  29. And he’s not only “horrified” by nearly anything we choose to eat, but he’s calling for taxes on all kind of foods, and attacking just about everything we eat!… Obesity Fears

  30. In fact, critics are starting to ask him, “Well, what’s left to eat?” And Jacobsen suggests a sandwich of lettuce and bread - but be careful, because the bread has salt in it… Obesity Fears

  31. and the lettuce may have been sprayed with chemicals, and his advice is a “near starvation” diet of potatoes and carrots, but don’t over indulge in them… Obesity Fears

  32. Gee, what’s next? A forced diet of “wheat” & “barley?” And he actually says, “That the American public cannot be trusted to make their own choices with food, so he must do it for them.” Obesity Fears

  33. 2nd controlWater Supply

  34. Revelation 8:6,8-11 “Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. The second angel sounded his trumpet…

  35. and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed…

  36. The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water, the name of the star is Wormwood…

  37. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.”

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