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Today’s Learning Log Questions:

Explore the fundamentals of cancer, including the two types of tumors, asexual reproduction in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and the importance of cell cycle regulation for healthy growth. Learn how internal and external factors influence cell division, the role of growth factors, kinases, cyclins, and apoptosis, as well as the impact of carcinogens and standard cancer treatments. Discover why cancer cells divide uncontrollably and the difference between benign and malignant tumors.

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Today’s Learning Log Questions:

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  1. Today’s Learning Log Questions: What is cancer? What are the two types of tumors? What is asexual reproduction? What type of asexual reproduction occurs in prokaryotes? What type of asexual reproduction occurs in eukaryotes?

  2. KEY CONCEPTCell cycle regulation is necessary for healthy growth.

  3. Internal and external factors regulate cell division. • External factors include physical and chemical signals. • Growth factors are proteins that stimulate cell division. • Most mammal cells form a single layer in a culture dish and stop dividing once they touch other cells.

  4. Two of the most important internal factors are kinases and cyclins. • External factors trigger internal factors, which affect the cell cycle.

  5. webbed fingers • Apoptosis is programmed cell death. • a normal feature of healthy organisms • caused by a cell’s production of self-destructive enzymes • occurs indevelopmentof infants

  6. normal cell cancer cell bloodstream Cell division is uncontrolled in cancer. • Cancer cells form disorganized clumps called tumors. • Benign tumors remain clustered and can be removed. • Malignant tumors metastasize, or break away, and can form more tumors.

  7. Cancer cells do not carry out necessary functions. • Cancer cells come from normal cells with damage to genes involved in cell-cycle regulation.

  8. Carcinogens are substances known to promote cancer. • Standard cancer treatments typically kill both cancerous and healthy cells.

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