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Comprehensive Guide to C++ Operator Overloading Techniques

Today’s lecture focuses on operator overloading in C++, covering syntax, examples, and a full list of overloadable operators. Discover how to effectively overload operators for complex number calculations and string concatenation.

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Comprehensive Guide to C++ Operator Overloading Techniques

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Programming Lecture 31

  2. Operator Overloading

  3. Today’s Lecture • Operators • Syntax for overloading operators • How to overload operators ?

  4. Complex Number

  5. complex c1 , c2 , x ; x = cadd ( c1 , c2 ) ;

  6. x = cadd ( cadd ( a , b ) , c ) ;

  7. Operators • The complete list of C++ operators that are overloaded is as follows + - * / % ^ & | ~ ! = < > += -= *= /= %= ^= &= |= << >> >>= <<= = = != <= >= && | | ++ - - -> * , -> [ ] ( ) new new[ ] delete delete [ ]

  8. a + b

  9. Date.day

  10. Example Return_type operator + (Argument_List) { // Body of function }

  11. a * b + c ;

  12. x = y + z ;

  13. Example class Complex { private : double real ; double imag ; public : // member function }

  14. Example Complex c1 , c2 ; c1 = c2 ; Is equivalent to c1.real = c2.real ; c1.imag = c2.imag ;

  15. Complex operator + ( Argument_ list ) ;

  16. Example Complex Complex :: operator + ( Complex c ) { Complex temp ; temp.real = real + c.real ; temp.imag = imag + c.imag ; return temp ; }

  17. Complex x , y , z ;z = x + y ;

  18. z = x + d ; Complex Number Complex Number Double Precision Number

  19. Complex operator + ( double d ) ;

  20. z = x + y ;z = x + d ;

  21. Example Complex Complex :: operator + ( Complex c ) { Complex temp ; temp.real = real + d ; temp.imag = imag ; return temp ; }

  22. z = d + x ; Complex Number Complex Number Double Precision Number

  23. Friend Function

  24. User Defined Data types

  25. <<

  26. Example main ( ) { Complex c1 ( 1 , 2 ) , c2 ( 3 , 4 ) , c3 ; c3 = c1 + c2 ; c1.display ( ) ; c2.display ( ) ; c3.display ( ) ; }

  27. Complex operator + ( Complex & c ) ; C is a reference to a complex number

  28. i += 2 ; i = i + 2 ;

  29. c1 += c2 ;

  30. Example Complex operator += ( Complex & c )

  31. Example Complex Complex :: operator += ( Complex & c ) { real += c.real ; imag += c.imag ; }

  32. Example Complex operator + ( Complex & c1 , Complex & c2 ) { Complex temp ; temp.real = c1.getreal ( ) + c2.getreal ( ) ; temp.imag = c1.getimag ( ) + c2.getimag ( ) ; return temp ; }

  33. Example class String { private : char s [ 30 ] ; public : String ( ) { strcpy ( s , "" ) ; } // Declaration (prototype) of overloaded sum operator String operator + ( String c ) ; } ;

  34. Example String String :: operator + ( String c ) { String temp ; strcpy ( temp.s , "" ) ; strcat ( temp.s , s ) ; strcat ( temp.s , c.s ) ; return temp ; }

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