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This course explores the principles and practices of teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP), focusing on needs analysis, syllabus design, and materials evaluation. Learn how to cater to learners' specific needs and develop effective ESP courses.
BBI 3211ENGLSIH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP)Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Bee Hoontanbh@upm.edu.myTel: 03 8946 8911
Course Objectives 1. Identify the differences between teaching/learning ESP and General English 2. Explain the different perceptions about needs analysis 3. Describe the different approaches to needs analysis 4. List and describe the possible constraints on the process of analysing needs and designing ESP courses 5. Identify the various approaches to ESP course design 6. Determine how special languages can be analysed and described 7. Describe the role of ESP practitioners and appropriate methodology in ESP 8. Identify the features of sound ESP materials 9. Describe the functions of evaluation and apply techniques of assessment in ESP
What is ESP? a branch of ELT learner-centred (needs, preference) content-based approach
ESP practitioners • Teachers • Course designers • Material developers • Researchers • Collaborators • Evaluators
Characteristics of ESP Absolute characteristics: • based on learners’ needs • the learning content (themes, topics, tasks) is related to a specific discipline / profession • the language learnt (grammar, lexis, register, skills, discourse, and genres) is specific to the discipline A discourse community
Characteristics of ESP Variable characteristics: • ESP may use a different methodology from that of GE • ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners • ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced learners
Types of ESP • English as a restricted language e.g: • English for Academic Purposes e.g: • English for Occupational Purposes e.g: • English with Specific Topics e.g:
Question: In what way(s) is EAP different from EOP?
Contents:1. Introduction to ESP )2. Learner needs analysis ) Mid3. Syllabus and Course design)4. Description of special languages) 5. ESP materials )6. ESP methodology )Final7. Evaluation and assessment )
Main texts:BBI 3211 Modules: English for Specific PurposesDudley–Evans, T., & St. John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Basturkmen, H. (2010). Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
References:1. Hutchinson, T. and Waters. A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centred Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2. Basturkmen, H. (2005). Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.3. McGrath, I. (2002). Materials evaluation and Design for Language Teaching. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.4. Orr, T. (2002). English for Specific Purposes. New York: TESOL Inc.
5. Johns, A. M. and Dudley-Evans, T. (1991). English for Specific Purposes: international in scope, specific in purpose. TESOL Quarterly, 25(2): 297-314.6. Robinson, P. C. (1991). ESP Today: A Practitioner's Guide. London: Prentice Hall International.7. Swales, J. M. (1988). Episodes in ESP. London: Prentice Hall.8. Belcer, D. (2009). English for specific purposes in theory and practice. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Evaluation:Assignment 1 - 20%Assignment 2 - 20%Mid-sem Exam - 30%Final Exam - 30%
NEEDS ANALYSIS • A known target situation • A definable need to communicate in English
Target Needs • Necessities – • Lacks – • Wants –
Objective needs Vs Subjective needs
A Framework for Target Situation Needs Analysis (Hutchinson & Waters 1989:58)
In an ESP class Consider: • The starting point (lacks) • The destination (necessities) • The journey (learning needs)
A Framework For Learning Needs Analysis (Hutchinson & Waters 1989:60) Present Situation Needs (Robinson 1991:9)
Course Design Main elements: Need analysis Designer’s approach Methodology Materials Evaluation / Improvement
Approaches to CourseDesign Language-centred Approach Skills-centred Approach Learning–centred Approach
Language-centred Approach • Refer to Hutchinson & Waters 1989:66 • Focusing on language used at target situations • Weaknesses: i. ii. iii.
Skills-centred Approach • Refer to Hutchinson & Waters 1989:71 • Focusing on skills and strategies used at target situations (skills vs strategies) • Weaknesses: i. ii.
Learning–centredApproach • Refer to Hutchinson & Waters 1989:74 • Focusing on the learning process that is negotiable and dynamic
Syllabus Design What is a syllabus?
Categories of Syllabus Design 1. Content: forms, functions, notions, situations, topics 2. Skill: productive, receptive, learning 3. Method: process, procedure
Types of Syllabus • Structural • Notional / Functional • Situational • Integrative / Single Skill • Communicative • Procedural • Thematic
Course Blog A course blog has been created for you at http://BBI3211.blogspot.com Students are requested to create an account at www.blogger.com. Use your real name to register so that I know who you are for grading. After creating your blog account, you must add the course blog by typing in the URL as above. Then you will be invited to the course blog.
Assignment I:Write a summary based on a topic discussed in the PJJ ESP Modules. Pick one of the topics below: - Introduction to ESP: rationale, theory, approaches and applications - Needs analysis for ESP - Analyzing ESP language - Syllabus and course design for ESPYou must post the summary to the course blog, and also respond to other blog posts.20% Submit 1 week before mid exam
Assignment II: 20%Identify a journal paper related to one of the ESP topics in the PJJ ESP Modules. Refer to related journal websites: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/english-for-specific-purposes/http://www.asian-esp-journal.comWrite a review based on the subheadings below: - Background of the Study - Identification of the Problem - Objectives of the Study - Research method - Results and Findings - Recommendations and ConclusionSubmit your review to Turnitin after you register as a student user at www.turnitin.com. Classname: BBI3211; Class ID:7717500; enrolment password: ESPBABE.Then post the review and the journal paper to me 2 wks before the Final Exam.
Plagiarism: How to avoid- Don’t copy verbatim - Use your own words (paraphrase)- Acknowledge work or ideas taken - citation formats - text-dominant style preferred- Use quotations if absolutely needed.
Citation formats:Reference list at the end of text- APA style:Altmann, G. T. M. (2001). The language machine: Psycholinguistics in review. British Journal of Psychology, 92(1), 129-171.Scovel, T. (1988). A time to speak: A psycholinguistic inquiry into the critical period for human speech. USA: Thomson Learning.