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Why Do Quick Attack ICS?

Why Do Quick Attack ICS?. Many airports are not prepared to handle aircraft incidents in a timely and safe manner that will save lives. Why under-prepared?. Rely on plans that are seldom practiced Too many people involved with no accountability

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Why Do Quick Attack ICS?

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  1. Why Do Quick Attack ICS? Many airports are not prepared to handle aircraft incidents in a timely and safe manner that will save lives.

  2. Why under-prepared? • Rely on plans that are seldom practiced • Too many people involved with no accountability • Plans are not a realistic reflection of actual incident response capabilities • Drills, when required are very well planned and pre-staged…not realistic • Communication problems among: (next slide)

  3. Various airport participants • Mutual aid agencies • Mutual aid agreements • “That’s not my job” syndrome • Lack of resources • Lack of training • Lack of attention, until something happens? • You can name the problems at your airport...

  4. Quick Attack ICS is a start • Quick Attack ICS initiates strong command and control of all incidents from the moment they are recognized. • Accountability and Responsibility are built in from the very first arriving responder. • The model is simple, flexible, and used nationally by most first responding fire agencies.

  5. Quick Attack ICS is a start • The system grows as the resources arrive, instead of waiting for resources to arrive and organize the incident. • This model ICS meets all of the standards for command systems as required by federal law. • Does not limit current plans, but helps drive the plan and help prioritize needs for response

  6. Model can be tailored to fit all airports • Model works well with both large and small scale airports and incidents • Model has common terminology so that all responders, no matter what geographical region of the world can speak the same response language. • Model and modular framework for ease of use and understanding. • Model has crucial elements, such as Span of Control, Unity of Command built-in.

  7. Quick Attack ICS quickly becomes large scale NIMS ICS that includes unified command systems and emergency operation centers. • The Quick Attack ICS model is newer to airport responders, but has been used for sometime by structural fire agencies. • Original ICS model was formulated in the early 1970’s in southern California to coordinate multi-agency response on wildland fires (FIRESCOPE)

  8. Large scale Coast Guard and NWCG NIIMS models are to cumbersome for potential mass casualty aircraft disasters that need instant command and control. • There is no time for a written incident action plan, it is oral. • Most aircraft incidents will be in the investigative stages in the time it takes to staff NIIMS model ICS.

  9. Patient treatment and transfer in a limited geographical area with instant potential crucial life safety issues require a modified ICS system for aircraft response. • Quick Attack ICS is fully expandable as larger airports stand up their EOC’s and emergency staffs. Remote and smaller airports could potentially rely on Quick Attack ICS until transferred to investigative authorities.

  10. Rural and Remote Airports • Do not have the resources to staff NIIMS ICS operations • Model initially does not have: • a planning, logistics,finance section • liaison and information come later if needed and available by IC • Smaller and remote operations will find this model effective and useful

  11. NIMS and Quick Attack ICS What is NIMS? Why do we have to use NIMS?

  12. NIMS is… Core set of Doctrine Concepts Principles Terminology Organizational Processes Applicable to all hazards NIMS is not… An operational incident management plan A resource allocation plan A terrorism/WMD specific plan Designed to address international events NIMS: What It Is / What It’s Not

  13. What is the National Incident Management System, or NIMS? • A system that provides a consistent nationwide approach for incident management • Requires Federal, State, Tribal, and Local governments to work together before, during, and after incidents • Involves preparing for, preventing, responding to, and recovering from domestic incidents • All causes, sizes, and complexities of incidents

  14. Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 5 • Directed Secretary, DHS to develop and administer: • National Incident Management System (NIMS) • Core set of concepts, principles, and terminology for incident command and multi-agency coordination • National Response Plan (NRP) All-discipline, all hazards plan National Response Plan (NRP) created to replace the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) as a guide for Federal Agencies disaster response

  15. Six NIMS Components • Command and Management • Preparedness • Resource Management • Communications an Information Management • Supporting Technologies • Ongoing Management and Maintenance

  16. COMMAND AND MANAGMENT • ICS falls under the Command and Management of the section of NIMS. • Single Command • Unified Command • Area Command • Emergency Operation Center • Joint information Centers

  17. PREPAREDNESS • Second section of NIMS • Training and Exercises “Organizations and personnel at all levels of government, and within the private sector and nongovernmental organizations, must be appropriately trained to improve all-hazards incident management capability nationwide.”

  18. PREPAREDNESS • Qualifications and Certification • All responders and their supervisors and management must have completed I-700 by October of 2005. • Federal funding will be with held from any agency (Federal, State, Local, Tribal) receiving such federal preparedness assistance (grants, contracts, etc.) if the minimum levels established by the National Integration Center (NIC) for NIMS training are not met.

  19. The means for one jurisdiction to provide resources, facilities, services, and other required support to another jurisdiction during an incident: Definitions Roles and Responsibilities Procedures for requesting and providing assistance Notification procedures Communication protocols Relationship with other jurisdiction agreements Workers Comp, liability, immunity treatments Qualifications and Certification Sharing Agreement as Required PREPAREDNESS Mutual Aid Agreements

  20. PREPAREDNESS AIRPORT EMERGENCY PLANS, • NIMS Integration Center (NIC) • In the process of formulating all policy and guidance for end users at all levels. • Training, certification, standards, reviewing and approving, data tracking, equipment typing, etc. are under development • NIMCAST

  21. Impact on Local Agencies • All response agencies must use ICS • Personnel are required to meet national qualifications and certification standards to support an incident that transcends interstate jurisdictions • State and local jurisdictions will be strongly encouraged to implement mutual aid agreements

  22. Impact on Local Agencies • The National Wildfire Coordinating Group ((NWCG) ICS training will be used as model course curricula and materials applicable to NIMS: • Quick Attack for Airports was written using this same model and fits all NIMS requirements; however, it is designed to stand up immediately and not over the course of many days, as the NWCG model does.

  23. Impact on Local Agencies • NWCG course model for NIMS: • ICS 100, Introduction to ICS • ICS 200, Basic ICS • ICS 300, Intermediate ICS • ICS 400, Advanced ICS This should look familiar to all State of Hawaii DOT Airport personnel. They started these courses three years ago…

  24. What Next • NIMCAST is a great self-assessment tool and you can use the demo to see where you are at this time. • www.fema.gov/nimcast

  25. What Next • To get serious about training and exercises: • FEMA’s guide to Emergency Exercise discusses five elements that necessitates the performance of a lower level exercise before conducting a higher level exercise to finally reach the level of your tri-annual Exercise. It also takes care of your yearly table top requirement. • 1. Orientation Seminar 2. Drill 3. Tabletop Exercise 4. Functional Exercise 5. Full-Scale Exercise

  26. What Next First Responders handle 98% of all incidents in the U.S. This 98% usually never have to set up a command post because the incidents are small and easily managed. Never establishing command means we are not using ICS in the U.S. for over 90% of our events.

  27. What Next • Three things make us wiser: • The books we read Training • The people we meet Conferences, Networking • Life experiences Incidents • Are we reading enough books? Are we meeting the right people? Are we gaining enough experience to handle the large incident that WILL happen on our Airports?

  28. What Next Stacy Rogers (808)988-1904 feerc@hawaii.rr.com

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