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Explore a new messaging concept integrating multimedia content, content adaptation, and media handles. Learn about scalable cluster implementations and overcoming messaging limitations. Discover the innovative video messaging model and content adaptation services for diverse access methods and devices. Explore the split Outbox concept for scalability in handling media and handles separately.
MMB: Scalable Multimedia Messaging Boxfor Mobile and Wireline Internet Milind M. Buddhikot mbuddhikot@bell-labs.comDepartment of High Speed Mobile Data Lucent Bell Labs Sumi Choi, Scott Miller (syc@arl.wustl.edu, scm@lucent.com) Milind M. Buddhikot
Outline • Traditional messaging • Multimedia messaging • New ideas: Concept of “media handles” and “media outbox” • Integration of profile driven Content Adaptation • Multimedia Messaging Box(MMB) architecture • Software components • Scalable cluster implementations • Demo Milind Buddhikot
sendmail Traditional Mail Messaging Model smtp.sprint.com smtp.service.com chair.lucent.com • Messages: • Legacy: Documents (text, html, MSWord) and images. • New: Audio/video (Ex: MP3 music files, group meetings ) • Store-and-forward used for message routing/delivery • Inbox maintains delivered msgs for ‘A’ on bronx.dnrc • POP3/IMAP allows ‘A’ to access the Inbox • Mail client (eg. outlook) for interfacing inbox via POP3/IMAP • Messages stored in receiver A’s inbox Messages come to the receiver (A) A’s Outlook SMTP/TCP/IP sendmail sendmail sendmail SMTP/TCP/IP Msg delivery IMAP/TCP/IP IMAP Server A’s inbox smtp.aol.com Msg viewing B’s Outlook bronx.dnrc.bell-labs.com Milind Buddhikot
Store-and-forward inappropriate for audio/video messages Large video messages replicated many times Enforcing explicit content ownership is difficult Messages replicated by mail servers/receivers Enforcing content access permissions difficult Messages replicated/forwarded easily by receivers Solution: Concept of outbox and limited access to outbox Lack of support for diverse access methods, devices Clients (PC, Laptops, Pocket PC, PDA, cell phones) Networks (wireless/wireline) Solution: Content Adaptation Service Drawbacks Milind Buddhikot
IMAP/TCP/IP SMTP/TCP/IP New Video Messaging Model • Key Concept:receiving party comes to the media. • Video clips sit in the sender A’s outbox on outbox.dnrc • People who get a message connect to the A’s outbox and view the video! • Key difference: now there is an inbox that only ‘A‘ sees and an outbox that he can let others see. sendmail A’s Outlook IMAP Server A’s inbox Bronx.dnrc.bell-labs.com A’s Outbox Outbox Server outbox.dnrc.bell-labs.com Milind Buddhikot
sendmail IMAP Server A’s inbox Bronx.dnrc.bell-labs.com Media Handle A’s Outbox Outbox Server A’s Record GUI outbox.dnrc.bell-labs.com 2 MediaClip Wireless Access + Core Network MediaHandle 1 STEP 1: ‘A’ Records a message • ‘A’ records/uploads MediaClip and gets back a MediaHandle that describes the clip • MediaHandle contains <id, creator, created date, location, media type, expiry date, policies,…> Milind Buddhikot
A’s Outlook sendmail sendmail B@att.net IMAP Server IMAP Server A’s inbox B’s inbox Media Handle Media Handle Media Handle A’s Outbox B’s Outbox Outbox Server Outbox Server A’s Record GUI MediaClip Wireless Access + Core Network MediaHandle att.net STEP 2:’A’ Sends ‘B’ a Video Message Find B’s inbox on Att.net network And deliver handle Using SMTP/TCP/IP • Notice, ‘A’ sent ‘B’ the MediaHandle, not the MediaClip points2 Milind Buddhikot
sendmail sendmail IMAP Server IMAP Server B’s inbox A’s inbox B’s Outlook Media Handle Media Handle Media Handle A’s Outbox B’s Outbox Outbox Server Outbox Server MediaClip Wireless Access + Core Network MediaHandle att.net STEP3: ‘B’ Gets the MediaHandle • B’s outlook ran the playback GUI and gives it the handle Milind Buddhikot
sendmail IMAP Server A’s inbox Media Handle A’s Outbox Outbox Server RTSP MediaClip RTSP Control Connection for FF/RW, Pause, Stop, Random Search, Wireless Access + Core Network MediaHandle RTP Data Connection STEP 4: ‘B’ Watches the Video Message • Before clip is played back ‘B’ may have to be authenticated by A’s Outbox server! RTP used for the media data Milind Buddhikot
Adding Content Adaptation • ‘A’ has recorded his video clip in 1.5 Mbps MPEG2 format with 640 x 480 CIF resolution • ‘B’ only has a PDA capable of playing H.263 video from a wireless connection of 144 Kbps • Content adaptation adaptsA’s video clip for B’s need. (MPEG2, 640x480 (CIF), 1.5 Mbps) (H.263, 160x20 (QCIF), 144 Kbps) • Outbox server must support content conversions of • MPEG1,2,4, AVI, REAL, H.263, CMF for video • MP3, Wave, AVI, MPEG, Real for audio Milind Buddhikot
sendmail IMAP Server A’s inbox A’s Mailboxes A’s Outbox Handle Server A’s HandleBox MediaHandle IMAP/TCP/IP SMTP/TCP/IP IMAP++/TCP/IP RTSP/TCP/IP Media/Msg Server A’s MediaBox Media clip1 RTP/UDP/IP Seeking Scalability: Splitting the Outbox • A’s outbox split into two (logical or physical) boxes: A’s Handle Box and A’s Media Box • HandleBox stores the handles • MediaBox stores the media (a/v) clips • Can be implemented on physically different resources thus virtualizing the outbox Milind Buddhikot
Recap • A’s mailboxes now consist of • Inbox (for regular messages) • Outbox = HandleBox + MediaBox (for sending multimedia messages) • Legacy Inbox • Inbox written to by SMTP server • Inbox read by IMAP/POP3 server • New Outbox • HandleBox written and read by HandleBox Server Handlebox can be a traditional IMAP folder! • MediaBox written/read by MediaBox Server MMB: Media Message Box Milind Buddhikot
MMB: Media Message Box Milind M. Buddhikot
Scott’s Mailboxes Katie’s Mailboxes Mobile & Wireline Internet Tom’s Mailboxes C1000 Mailboxes Media Message Box (MMB) • MMB box supports legacy inbox and new outboxes • MMB box supports • SMTP forwarding (sendmaild) • IMAP/POP access (to legacy Inbox) • Interfaces for creating and managing handles (in HandleBox) • Upload and Streaming Recording (to MediaBox) • Content adaptation server and Profile server • Media access from message receivers MMB AAA and Profile Server Scott, Katie Tom’s Profile Milind Buddhikot
MailBoxBricks Client inbox, Client HandleBox MediaBoxBricks Store media files of clients Concept ofVirtual Outbox Each user is assigned to one MailBoxBrick Multiple MediaBoxBricks form distributed storage for multimedia files MailBoxBrick maintains “virtual outbox map” which media belong to which messages which messages belong to which user Ether Switch MediaBox Brick0 MailBoX Brick MailBoX Brick MailBoX Brick MediaBox Brick 1 MediaBox Brick (N-1) Scalability of MMB Milind Buddhikot
Advantages • Scalability • Adding New bricks on the fly when more space is needed. • Transcoding of each clip done locally at each MediaBoxBrick • Parallelism in transcoding • Fault tolerance and Load-balance • Controlled message replication Milind Buddhikot
sendmail inboxes IMAP Server Handleboxes JAVAMAIL Handle Server SMTP/TCP/IP IMAP/TCP/IP IMAP/TCP/IP TomCat WebServer HTTP/TCP/IP To adptation server HTTP Servlet MailBox Brick Implementation • Single Linux box with • SendmailD, IMAPd • HandleD • Media Access Interface • Handle server • Interfaces Handleboxes (implemented as a IMAP folder) • Allocates, deallocates handles • Media Access Interface • Servlets on TomCat provide web based media access from receivers • Authenticates users • Interfaces Gamma content adaptation server Milind Buddhikot
RTSP/TCP/IP RTP/UDP/IP Media Brick Implementation • Linux box with • Media storage • Media provider • Gamma content adaptation server • Media storage • Multimedia messages are stored • ftp upload • Streaming recording (not implemented) • Media provider • Plays back a media when requested • Streaming through Darwin • Directly from TomCat • Content adaptation • Gamma content adaptation server • transforms when required TCP/IP ftpd Darwin Gamma Content Adaptation Server Media boxes Milind Buddhikot
deity.dnrc (mail, media brick) sendmail inboxes IMAP Server Handleboxes JAVAMAIL ftpd HandleD soho.dnrc Profile Server (Tomcat) TomCat WebServer Darwin HTTP Servlet TomCat WebServer Media boxes Gamma Content Adaptation Server sau.dnrc (media brick) Demo Setup • Developed • Outbox • KNIEF client modifications • Three clients • Laptop • Picturebook • PDA Sumi Email Client Sony Laptop KNIFE Win98 To HandleD, ftpd Sony Picturebook W/ Camera WinCE Milind Salim PocketPC Milind Buddhikot
Sequence of Demo Steps • Video messaging • Create a handle with a MPEG movie file • Send the handle to a group of people (Sumi, Milind, and Salim) • Sumi receives the handle from a Laptop and access the media • Milind from a Picuturebook • Salim from a PDA • A handle appears on the inbox of each. • Retrieve and display the movie from the outbox • Other media format • Create a handle with a powerpoint file (treated as another type of media) • Send it to a receiver • Adapted content shown on the receiver’s device Milind Buddhikot
Summary and Conclusions Milind M. Buddhikot
Summary and Conclusions • A scalable Multimedia Messaging platform • important component of 3G wireless and other networks • Our Contributions: • Idea of Media Handles and Handleboxes • Scalable Virtual outbox • Integration of Gamma transcoding support for content adaptation • Software Implementation on Linux platform utilizing existing software • Integration with other services possible • SMSC, Billing (in progress) Milind Buddhikot
MailBox Brick 10 MediaBox Brick 6 MediaBox Brick4 MediaBox Brick0 MediaBox Brick (N-1) Client 2 Client M Scott Media Store C1 C2 CM m1 m1 m2 m1 mk m2 mk mk m2 Brick4 Brick6 Brick0 Brick4 Brick8 Brickj Bricki Brick5 Brick4 Virtual Outbox Map • Ex: <C1 , C2 …. CM> are clients served by MMB • Client C1 Scott’s Virtual Outbox == (MailBoxBrick10, MediaBoxBrick0,4,6) • assigned Scott’s (inbox, HandleBox) on MailBoxBrick10 • Scott has video messages < m1, m2, …. mk>. • HandleBox server (handleD) on MailBoxBrick10 assigns these messages to different MediaBoxBricks 0,4,6 creating distributed MediaBox for C1 (Scott) • m1 to 6, m2 to 0, mk to 4 etc. • Message atomically stored at a brick • No striping of messages Milind Buddhikot