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Witness the events leading to the arrest of Jesus, Peter's denial, and the confrontation before the high priest in this pivotal biblical passage from the Gospel of Matthew.
Gan Giduc Yiem Go Nyei Following Christ Standing Afar Off Matv^taai 26:57-75 Matthew 26:57-75
57 Zorqv Yesu wuov deix mienh dorh ninh mingh taux Kaa^yaa^faatv domh sai mienh wuov. Maaih njaaux leiz nyei fin-saeng caux mienh gox gapv zunv yiem wuov. 58 Bide gan jienv mingh mv baac leih go deix nyei, taux domh sai mienh nyei biauv-hlen bieqc laatc gu'nyuoz. Ninh caux zuov biauv nyei baeng zueiz jienv wuov, oix muangx gaax, naaiv deix sic hnangv haaix nor. 57 Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled. 58 But Peter followed him at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest. He entered and sat down with the guards to see the outcome.
59 Sai mienh bieiv caux Gunv Sic Wuic nyei zuangx mienh lorz jaav zorng-zengx gox Yesu weic bun ninh zuqc daix. 60 Mv baac maiv gunv maaih mienh camv daaih zoux jaav zorng-zengx, yaac lorz maiv duqv haaix nyungc gorn-baengx gox ninh. Zoux gau, maaih i dauh cuotv daaih.” 59 The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death. 60 But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two came forward.
61 gorngv, "Naaiv laanh mienh gorngv, 'Yie haih caeqv nzengc zaangc Tin-Hungh nyei biauv. Buo hnoi gu'nyuoz aengx ganh ceix jiez daaih.'" 62 Domh sai mienh ziouc souv jiez daaih naaic Yesu, "Naaiv deix mienh hnangv naaiv nor gox meih, meih maiv dau fai?" 63 Mv baac Yesu maiv ko lo. Domh sai mienh aengx mbuox Yesu, "Yie ziangv jienv yietc liuz ziangh nyei Tin-Hungh hatc meih gorngv zaqc mbuox yie mbuo, meih za'gengh Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn, Giduc, zeiz fai maiv zeiz?" 61 and declared, "This fellow said, 'I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days." 62 Then the high priest stood up and said to Jesus, "Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?" 63 But Jesus remained silent. The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God."
64 Yesu dau, "Se hnangv meih gorngv nor." Mv baac yie mbuox meih mbuo, nqa'haav hingv meih mbuo oix buatc yie, Baamh Mienh nyei Dorn, zueiz jienv Nernh Jiex nyei Tin-Hungh nyei mbiaauc maengx, yaac yiem wuov mbuonx njiec daaih." 65 Domh sai mienh haiz naaiv deix waac, ziouc betv ninh ganh nyei lui yaac gorngv, "Ninh ki Tin-Hungh! Mbuo maiv zuqc lorz haaix dauh zoux zorng-zengx aqv. Meih mbuo ih zanc zungv haiz ninh ki Tin-Hungh. 64 "Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” 65 Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, "He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy.
66 Meih mbuo hnangv haaix nor hnamv?" Ninh mbuo dau, "Ninh dorngc aqv. Zic duqv daic aqv." 67 Ninh mbuo ziouc tuiv wuom-nzuih naetv Yesu nyei hmien yaac longc buoz-juonh mborqv. Maaih deix longc buoz-zaangv mbaix, 68 yaac gorngv, "Meih naaic dauh Giduc aah! Cai gaax! Mbuox yie mbuo maah! Haaix dauh mborqv meih?" 66 What do you think?" "He is worthy of death," they answered. 67 Then they spit in his face and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him 68 and said, "Prophesy to us, Christ. Who hit you?"
69 Bide zueiz jienv biauv-hlen laatc gu'nyuoz wuov zanc, maaih dauh m'sieqv bou daaih gorngv, "Meih yaac gan wuov dauh Gaa^li^li Mienh, Yesu, maiv zeiz?" 70 Mv baac Bide dorng jienv zuangx mienh maiv nyiemc. Ninh gorngv, "Yie maiv hiuv duqv meih gorngv haaix nyungc." 69 Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him. "You also were with Jesus of Galilee," she said. 70 But he denied it before them all. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.
71 Gorngv liuz, Bide ziouc mingh taux wuov laatc gaengh. Aengx maaih dauh m'sieqv bou buatc ninh ziouc mbuox yiem wuov ga'hlen nyei mienh, "Naaiv dauh mienh yaac gan Naa^saa^letv Mungv nyei Yesu aex." 72 Bide aengx maiv nyiemc. Ninh gorngv, "Ndouv haaix nyungc yaac ndouv duqv, yie maiv hiuv wuov laanh mienh.” 70 But he denied it before them all. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said. 71 Then he went out to the gateway, where another girl saw him and said to the people there, "This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth."
73 Yietc zanc jiex, souv jienv wuov ga'hlen nyei mienh daaih gorngv Bide, "Zeiz nyei. Meih gengh yietc dauh wuov deix mienh aqv. Meih gorngv waac nyei qiex bun meih ganh bingx maiv mbueiz aqv." 74 Bide ziouc aengx ndouv jiez zioux gorngv, "Yie za'gengh! maiv hiuv duqv wuov laanh mienh." Liemh zeih jai nqaaix aqv. 72 He denied it again, with an oath: "I don't know the man!" 73 After a little while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, "Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away." 74 Then he began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them, "I don't know the man!" Immediately a rooster crowed.
75 Bide jangx zuqc Yesu gorngv nyei waac, "Jai zungv maiv gaengh nqaaix, meih maiv nyiemc yie buo nzunc." Bide ziouc cuotv mingh nyiemv duqv kouv haic. 75 Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: "Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times." And he went outside and wept bitterly.
Biux Mengh Introduction 1. Dongh wuov zanc Yu^ndaatc maaic Yesu nyei ziangh hoc, Ninh yiem wuov Getc^se^maa^ni. When Jesus was betrayed by Judas, He was in the garden of Gethsemane. 2. Bide oix tengx Yesu ziouc hngaqv dauh wuov deix mienh, paiv zuqc Mankatv nyei m’normh ndutv mingh (Yo^han 18:10), mv baac Yesu aengx tengx ninh daux jienv (Lugaa 22:51). Peter tried to help the Lord by cutting off the right ear of Malchus (John 18:10) and the Lord put it back on (Luke 22:51).
3. Mv baac naaiv nzunc , Ninh hatc Bide weic zuqc Bide longc ninh nyei nzuqc ndaauv paiv wuov dauh bou nyei m’normh weic oix njoux Ninh (Matv^taai 26:62). At this time, He rebuked Peter for using his sword in a futile attempt to save Him (Matthew 26:52). 4. Giduc haih heuc ziex cin dauh fin-mienh daaih tengx Ninh, mv baac naaiv maiv zeiz Ninh nyei ziangh hoc zoux nyei jauv. Christ could have called an innumerable number of angels to deliver Him but this wasn't the time for that.
I. To Gan Jienv Yesu Mingh Yiem Go Nyei Wuov Deix Mienh. Those Who Followed Afar Off - Then. A. Bide - Peter 1. Bide se benx yietc dauh aengx zoqc yaac gan jienv Yesu mingh. Peter would be one whom at least follows Jesus.
2. Ninh se Giduc nyei da’yietv dauh sai-gorx (Yo^han). He was one of Christ's first disciples (John). 3. Ninh guangc nzengc nyungc-nyungc mingh gan Ziouv. He had left all to follow the Lord (Luke). 4. Ninh bungx laangc nyei nyiemc Giduc zoux Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn (Matv^taai). He boldly confessed Christ to be the Son of God (Matthew).
5. Maiv gunv hnangv haaix nor yaac zeiz, dongh Giduc zuqc zorqv wuov zanc Bide gan jienv mingh mv baac yiem go nyei maiv oix bun mienh hiuv duqv ninh. However, when Christ is arrested, Peter decides to follow at a "safe" distance. 6. Matv^taai mbuox mbuo weic haaix diuc Bide gan jienv Yesu mingh taux jomc jauv. Matthew tells us why Peter even followed at all; "to see the end" (Matthew). 7. Bide gan jienv Yesu mingh gau dingx laaih ninh ganh yiem mienh camv mbu’ndongx, caux ninh yaac maiv nyiemc Yesu buo nzunc. Peter tries to lose himself in the crowd and in so doing, denies the Lord three times.
8. Bide duqv mengh dauh se weic zuqc nqa’haav ninh aengx goiv hnyouv yaac nyiemv duqv kouv haic (Lugaa). To Peter's credit, he repented with "bitter weeping" (Luke.) 9. Ging-Sou yaac gorngv Bide se benx yietc dauh Ziouv nyei ziepc zuoqv hnyouv nyei Gong-Zoh. Yiem jiex gorn wuov 12 zaang Gong-Zoh Sou gorngv taux Bide zoux nyei gong. Peter became a faithful apostle of our Lord. The first 12 chapters of Acts revolve mainly around him.
B. Ni^ko^nde^matv Caux Aa^li^maa^tie Mungv Wuov Dauh Yosepv (Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea). 1. Yiem (Yo^han 3:1-2): zaang biux mengh taux Ni^ko^nde^matv nyei jauv-louc. Nicodemus is introduced in John 3: (a). Ninh se benx maiv yiem zoux gong nyei dorngx, mv baac Yesu zipv ninh weic zuqc ninh funx Yesu se yiem Tin-Hungh wuov daaih (Yo^han 3:1-2). He recognized that no on could do the works that Jesus did except He be from God (John3:1-2).
(b). Ninh se benx dauh Gunv Sic Wuic nyei siemv zuiz jien (Yo^han11:47). He was also a judge, a member of the Sanhedrin Court (John 11:47). (c). Yaac caux jienv liuc leiz biopv mbuo nyei Ziouv. He assisted in the burial of our Lord (John). (d). Hnangv haaix yaac zeiz, ninh se benx dauh Yesu nyei sai-gorx mv baac maiv dorng zuangx. However, it appears that he was a disciple in secret (John).
2. Aa^li^maa^tie Mungv nyei Yosepv Joseph of Arimathaea (John 19:38): (a). Naaiv deix biei buonv kuv fienx sou yietc zungv gorngv taux ninh se benx Yiutai mienh nyei orn hnyouv guanh. Described in all four gospel accounts as a counselor of the Jews. (b). Ninh tov Yesu nyei sei dorh mingh biopv. He requested the body of Jesus to bury it. (c). Ninh se benx dauh Yesu nyei sai-gorx. He is described as Jesus' disciple (Matthew).
3. Dongh maiv gorngv mbuox wuov dauh sai-gorx An Unnamed Disciple (Matthew). (a) Naaiv dauh mienh oix gan Yesu zoux sai-gorx, mv baac ninh tov nzuonx mingh biopv dangh ninh nyei die. This man wanted to follow Christ but first wanted to bury his father. (b) Yesu gorngv mbuox ninh gunv gan jienv yie mingh aqv, sueih binc janx-daic ganh biopv janx-daic. Jesus tells him to "Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their dead."
(c) Yesu oix njaaux taux naaiv dauh mienh longc jienv nyei jauv se dongh haaix nyungc. Jesus wanted to teach this man what is priorities. (d) Giduc oix zuqc benx da’yietv yiem mbuo nyei maengc, maiv gunv gorngv mbuo nyei hmuangv yaac zeiz. Christ simply must come first in all our lives. Even before family. (e) Bun ganh nyungc daaih ndaangc se gan Yesu mv baac leiz go nyei. To put other things before Christ is to follow him "afar off."
II. Ih Zanc Dongh Mienh Gan Yesu Leih Go Wuov Deix Se. Those Who Follow Afar Off - Now. 1. Maaih i nzangh mienh. There are really two classes of people in the Lord's church. (a). Dongh ziepc zuoqv hnyouv hnamv Tin-Hungh caux zoux ninh nyei gong wuov deix. Those who are faithful and love to do God's work. (b) Maaih deix gan Tin-Hungh mv baac leih go nyei. Those who follow afar off.
2. Dongh gan Yesu mv baac leih go wuov deix se. Those who follow Jesus afar off: (a). Naaiv deix se gauh camv jiex daaih zoux leiz-baaix nyei, mv baac maiv dorh Tin-Hungh njaaux nyei waac daaih longc yiem ninh mbuo nyei maengc. These are the ones who attend, most of the time, but are not moved to action by the teachings of God's Word. (b) Naaiv deix mienh gauh camv jiex se bun ganh dauh zoux yietc zungv gong. These are the ones who are content to let others do all the work.
3. Naaiv deix mienh gauh camv jiex se mv mingh koi wuic. These are the ones who don't always show up when the church meets. (a) Naaiv deix mienh gauh camv jiex se ndorm muonz maiv doqc Ging-Sou maiv daux gaux. These are the ones who never read their Bible during the day and night. (b) Naaiv nyungc mienh jiex naaiv jiex wuov gorngv waac-huv ngopv naaiv ngopv wuov nyei hnangv. These are also the ones who are the first to murmur and complain.
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion: Meih puix duqv yiem haaix? Where do you fit in? Meih benx Yo^han fai Bide? Are you a John or a Peter? Meih gan Yesu mv baac yiem go nyei mangc hnangv fai? Do you follow Jesus but afar off?
Yesu gorngv maaih mienh camv nyei, "Heuc jienv yie, 'Ziouv aah! Ziouv!' wuov deix mienh, maiv zeiz dauh dauh haih duqv bieqc Tin-Hungh nyei guoqv. Kungx dongh ei yie nyei tin-dorngh Diex nyei eix zoux wuov deix duqv bieqc hnangv. 22 Taux siemv zuiz wuov hnoi mienh camv nyei oix mbuox yie, 'Ziouv aah! Ziouv! Yie mbuo dengv meih nyei mbuox douc Tin-Hungh nyei waac, yaac zunc mienv cuotv, yaac zoux jiex mbuoqc horngh nyei sic camv.' Jesus says,"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?
23 Wuov zanc yie oix gorngv mbuox ninh mbuo, 'Yie liemh maiv hiuv duqv meih mbuo niaa. Meih mbuo zoux waaic nyei mienh gaanv biaux nqoi maah!' (Matv^taai 7:21-23). “23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matthew 7:21-23).